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After a PhD in Medicinal Chemistry and some time in industry; I finally found my calling as a secondary school teacher in Chemistry. Enjoy! Please review the resources you buy in order for me to improve my teaching and my lessons




After a PhD in Medicinal Chemistry and some time in industry; I finally found my calling as a secondary school teacher in Chemistry. Enjoy! Please review the resources you buy in order for me to improve my teaching and my lessons
Edexcel 9-1 Sc17/CC4  Revision MAT /SHEET for Groups of the periodic table (Mendeleev) PAPER 2

Edexcel 9-1 Sc17/CC4 Revision MAT /SHEET for Groups of the periodic table (Mendeleev) PAPER 2

Edexcel 9-1 Sc17 Revision MAT / SHEET for Groups of the periodic table TOPIC 6 Groups of the periodic table PAPER 2- NEW for SEPTEMBER 2017 PLEASE NOTE - THESE MATS ARE MEANT TO BE PHOTOCOPIED AND LAMINATED FOR STUDENTS TO WORK ON PAPER (DUE TO LIMITED PHOTOCOPYING WITHIN THE DEPARTMENT CURRENTLY); THEY CAN BE ADAPTED SO STUDENTS CAN WRITE ON THEM BUT THAT IS ENTIRELY YOUR CHOICE 7 mats in total REVISION MATs - PART 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (with MOST answers - others are self-explanatory) USED FOR REVISION OF Periodic table and groups of the periodic table Main topics include: The perfect periodic table Group 1 Alkali metals Mendeleev Arrangement of the periodic table Group 7 Halogens Halogens displacement Group 0 Net ionic equations Ions 1/2 equations for displacement Oxidation Reduction OIL RIG All relating to specification (any pictures used have all been taken from the internet and I am not trying to claim rights to any pictures or information used) Enjoy !!! PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK and REVIEWS
Edexcel 9-1 TOPIC 7 CC14 Rates of reaction  PAPER 2 CORE PRACTICAL

Edexcel 9-1 TOPIC 7 CC14 Rates of reaction PAPER 2 CORE PRACTICAL

TOPIC 7 Rates of reaction PAPER 2- NEW for SEPTEMBER 2017 CC14a Rates of reaction CC14b Factors affecting reaction rates CC14b CORE PRACTICAL - investigating reacting rates (rates changing surface area and temperature) CC14c Catalysts and activation energy L1 Rates of reaction L2 Collision Theory L3 Concentration L4 Surface area CORE PRACTICAL L5 Graph skills CORE PRACTICAL L6 Temperature CORE PRACTICAL L7 Catalysts more detail for each lesson - see individual lesson upload All extension questions available on each slide Answers all underneath each slide Support also available where necessary All powerpoints have: - Summary questions - Independent learning Some powerpoints have: - Practical's - Group activities - AfL -Activate learning -Demonstrate learning All relating to specification (any pictures used have all been taken from the internet and I am not trying to claim rights to any pictures or information used) Enjoy !!!!
Edexcel 9-1 Evaluation sheets for CORE practical - Cover sheets RAG, Feedback, WWW, EBI + self asses

Edexcel 9-1 Evaluation sheets for CORE practical - Cover sheets RAG, Feedback, WWW, EBI + self asses

Edexcel 9-1 Evaluation sheets for CORE practical - Cover sheets OFSTED are very big on feedback from the teacher and the student and these can help to hit the boxes Chemistry Core practical descriptions: Core practical 1: Investigating the composition of inks Core practical 2: Investigating pH Core practical 3: Preparation of copper sulfate Core practical 4: Electrolysis Core practical 5: Acid‐alkali titration SEPARATE SCIENCE Core practical 6: Rates of reaction Core practical 7: Identifying ions SEPARATE SCIENCE Core practical 8: Combustion of alcohols SEPARATE SCIENCE They cover RAG (red, amber green), during the experiment and before and after the experiment, teacher feedback. WWW = what went well, EBI = even better if and both self assessment and teacher assessment I stick them in at the start of the lesson and review them at the end of the lesson/beginning of the next lesson. It gives me an idea where students are in terms of knowledge from the theory lessons, how their practical skills are coming on and their maths skills. It also gives a very good revision resource so students can decide what they need to work on and what the examiner wants during these core practical sessions. Students really like them Enjoy xxx
Edexcel 9-1 TOPIC 5 Sc15 Dynamic Equilibria + the Haber process: Haber process, Le Chatelier, Fertilisers, Fuel Cell, industry processes SEPARATE TRIPLE SCIENCE ONLY

Edexcel 9-1 TOPIC 5 Sc15 Dynamic Equilibria + the Haber process: Haber process, Le Chatelier, Fertilisers, Fuel Cell, industry processes SEPARATE TRIPLE SCIENCE ONLY

4 Resources
4 lessons Edexcel 9-1 TOPIC 5 Sc15 Dynamic Equilibria + the Haber process 1. TOPIC 5 Sc16a TOPIC 5 Chemical cells and Hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells Objectives: To know that a chemical cell produces a voltage until one of the reactants is used up To be able to recall how a hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell functions To evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of fuel cells for given uses 2. Edexcel 9-1 TOPIC 5 Sc15 Dynamic Equilibria: Industrial processes including large scale of the Haber process - Edexcel 9-1 Sc15b PART 1 Objectives: To understand Le Chatelier’s Principle (H) To predict how the position of the equilibrium is affected by changes in conditions(H) To understand how the time taken to reach equilibrium is affected by changes in the conditions (H) 3. Edexcel 9-1 Sc15b PART 2 Objectives: To recall the conditions for the Haber process To explain how the conditions are chosen for industrial chemical reactions (H) To explain the reaction pathways chosen from industrial processes (H) 4. Edexcel 9-1 TOPIC 5 Sc15 Dynamic Equilibria: Haber process + Fertilisers Learning objectives: STARTER Mini test covering all the basics from combined (reversible reactions, Haber conditions, dynamic equilibrium, definitions) Objectives: To recall 3 essential elements for plant growth To be understand how to name several fertilisers made from different acid and alkali compounds To describe and compare the laboratory preparation and the industrial production of ammonium sulfate RRP £13
AQA AS-level Chemistry 2015 specification for printing on dividers to give to students (CHECKLISTS)

AQA AS-level Chemistry 2015 specification for printing on dividers to give to students (CHECKLISTS)

AQA AS-level Chemistry 2015 specification for printing on dividers to give to students (CHECKLISTS) AS specification I printed the specification onto dividers and then handed them out to students - they can mark off when the content has been taught. Students really liked the checklist - especially for when they are ill, absent, revision and in particular to separate out work when taught it in class. I used different coloured card (dividers) to print it onto to help students identify different parts of the course. All hand typed and required practicals are highlighted for easy viewing Includes : Organic Chemistry 1 Inorganic Chemistry 1 Physical Chemistry 1 Please leave feedback Enjoy!!!!!
Edexcel OLD C2 Additional REVISION - Topic 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 + 6 Questions (Quick Q and longer Q) Exams

Edexcel OLD C2 Additional REVISION - Topic 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 + 6 Questions (Quick Q and longer Q) Exams

TOPIC 1: Atomic structure and the periodic table TOPIC 2: Ionic compounds and Analysis TOPIC 3: Covalent compounds and separation techniques TOPIC 4: Groups and the periodic table TOPIC 5: Chemical reactions TOPIC 6: Quantitative chemistry Questions: Easier questions + quick questions (1 + 2 marks) Followed by the more complex questions (6 marks) All relating to specification (any pictures used have all been taken from the internet and I am not trying to claim rights to any pictures or information used) Enjoy !!!! PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK and REVIEWS
Edexcel 9-1 Combined HIGHER Chemistry CORE PRACTICAL Revision LESSONS separation, salts, rates, ele)

Edexcel 9-1 Combined HIGHER Chemistry CORE PRACTICAL Revision LESSONS separation, salts, rates, ele)

Edexcel 9-1 for the new 9-1 GCSE As I believe there will be a CORE PRACTICAL question on this years exam, I have designed a lesson to allow students to review and evaluate the core practicals over a series of lessons I have tried this lesson with top set and managed to get through around 3 core practicals each lesson - I have reviewed answers to the common questions and allowed students to draw diagrams when appropiate and write methods This is what i do in my lesson: I set up SEVERAL DEMO’s of the same 2 CORE PRACTICALS (2 per lesson) I place a MARKET PLACE CORE PRACTICAL GUIDE NEXT TO EACH CORE PRACTICAL - ATTACHED I divide the class in two (1/2 per core practical) - 15 minutes per station I ISSUE the students with a feedback sheet (spec points on what they have to hit - knowledge, maths and skills) - ATTACHED I allow students to fill in this first I then issue the students with a question sheet - ATTACHED I ask students to visit that station and complete the questions/tasks/drawings/equations (all answers are found on the MARKET PLACE CORE PRACTICAL GUIDE) I then ask the students to switch - 15 minutes I ask students to be seated We review the content/questions for each core practicals Then continue like this for several lessons untill all CORE PRACTICALS have been completed Then the students sit a mock exam (FREE ON MY SHOP) only on CORE PRACTICALS to help them get used to the questions asked A mock exam will be give after this batch of lessons - something different when you start revision FOR THE MOCK I USED SEE https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/edexcel-9-1-combined-higher-chemistry-core-practical-revision-lesson-mini-mock-11844337 IT IS FREE CAN BE USED FOR ABOUT 5 LESSONS OVER 89 SLIDES ACTIVATE - SHOWING HOW THE PRACTICAL IS SET UP AND THE KEY PIECES OF INFORMATION DEMONSTRATE - ALLOWING STUDENTS TO VISIT THE STATIONS AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS AT EACH STATION AFL - CHECKING ANSWERS (ALL ANSWERS PRESENT) IN LESSONS AFTER EVERY 3 CORE PRACTICALS OR 2 DEPENDING ON ABILITY QUESTIONS ATTACHED TO ALLOW STUDENTS TO WORK INDEPENDENTLY OR AT THEIR OWN PACE (THEY ARE THE SAME QUESTIONS AS IN THE POWERPOINT - SO ALL ANSWERS ARE IN THE POWERPOINT) Can set as homework or use in a revision lesson. BUNDLE INCLUDES: CORE PRACTICAL MARKET PLACE GUIDES TECH LIST FEEDBACK SHEET FOR STUDENTS QUESTION SHEET FOR STUDENTS POWERPOINT EXPLAINING ALL CORE PRACTICALS AND ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS CLICK AND LOCATE PART OF THE POWERPOINT TO HELP FIND CORE PRACTICALS EASY Please leave feedback
AQA AS level Unit 3 Section 3 Alkenes

AQA AS level Unit 3 Section 3 Alkenes

AQA AS level Unit 3 Section 3: 3.3.4 Alkenes Using the specification and books No exam questions are included due to copy right Including: Homework booklets Assessment sheets Interactive powerpoints (rarely seen in A-level) RSC STARTER FOR 10 CAN BE FOUND ON RSC WEBSITE Alkenes section Introduction to alkenes Lesson 1: Objectives: To recall what alkenes are To understand what isomerism do alkenes display To explain why alkenes are reactive Electrophilic addition Lesson 2: Objectives: To understand what electrophilic addition reactions are To understand the reactions of alkenes with different electrophiles To understand what happens with asymmetrical alkenes Additional Polymerisation Lesson 3: Objectives: To recall the terms polymer, monomer and polymerisation To explain additional polymerisation reactions To know some uses of polymers Mechanism recap Lesson 4: no powerpoint just questions Leave feedback and enjoy !!
AQA AS Level Unit 1 Section 5 Kinetics -Collision theory, Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, catalysts

AQA AS Level Unit 1 Section 5 Kinetics -Collision theory, Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, catalysts

AQA AS Level Unit 1 Section 5 Kinetics -Collision theory, Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, catalysts Using the specification and books No exam questions are included due to copy right Including: Homework booklets Assessment sheets Interactive powerpoints (rarely seen in A-level) RSC STARTER FOR 10 CAN BE FOUND ON RSC WEBSITE Unit 1 Section 5: 3.1.5 Kinetics Collision theory LESSON 1: Objectives: To recall why reactions take place To be able to calculate rates from a graph To define the term activation energy and understand the significance Unit 1 Section 5: 3.1.5 Kinetics Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution Effect of temperature on reaction rate LESSON 2: Objectives: To interpret and draw Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution To explain how temperature affects the number of molecules with energy equal to or more than the activation energy To use the collision theory to explain the effect of temperature on the rate of reaction Unit 1 Section 5: 3.1.5 Kinetics Effect of temperature on reaction rate PART OF IT Effect of concentration and pressure LESSON 3: Objectives: To complete worksheets on Maxwell-Boltzmann distributions To use collision theory, including diagrams to explain why an increase in solution concentration/pressure leads to an increase in reaction rate To draw Maxwell-Boltzmann distributions for concentration and pressure Unit 1 Section 5: 3.1.5 Kinetics Effect of temperature on reaction rate 2nd part LESSON 4: REQUIRED PRACTICAL 3 Objectives: To understand how to measure rates of reaction To investigate how the rate of the reaction of sodium thiosulfate with hydrochloric acid changes as the temperature of the reaction is changed. To evaluate the practical Unit 1 Section 5: 3.1.5 Kinetics Effect of catalysts LESSON 5: Catalysts OBJECTIVES Objectives: To define the term catalyst To draw a reaction profile to show the impact of a catalyst on Ea To draw a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution curve to and use it to explain how a catalyst increases reaction rate Homework booklet with answers Leave feedback and enjoy !!
AQA AS Level Unit 3 Section 3 Alcohols (Oxidation, Required practical 5- cyclohexanol, hydration)

AQA AS Level Unit 3 Section 3 Alcohols (Oxidation, Required practical 5- cyclohexanol, hydration)

AQA AS level Unit 3 Section 3:: Alcohols Unit 3 Section 3: Alkenes and Alcohols AQA AS Level Unit 3 Section 3 Alcohols (Oxidation, Required practical 5 - distillation of cyclohexanol, hydration of ethene, ethanol production - fermentation and hydration of ethene) Using the specification and books No exam questions are included due to copy right Including: Homework booklets Assessment sheets Interactive powerpoints (rarely seen in A-level) RSC STARTER FOR 10 CAN BE FOUND ON RSC WEBSITE Alcohol production LESSON 1/2 Objectives: STARTER GCSE RECAP (separate science) To classify alcohols To write equations and give conditions for the production of alcohols To compare the two methods of producing ethanol Oxidation of alcohols LESSON 2: PRACTICALS Oxidation and distinguishing between aldehydes and ketones Objectives: To identify the products when 1o, 2o and 3o alcohols are oxidised To understand practically how to distinguish 3o alcohols from 1o and 2o by reaction with acidified potassium dichromate(VI) To carry out test-tube reactions to distinguish aldehydes from ketones by reaction with Tollens’ reagent and Fehling’s solution Elimination LESSON 3: Objectives: To understand what an elimination reaction is To identify products of alcohol elimination reactions To understand how addition polymers can be made from alkenes made this way without using monomers derived from crude oil LESSON 4/5: Required practical 5 Distillation of a product from a reaction. Objectives: To prepare cyclohexene by the dehydration of cyclohexanol and to distil the cyclohexene from the reaction mixture To test the product to confirm the identity To evaluate the experiment Homework booklet with answers Leave feedback and enjoy !!
AQA GCSE 9-1 CHEMISTRY UNIT 1.1 Atomic structure, model, symbols, electronic charge & Isotopes

AQA GCSE 9-1 CHEMISTRY UNIT 1.1 Atomic structure, model, symbols, electronic charge & Isotopes

AQA (9-1) 4.1 Atomic structure and the periodic table: Atoms, elements and compounds Mixtures The development of the model of the atom (common content with physics) Relative electrical charges of subatomic particles Size and mass of atoms Relative atomic mass Electronic structure Content split over 10 lessons (lessons in our school are 40 minutes so can condense material for longer lessons) All exam questions have been removed for copyright purposes All extension questions available on each slide Answers all underneath each slide Support also available where necessary AfL sections and mini quizzes Reducing the need for photocopying Lesson 1: Atoms To explore the periodic table To understand how to name compounds and what atoms they contain To understand how to write word equations Lesson 2: Forming compounds To be able to write formulae To understand the law of conservation of mass To understand how to balance chemical equations Lesson 3: Filtration and Crystallisation To know two separation techniques To be able to draw and label diagrams for filtration and crystallisation To be able to explain how both filtration and crystallisation can be used to separate mixtures Lesson 4: Chromatography To know two separation techniques To be able to draw and label diagrams for filtration and crystallisation To be able to explain how both filtration and crystallisation can be used to separate mixtures Lesson 5: Distillation To know what distillation is To understand simple distillation To understand the differences between simple and fractional distillation Lesson 6: History of the Atom To know how the Dalton model of an atom has changed To complete a history of the atom table To consolidate learning with questions Lesson 7: Structure of the atom To be able to recall the relative charge and mass of the subatomic particles To know the meaning of the term mass number and atomic number To be able to calculate the number of protons, electrons and neutrons in atoms given the atomic number and mass number Lesson 8: Electronic configuration To be able to predict electronic configurations for the first 20 elements To identify patterns within the periodic table To consolidate with questions Lesson 9: Ions To be able to describe how ions can form either anions and cations To be able to relate the formation of an ion with the group number from the periodic table To be able to calculate the number of protons, electrons and neutrons in ions given the atomic number and mass number Lesson 10: Isotopes To be able to describe and identify isotopes of elements To be able to define the term relative atomic mass and explain why the Ar for some elements are not whole numbers To be able to calculate the relative atomic mass of an element from the relative masses and abundances of its isotopes (H)
AQA AS level Unit 3 Section 2 Haloalkanes -formation, chain reactions, nucleophilic substitution,

AQA AS level Unit 3 Section 2 Haloalkanes -formation, chain reactions, nucleophilic substitution,

AQA AS level Unit 3 Section 2 Haloalkanes Using the specification and books No exam questions are included due to copy right Including: Homework booklets Assessment sheets Interactive powerpoints (rarely seen in A-level) Starter for 10 found on RSC website Haloalkane Formation of haloalkanes from alkanes - chain reactions Haloalkanes introduction Nucleophillic substitution Elimination Ozone and CFC LESSON 6: FROM ALKANE SECTION Objectives: To define what a radical is To describe the reaction mechanism for free radical substitution of methane To understand that there can be other products of a chain reaction LESSON 1: FROM HALOALKANE SECTION Objectives: To recap how to name the haloalkanes To understand the properties To understand the reactivity of the C-X bond by using bond polarity and bond enthalpy LESSON 2: To understand what nucleophiles are To understand what nucleophilic substitution is To be able to give examples of nucleophilic substitution reactions LESSON3: To understand what an elimination reaction is To understand when conditions favour elimination rather than substitution To understand when and how isomeric alkenes are formed LESSON4: To understand the role of ozone in the atmosphere To understand how chlorine free radicals can be formed in the atmosphere and how they destroy ozone To explain how research evidence led to the end of use of CFCs and alternatives found ENJOY!!! Please rate and comment in order to further improve Read less
Edexcel 9-1 CC8 + CC10 Acid + Alkali + Electrolysis +METHODS REVISION MATS (CORE PRACTICAL) +answers

Edexcel 9-1 CC8 + CC10 Acid + Alkali + Electrolysis +METHODS REVISION MATS (CORE PRACTICAL) +answers

Edexcel CC8 Acid and Alkalis for the new 9-1 GCSE TOPIC 3 Chemical changes PAPER 1- NEW for SEPTEMBER 2017 PLEASE NOTE - THESE MATS ARE MEANT TO BE PHOTOCOPIED AND LAMINATED FOR STUDENTS TO WORK ON PAPER (DUE TO LIMITED PHOTOCOPYING WITHIN THE DEPARTMENT CURRENTLY); THEY CAN BE ADAPTED SO STUDENTS CAN WRITE ON THEM BUT THAT IS ENTIRELY YOUR CHOICE REVISION MATS - Part 1, 2, HIGHER STRETCH Part 3 and Part 4 METHODS (HIGHER AND LOWER) USED FOR REVISION OF Acids and Alkali topics Main topics include: - Acid - Alkali -Soluble salts - Insoluble salts - Balancing equations - Naming salts - ionic equations - Weak and strong acids - concentrated and dilute acids - titration - filtration - Evaporations - precipitation reactions - CORE PRACTICALS Edexcel CC10 Electrolytic processes for the new 9-1 GCSE REVISION MATS - Part 1 and HIGHER STRETCH Part 2 USED FOR REVISION OF Electrolysis topics Main topics include: -Electroysis - Electrolytic cell - Set up and method - Explain method - Core practical - copper with inert and copper electrodes - 1/2 equations - Predicting products for molten and aqueous solutions - Exam Questions All relating to specification (any pictures used have all been taken from the internet and I am not trying to claim rights to any pictures or information used) Enjoy !!! PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK and REVIEWS
KS3 Unit 8G Chemistry - Metals  (8b, Corrosion, 8c Water, 8d Acids, 8e Alloy and Pure substances)

KS3 Unit 8G Chemistry - Metals (8b, Corrosion, 8c Water, 8d Acids, 8e Alloy and Pure substances)

KS3 Unit 8G Chemistry - Metals Aimed for High ability Year 8 but can be adapted for low/middle ability if required 8Gb: Metals Lesson 1- Corrosion (Rusting, Corrosion, Oxidation reactions and balancing equations) Lesson 2 - Corrosion (Barrier methods to prevent rusting/corrosion) 8Gc Metals and Water Lesson 3 - Metals and the reactions with water (reactivity series) 8Gd Metals and Acids Lesson 4 - Metals and Acids Part 1 (class demo, independent learning and research, practical, to evaluate the experiment) Lesson 5 - Metals and Acids Part 2 (practical 2, to evaluate the experiment) 8Ge Pure Metals and Alloys Lesson 6 - Alloys (pure vs alloys, change of state, boiling and melting points) 6 lessons including practicals Targeted towards specification All extension questions available on each slide Answers all underneath each slide Support also available where necessary AfL sections and mini quizzes Reducing the need for photocopying Enjoy !!!! PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK and REVIEWS All relating to specification (any pictures used have all been taken from the internet and I am not trying to claim rights to any pictures or information used)
Edexcel 9-1 Homework sheets for Extracting metals and Corrosion SC11, Sc12 and Sc13 PAPER 1 TOPIC 4

Edexcel 9-1 Homework sheets for Extracting metals and Corrosion SC11, Sc12 and Sc13 PAPER 1 TOPIC 4

Homework sheets and answers (for most questions) NEW for SEPTEMBER 2017 Reaction of metals Displacement of metals Extracting copper Ores Biological methods of extraction Oxidation and Reduction Recycling Dynamic equilibrium Haber Process Rusting and corrosion Alloys All relating to specification (any pictures used have all been taken from the internet and I am not trying to claim rights to any pictures or information used)
AQA KS3 Chemical reactions COMPLETE LESSONS

AQA KS3 Chemical reactions COMPLETE LESSONS

Complete lessons, homework, worksheets, booklet, student booklet, answers, practicals L1 Chemical and physical changes L2 chemical and physical practical, L3a OXIDATION PRAC, L3b Word equations, L4 Compounds, L5 Chemical formula, L6 Endo exo, L6b endo exo prac, L7 combustion, L8 combustion prac, L8b displacement recap if needed, L9 Acid alkalki basics, L10 neutralisation Free booklet found in my shop - it cannot be added here due to licence (AQA KS3 booklets) Enjoy
AQA AS Level Unit 1 Section 6 Equilibria-Chemical equilibria, Le Chatelier’s principle and Kc

AQA AS Level Unit 1 Section 6 Equilibria-Chemical equilibria, Le Chatelier’s principle and Kc

AQA AS Level Unit 1 Section 6 Equilibria-Catalysts, Chemical equilibria, Le Chatelier’s principle and Kc Using the specification and books No exam questions are included due to copy right Including: Homework booklets Assessment sheets Interactive powerpoints (rarely seen in A-level) RSC STARTER FOR 10 CAN BE FOUND ON RSC WEBSITE Unit 1 Section 6: 3.1.6 Chemical equilibria, Le Chatelier’s principle and Kc Chemical equilibria and Le Chatelier’s principle LESSON 1: Objectives: To understand how reversible reactions can reach a state of dynamic equilibrium To understand Le Chatelier’s principle To apply Le Chatelier’s principle to reversible reactions LESSON 2: Equilibrium and Industry Objectives: To explain why compromises are made for the production of ammonia To explain why compromises are made for the production of Ethanol To explain why compromises are made for the production of Methanol Unit 1 Section 6: 3.1.6 Chemical equilibria, Le Chatelier’s principle and Kc Equilibrium constant Kc for homogeneous systems LESSON 3: Objectives: To understand what the Equilibrium Constant, Kc is To write an expression for Kc including units To calculate Kc including units LESSON 4: Objectives: To understand how to work out moles at equilibrium To calculate Kc after calculating moles To know how to use Kc to work out the composition of an equilibrium mixture To know how to use Kc to calculate the amount of reactant needed LESSON 5: Objectives: To predict the effect, if any, of the changes in conditions on the value of Kc To predict qualitatively how the value of Kc will change, if at all, as the position of an equilibrium moves as conditions are changed To consolidate learning Homework booklet with answers Leave feedback and enjoy !!
AQA AS Level Unit 2 Section 2 Group 7 elements - The halogens:  trends,halide,  required prac 4,

AQA AS Level Unit 2 Section 2 Group 7 elements - The halogens: trends,halide, required prac 4,

AQA AS Level Unit 2 Section 2 Group 7 - the halogens - trends, solubility, test ion, required practical 4, halide ions, oxidising and reducing ability Using the specification and books No exam questions are included due to copy right Including: Homework booklets Assessment sheets Interactive powerpoints (rarely seen in A-level) RSC STARTER FOR 10 CAN BE FOUND ON RSC WEBSITE Group 7: The Halogens (A large number of practicals contained within - can be spread over 5 lessons) Unit 2 Section 2: Trends in properties and Uses of chlorine and chlorate(I) LESSON 1: PHysical and Chemical properties Objectives: To recap the trends of group 7 elements: atomic radius, electronegativity and melting point To recap halogen displacement reactions from GCSE To understand the trends in oxidising ability of the halogens (displacement reactions) LESSON 2: Reducing abilities of Halogens To understand how halide ions are formed To understand the reducing ability of halide ions To complete a practical to show the reducing power of halides illustrated by reactions of concentrated sulfuric acid LESSON 3: Objectives:Use of acidified silver nitrate to identify halide ions To know how that halide ions are identified by using silver nitrate To understand the trends in solubilities of the silver nitrates in ammonia To complete a practical to test for halide ions using acidified silver nitrate, including the use of ammonia to distinguish the silver halides formed LESSON 4: Required practical 4: L4–A-level Chemistry exemplar for required practical No. 4: To carry out simple test-tube reactions in aqueous solution to identify cations (Group 2, NH4+) and anions (Group 7 (halide), OH-, CO32-, SO42-). Objectives: To recap the ways to identify positive and negative ions To complete a series of test tube reactions to identify some anions and cations To evaluate and consolidate LESSON 5: Uses of Chorine + Chlorate (I) Objectives: To know the reactions of chlorine with water To know the reaction of chlorine with sodium hydroxide and the use of this reaction To evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of adding chemicals to water Homework booklet with answers Leave feedback and enjoy !!
AQA AS level Unit 3 Section 1 Intro to Organic Chemistry complete lessons, homework and assessments

AQA AS level Unit 3 Section 1 Intro to Organic Chemistry complete lessons, homework and assessments

AQA AS level Unit 3 Section 1 Introduction to Organic Chemistry Using the specification and books No exam questions are included due to copy right Including: Homework booklets Assessment sheets Interactive powerpoints (rarely seen in A-level) A total of 5 lesson - for high ability these can be completed in 3 lessons Introduction of Organic Chemistry 1. Introduction to carbon compounds 2. Nomenclature 3. Nomenclature part 2 4. Isomerism - Structural isomerism a) chain b) position c) functional 5. Isomerism - Stereoisomerism a) E/Z isomers Lesson 1: Objectives: To understand the bonding in carbon To understand the difference between empirical and molecular formulae To understand how to represent carbon compounds in organic chemistry Lesson 2 + 3: Objectives: To know different functional groups To know the IUPAC rules for naming compounds To know what a homologous series is Lesson 4 + 5: To state what is meant by structural isomers To be able to draw the structures of chain, position and functional group isomers To explain and draw E-Z isomers ENJOY!!! Please rate and comment in order to further improve