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After a PhD in Medicinal Chemistry and some time in industry; I finally found my calling as a secondary school teacher in Chemistry. Enjoy! Please review the resources you buy in order for me to improve my teaching and my lessons




After a PhD in Medicinal Chemistry and some time in industry; I finally found my calling as a secondary school teacher in Chemistry. Enjoy! Please review the resources you buy in order for me to improve my teaching and my lessons


5 Resources
Edexcel 9-1 TOPIC 5 Sc14 Quantitative analysis: 1. MOLAR VOLUME of gases and Avogadro’s law of gases Objectives: STARTER: To know how to interconvert between cm3 and dm3 and to work out the concentration equation To know how to define molar volume of gases at room temperature and pressure To be able to use the molar volume in calculations involving the masses of solids and volumes of gases To understand how to use Avogadro’s law to calculate volumes of gases involved in gaseous reactions. 2. CONCENTRATION with mol and grams per dm3 and interchanging between the two Objectives: STARTER: To know how to interconvert between cm3 and dm3 and to work out the concentration equation To be able to calculate concentrations in g dm-3 (H) To be able to calculate concentrations in mol dm-3 (H) To understand how to interconvert between mol dm-3 and g dm-3 (H) 3. PERCENTAGE YIELDS + moles SEPARATE or TRIPLE Objectives: To understand the difference between the actual yield and the theoretical yield To be able to calculate the percentage yield of a reaction from the actual yield and the theoretical yield To recall how to calculate masses using moles 4. TITRATION CORE PRACTICAL and Titration calculations Objectives: To understand how to carry out an acid and alkali titration To be able to carry out calculations using the results of titrations to calculate an unknown concentration of solution or unknown volume of solution (H) To consolidate learning with questions (H) 5. ATOM ECONOMY Objectives: To recall the atom economy of a reaction To make Magnesium sulphate in 3 different ways then work out which is the best (most economical!) To explain why a particular reaction pathway is chosen to produce a particular product, given data (HIGHER OBJECTIVE)
Edexcel 9-1 CC1-7 REVISION CARDS Separating, states, atoms, bonding  (PAPER 1)

Edexcel 9-1 CC1-7 REVISION CARDS Separating, states, atoms, bonding (PAPER 1)

3 Resources
REVISION CARDS PAPER 1 + 2 TOPICS The revision cards can be printed on double sided paper and then they can be cut into squares. The answers will be on the reverse of the card. These are a really good revision resource and last a lifetime once laminated. Total price would be £21 for all the resources if bought separately. You will be saving 33% buying this resource All relating to specification (any pictures used have all been taken from the internet and I am not trying to claim rights to any pictures or information used) Enjoy !!! PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK and REVIEWS
AQA A2 3.1.8 Thermodynamics: Entropy, enthalpy, Gibbs free, dissolving, neutralisation, born-haber

AQA A2 3.1.8 Thermodynamics: Entropy, enthalpy, Gibbs free, dissolving, neutralisation, born-haber

AQA A2 Level Unit 5 Section 17 Thermodynamics (3.1.8) - ENtropy, enthalpy, Born-Haber cycles Using the specification and books No exam questions are included due to copy right Including: Homework booklets Assessment sheets Interactive powerpoints (rarely seen in A-level) You will need a membership to Chemsheets RSC STARTER FOR 10 CAN BE FOUND ON RSC WEBSITE Unit 4 Section 17: 3.1.8 Thermodynamics Born-Haber Cycles Gibbs free-energy change ΔG and entropy change ΔS AS Chemistry Link https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-as-level-unit-1-section-4-energetics-hess-s-law-bond-enthalpy-enthalpy-change-endo-exothermic-12093649 LESSON 1: Recap L1- Enthalpy change and mean bond enthalpy from AS-Level Objectives: To have familiarised yourselves again with key concepts of enthalpy changes and Hess’s Law from AS Unit 2 To be able to define and apply the term enthalpy of formation, combustion and neutralisation To use mean bond enthalpies to calculate approximate values of ∆H for reactions LESSON 2: Dissolving Objectives: Part 1: To be able to define and apply the terms “lattice enthalpy” Part 2: To be able to define and apply the terms “enthalpy of hydration” and “enthalpy of solution” To calculate enthalpies of solution for ionic compounds from lattice enthalpies and enthalpies of hydration To consolidate learning with questions LESSON 3 + 4: Born-Haber Cycles Objectives: TTo be able to define and apply the terms “ionisation enthalpy”, “electron affinity” and “enthalpy of atomisation of an element and of a compound” To draw and use Born-Haber cycles to find missing values of enthalpy changes To consolidate learning with question LESSON 5: Covalent Character Objectives: To predict enthalpy of formation of theoretical compounds To compare lattice enthalpies from Born-Haber Cycles with those from calculations based on a perfect ionic model to provide evidence for covalent character in ionic compounds To consolidate learning with questions L5b Practical L6 Entropy To understand the term entropy To understand the concept of increasing disorder (entropy change ∆S), illustrated by physical change, e.g., melting or evaporating and by chemical changes, e.g., dissolution, evolution of CO2 from hydrogencarbonates with acids To be able to calculate entropy changes from absolute entropy values L7 + 8 Gibbs free energy and spontaneous reactions To understand that the balance between entropy and enthalpy is given by the relationship ∆G = ∆H- ∆TS To be able to use this relationship to determine the temperature at which a reaction is feasible To us this equation to determine how ∆G varies with temperature and how temperature affects the feasibility of reactions given the sign of the enthalpy and entropy changes L9 Gibbs Free energy Graphs and a bit of light reading Homework booklet with answers Leave feedback and enjoy !!
KS3 Unit 8E Chemistry (8Ea Oxidation, 8Ec Fire safety, 8Ed Air pollution, 8Ee Global warming)

KS3 Unit 8E Chemistry (8Ea Oxidation, 8Ec Fire safety, 8Ed Air pollution, 8Ee Global warming)

KS3 Scheme of work and lessons for Unit 8E Chemistry Aimed for High/middle and low ability and all relevant differentiation is explained below each slide 8Ea Oxidation: Lesson 1- Oxidation To be able to state the meaning of the term Oxidation To be able to explain the difference between oxidation and reduction To complete word equations for oxidation reactions Lesson 2 - Conservation of mass To be able to explain in equations that there are always the same number of atoms that react compared to those formed To understand what is meant by “the conservation of mass” To model simple reactions using symbol equations 8Ec Fire safety: Lesson 3 - Fire safety To be able to use the fire triangle To be able to define the word exothermic and combustion To apply all knowledge by answering questions Lesson 4 - Fuel To understand the term variable To investigate the temperature rise of water when some fuels are burnt To compare the temperature rise of water when some fuels are burnt 8Ed Air pollution: Lesson 5 - Combustion To be able to name the products formed by complete/incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons To describe the problems caused by incomplete combustion To recall the oxidation reactions between metals and non-metals Lesson 6 - Air pollution To know the gases that cause acid rain To be able to describe the effects of acid rain To explain some problems of acid rain and how to reduce them 8Ee Global warming: Lesson 7 - Global warming 1 To know the names of the greenhouse gases To be able to describe how the greenhouse effect is caused To be able to interpret graphs that show climate change Lesson 8 - Global warming 2 To understand what human activities may influence the climate To be able to explain the problems that climate change may cause To explain how to limit the impact of predicted climate change 8 lessons including practicals All extension questions available on each slide Answers all underneath each slide Support also available where necessary AfL sections and mini quizzes Reducing the need for photocopying Homework attached SEE THE INDIVIDUAL LESSONS FOR MAIN TOPICS Enjoy !!! PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK and REVIEWS All relating to specification (any pictures used have all been taken from the internet and I am not trying to claim rights to any pictures or information used)
KS3 Unit 8F Chemistry - The Atom (8a Atom, 8b Chemical prop, 8c Mendeleev, 8d Trends)

KS3 Unit 8F Chemistry - The Atom (8a Atom, 8b Chemical prop, 8c Mendeleev, 8d Trends)

KS3 Scheme of work and lessons for Unit 8F Chemistry Aimed for High ability but can be adapted for low/middle ability if required 8Fa The atom: Lesson 1- Dalton’s model To understand the terms atoms, elements and compounds To explain why different elements have different physical properties To write and identify the chemical symbols for elements 8Fb Chemical properties: Lesson 2 - Changes: physical and chemical To know the difference between a chemical and a physical change To complete a practical to distinguish between a chemical and physical change To explain the ways to identify chemical reaction Lesson 3: Chemical reactions To understand the terms reactant and product To understand different types of chemical reactions To model chemical reactions using word equations Lesson 4: Chemical formulae To know how atoms are rearranged in chemical reactions To interpret formulae to identify types and ratio of atoms in a compound To write simple chemical formulae from information on a structure 8Fc Mendeleev’s table: Lesson 5 - Mendleev To describe how Mendeleev arranged the elements into the periodic table To be able to identify the alkali metals, halogens, (transition metals) and noble gases in the periodic table. To be able to state what elements in the same group of the periodic table share Lesson 6 - Properties To understand the properties of metals To recall the typical properties of alkali metals To recall the typical properties of halogens 8Fd Trends: Lesson 7 - Chemical trends To be able to explain the differences between the physical and chemical properties of metal and non-metal oxides To describe the reactions of metals with water To be able to use data to identify trends in chemical properties within a group WITH EXTRA LESSONS ON THE ATOM 7 lessons including practicals All extension questions available on each slide Answers all underneath each slide Support also available where necessary AfL sections and mini quizzes Reducing the need for photocopying Enjoy !!! PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK and REVIEWS All relating to specification (any pictures used have all been taken from the internet and I am not trying to claim rights to any pictures or information used)
KS3 Unit 7H Chemistry - Chemical reactions (7a 7b Elements, 7c Metals , 7d Compounds  7e Reactions)

KS3 Unit 7H Chemistry - Chemical reactions (7a 7b Elements, 7c Metals , 7d Compounds 7e Reactions)

KS3 Unit 7H Chemistry - Chemical reactions Aimed for High and low ability Year 7 but can be adapted for middle ability if required - all slides are different and differentiated - more information is found under each slide 8 Lessons and worksheets with answers Lesson 7Ha: The air we breathe Lesson 1- To explain the difference between elements, compounds, mixtures and atoms To interpret particle models of mixtures, atoms, elements and compounds To be able to describe the difference between a mixture and pure substances Lesson 2- To recall that atoms can be joined together by bonds To represent atoms using a model To recall the names of the most important gases mixed in air Lesson 7Hb: Earth’s elements Lesson 3- To be able to use the periodic table correctly To explain how elements have been discovered To be able to recall that different materials have different properties Lesson 7Hc: Metals and non-metals Lesson 4 - To be able to identify the positions of metals and non-metals To describe some common properties of metals and non-metals To be able to explain the advantages of recycling metals Lesson 5 - To be able to recall how to use the periodic table To be able to use experimental evidence to identify metals and non-metals To consolidate by creating a poster Lesson 7Hd: Making compounds Lesson 6 - To be able to describe the changes in properties between a compound and its constituent elements To be able name simple compounds from two elements To be able to write simple chemical formulae from molecular structures Lesson 7He: Chemical reactions Lesson 7 - To recall examples of chemical reactions in everyday life To investigate several reactions and to record observations To be able to identify the changes in chemical and physical reactions Lesson 8 - To be able to identify the products and reactants using word equations To model simple reactions using word equations To be able to identify thermal decomposition reactions 8 lessons including practicals and worksheets Targeted towards specification All extension questions available on each slide Answers all underneath each slide Support also available where necessary AfL sections and mini quizzes Reducing the need for photocopying Enjoy !!! PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK and REVIEWS All relating to specification (any pictures used have all been taken from the internet and I am not trying to claim rights to any pictures or information used)
KS3 Unit 7G Chemistry - Particle Theory (7c Brownian motion, 7d Diffusion, 7e Pressure)

KS3 Unit 7G Chemistry - Particle Theory (7c Brownian motion, 7d Diffusion, 7e Pressure)

KS3 Unit 7G Chemistry - Particle Theory Aimed for Higher/middle/lower abilty - all slides are labelled and no work is required for differentiation 7Gb: Particle Theory Lesson 1- Particles To recall the term particle To describe the properties of solids, liquids and gases To use the particle model to explain other observations about matter Lesson 2 - Particles EXTRA LESSON To explain what happens to particles as a substance changes state. To be able to understand what happens when ice melts To be able to complete an APP independently 7Gc Brownian Motion Lesson 3 - Brownian Motion To describe the Brownian motion To be able to state where Brownian motion can be observed and explain how it occurs using particle theory To explain why different units are needed for measuring very small or very large objects 7Gd Diffusion Lesson 4 - Diffusion To describe the term diffusion To be able to explain the speed of diffusion To be able to carry out calculations to work out the speed of diffusion 7Ge Air Pressure Lesson 5 - Air pressure To describe how moving gas particles cause pressure To explain the ways gas pressure can be increased To be able to explain some effects of air pressure 5 lessons including practicals Targeted towards specification All extension questions available on each slide Answers all underneath each slide Support also available where necessary AfL sections and mini quizzes Reducing the need for photocopying Enjoy !!! PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK and REVIEWS All relating to specification (any pictures used have all been taken from the internet and I am not trying to claim rights to any pictures or information used)
Edexcel 9-1 CC5 CC6 CC7 Ionic, Covalent, Metallic PAPER 1 + 2 TOPIC 1 Key concepts

Edexcel 9-1 CC5 CC6 CC7 Ionic, Covalent, Metallic PAPER 1 + 2 TOPIC 1 Key concepts

Edexcel CC5 Ionic bonding for the new 9-1 GCSE Edexcel CC6 Covalent bonding for the new 9-1 GCSE Edexcel CC7 Types of substance for the new 9-1 GCSE TOPIC 1 KEY CONCEPTS OF CHEMISTRY PAPER 1 and PAPER 2- NEW for SEPTEMBER 2017 Covering on the Mat: CC5a Ionic bonds CC5b Ionic lattices CC5c Properties of ionic compounds CC6a Covalent bonding CC7a Molecular compounds CC7b Allotropes of Carbon CC7c Properties of metals CC7d Bonding models For more detail for each lesson - see individual lesson upload All extension questions available on each slide Answers all underneath each slide Support also available where necessary All powerpoints have: - Summary questions - Independent learning Some powerpoints have: - Practical's - Group activities - AfL -Activate learning -Demonstrate learning All relating to specification (any pictures used have all been taken from the internet and I am not trying to claim rights to any pictures or information used) Enjoy !!!!
Edexcel 9-1 SEPARATE TRIPLE SCIENCE HIGHER Chemistry Calculations Revision LESSONS

Edexcel 9-1 SEPARATE TRIPLE SCIENCE HIGHER Chemistry Calculations Revision LESSONS

CAN BE USED FOR ABOUT 8 LESSONS OVER 187 SLIDES ACTIVATE - SHOWING THE FORMULA AND HOW IT WORKS DEMONSTRATE - ALLOWING STUDENTS TO COMPLETE THE QUESTIONS AFL - CHECKING ANSWERS (ALL ANSWERS PRESENT) Edexcel CC9 PART 1-3 Calculations involving masses for the new 9-1 GCSE 6-8 lessons depending on how good student are at the calculations Mainly covering TOPIC 1 KEY CONCEPTS OF CHEMISTRY PAPER 1 and PAPER 2- NEW for SEPTEMBER 2017 TOPIC 5 SEPARATE SCIENCE PAPER 1: QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS Touching on TOPIC 7 Bond energy calculations for the higher tier students Powerpoint with over 187 slides including worked examples, questions for the students to complete and then the answers of the questions. Some calculations include more than one method, to help stretch the brightest and support the lowest ability students. There is a summary slide for each paper (Paper 1 and Paper 2- separate science/ triple science) and a calculations summary slide to show all the equations that students will need to know over the 2 separate science papers. QUESTIONS ATTACHED TO ALLOW STUDENTS TO WORK INDEPENDENTLY OR AT THEIR OWN PACE (THEY ARE THE SAME QUESTIONS AS IN THE POWERPOINT - SO ALL ANSWERS ARE IN THE POWERPOINT) Can set as homework or use in a revision lesson. Calculations include: COMBINED SCIENCE… Rf Value Isotope Calculation (H) Relative Formula Mass Empirical from molecular Molecular Formula from Empirical Formula and Mr Empirical Formula from Reacting masses and % composition Conservation of Mass Reacting masses (without moles) Concentration (g/dm3) Moles (H) Using Avogadro’s constant to calculate the number of atoms or molecules (H) Reacting masses (with moles) (H) Finding the Limiting Reagent (H) Using the limiting reagent to calculate the mass (H) Balancing equations (with moles) (H) Bond Enthalpy (H) SEPARATE SCIENCE … Percentage yield Reacting Masses and percentage yield Atom Economy Concentration (moldm-3) Concentration – converting between moldm-3 and gdm-3 Titration equations Molar volume of gases – with volume and masses Please leave feedback
KS3 Unit 7E Chemistry(7Ea Mix , 7Eb Solution, 7Ec Evaporation, 7Ed Chromatography, 7Ee Distillation)

KS3 Unit 7E Chemistry(7Ea Mix , 7Eb Solution, 7Ec Evaporation, 7Ed Chromatography, 7Ee Distillation)

KS3 Scheme of work and lessons for Unit 7E Chemistry Aimed for BOTH HIGH AND LOW ABILITY (SLIDES TELL WHICH IS WHICH) 7Ea Mixtures: Lesson 1- Solid, liquid and gases To recall the three states of matter To be able to explain the properties of the three states of matter To consolidate learning Lesson 2 - Separating mixtures To understand the difference between elements, compounds and mixtures To understand the term colloid To be able to explain how different separating methods work 7Eb Solution: Lesson 3 - Solutions To understand the terms solute, solvent and solution To be able to explain what happens to the mass in a physical change To understand the term “saturated solution” Lesson 4 - Dissolving To understand the term solubility To be able to plan and complete an experiment To consolidate and explain how factors affect how much of a substance dissolves 7Ec Evaporation: Lesson 5 - Evaporation To know what happens during evaporating To be able state what happens at a material’s boiling point To be able to identify how different mixtures should be separated 7Ed Chromatography: Lesson 6 - Chromatography To know the term ‘chromatography’ and give examples of where it is used To be able to explain how chromatography works To understand how to evaluate the information provided by chromatograms 7Ee Distillation: Lesson 7 - Distillation To know what distillation is To be able to explain how distillation works and carry out a simple experiment To give examples of where distillation is used 7 lessons including practicals and homework All extension questions available on each slide Answers all underneath each slide Support also available where necessary AfL sections and mini quizzes Reducing the need for photocopying Homework attached SEE THE INDIVIDUAL LESSONS FOR MAIN TOPICS Enjoy !!! PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK and REVIEWS All relating to specification (any pictures used have all been taken from the internet and I am not trying to claim rights to any pictures or information used)
Edexcel 9-1 CC9 Calculations involving Masses (9a empirical, 9b cons of mass) TOPIC 1 NO moles

Edexcel 9-1 CC9 Calculations involving Masses (9a empirical, 9b cons of mass) TOPIC 1 NO moles

Edexcel CC9 PART 1-3 Calculations involving masses for the new 9-1 GCSE 8 lessons NO moles TOPIC 1 KEY CONCEPTS OF CHEMISTRY PAPER 1 and PAPER 2- NEW for SEPTEMBER 2017 Learning objectives: For all learning objectives see individual lesson uploads (they would not fit on her) All extension questions available on each slide Answers all underneath each slide Support also available where necessary AfL sections and mini quizzes Reducing the need for photocopying Main topics include: Please see individual uploads for each lesson All relating to specification (any pictures used have all been taken from the internet and I am not trying to claim rights to any pictures or information used) Enjoy !!!! PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK and REVIEWS
Edexcel 9-1 Revision Games (CC1-CC12) Paper 1 - Head's up, brainstorm, hula hoops, whiteboards, class fun, skittles

Edexcel 9-1 Revision Games (CC1-CC12) Paper 1 - Head's up, brainstorm, hula hoops, whiteboards, class fun, skittles

5 Resources
1. CC1-7 + CC9 REVISION POINTS GAME 2. CC1-CC12 Paper 1 Head’s up revision 3. Chemistry paper 1: Brainstorm - A Party (lesson) game (CC1-CC12) 4. Balancing equations with SKITTLES 5. Covalent bonding with hula hoops and air flow balls Total price would be £24 for all the resources if bought separately. You will be saving 52% buying this resource
AQA AS Level Unit 1 Section 4 Energetics -Hess's Law, Bond enthalpy,Enthalpy Change, Endo Exothermic

AQA AS Level Unit 1 Section 4 Energetics -Hess's Law, Bond enthalpy,Enthalpy Change, Endo Exothermic

AQA AS Level Unit 1 Section 4 Energetics -Hess’s Law, Bond enthalpy, Enthalpy Change, Endothermic, Exothermic Using the specification and books No exam questions are included due to copy right Including: Homework booklets Assessment sheets Interactive powerpoints (rarely seen in A-level) RSC STARTER FOR 10 CAN BE FOUND ON RSC WEBSITE Unit 1 Section 4: 3.1.4 Energetics # Enthalpy change Endothermic and Exothermic Reaction Basics LESSON 1: Objectives: To know the reactions can be exothermic or endothermic To know what an enthalpy change is To define standard enthalpies or formation and combustion Unit 1 Section 4: 3.1.4 Energetics Calorimetry Measuring Enthalpy Change LESSON 2: Objectives: To define specific heat capacity To describe how you measure enthalpy changes more accurately To calculate the enthalpy of a reaction LESSON 3: Objectives: PRACTICAL CHOICES To investigate the enthalpies change of a neutralisation reaction and allow for heat loss. To investigate the enthalpies change of a displacement reaction and allow for heat loss. To investigate the enthalpies change of a combustion reaction and allow for heat loss. Unit 1 Section 4: 3.1.4 Energetics Applications of Hess’s law LESSON 4: Enthalpy of Formation Objectives: To understand the term Hess’s Law To construct simple energy cycles To carry out calculations using the enthalpy of formation LESSON 5: Enthalpy of Combustion To recall all definitions To carry out calculation using enthalpy of combustion To consolidate learning with exam style questions Unit 1 Section 4: 3.1.4 Energetics Applications of Hess’s law – REQUIRED PRACTICAL 2 LESSON 6: Required Practical To understand what method to research To determine an enthalpy change which cannot be measured directly. To calculate the enthalpy change of the reaction Unit 1 Section 4: 3.1.4 Energetics Bond enthalpies LESSON 7: Bond Enthalpy To understand the term mean bond enthalpy To use the mean bond enthalpies to calculate approximate values for ∆H for reactions To consolidate with exam questions Homework booklet with answers Leave feedback and enjoy !!
AQA A2 level Unit 4: Physical Chemistry COMPLETE LESSONS - Acid, bases and buffers 3.1.12

AQA A2 level Unit 4: Physical Chemistry COMPLETE LESSONS - Acid, bases and buffers 3.1.12

AQA A2 Level Unit 4 Section 21 Acids, Bases and Buffers Using the specification and books No exam questions are included due to copy right TOTAL OF 13 lessons - including required practical 9 Including: Homework booklets Assessment sheets Interactive powerpoints (rarely seen in A-level) RSC STARTER FOR 10 CAN BE FOUND ON RSC WEBSITE REQUIRE CHEMSHEET access for most TASK questions Unit 4 Section 21: 3.1.12 Acid, bases and buffers Prior knowledge: AS Chemistry 3.1.6 – Chemical equilibria, Le Châtelier’s principle and Kc https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-as-level-unit-1-section-6-7-equilibria-redox-chemical-equilibria-le-chatelier-s-principle-oxidation-states-oxidation-reduction-ionic-and-kc-12099917 and Kp https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-a2-level-unit-4-physical-chemistry-complete-lessons-kp-and-le-chateliers-12357544 LESSON 1: Bronsted Lowry Acids and Bases LESSON 2: pH of strong acids LESSON 3: pH of strong bases LESSON 4 + 5: Weak acids and bases LESSON 6: pH curves LESSON 7: Indicators LESSON 8: SKetching pH curves LESSON 9 + 10: Titration calculations LESSON 11 + 12: Buffers and calculations LESSON 13: Required practical 9 Homework booklet with answers Leave feedback and enjoy !!
AQA GCSE 9-1 Chemistry Unit 4 Chemical changes 4.1 Reactivity of metals COMPLETE

AQA GCSE 9-1 Chemistry Unit 4 Chemical changes 4.1 Reactivity of metals COMPLETE

4.4.1 Reactivity of metals Metal oxides The reactivity series Extraction of metals and reduction Oxidation and reduction in terms of electrons (HT only) Content split over 11 lessons -but more including practical lessons (lessons in our school are 40 minutes so can condense material for longer lessons if required) All exam questions have been removed for copyright purposes All extension questions available on each slide Answers all underneath each slide Support also available where necessary AfL sections and mini quizzes Reducing the need for photocopying Lesson 1-3 Reactivity series PLUS PRACTICALS L1: To recall the properties of metals To explain the reactivity series of metals and deduce the relative reactivity of some metals by their reactions with water To consolidate learning L2: To carry out a practical to investigate the reaction of metals with dilute acids To create a summary table To consolidate learning L3: To write word equations for the reactions with acid, water and steam To write symbol equations for the reactions with acid, water and steam To consolidate learning with questions Lesson 4+5 Displacement L4:To understand what a displacement reaction is To be able to predict whether a displacement reaction will take place To be able to write the word and symbol equations for displacement reactions L5: To complete a practical to observe some common displacement reactions To write equations for the successful reactions To consolidate learning with questions Lesson 6+7 RedOx PLUS PRACTICALS To understand the terms oxidation and reduction in terms of oxygen To be able to recall the extraction of metals and what this means in terms of oxidation and reduction To explain the position of a metal in the reactivity series relative to its resistance to corrosion Lesson 8 Ores To recall where metals are extracted from To be able to explain the method of extraction relating to its position in the reactivity series To consolidate learning with questions Lesson 9 Ores 2 To discuss the impacts of extracting metals To identify if there is a link between date of discovery and reactivity To consolidate learning with questions Lesson 10 Ores practicals and questions To reduce metals by carbon To consolidate the practical To consolidate learning with questions Lesson 11: Ionic and 1/2 equations (REDOX identified) To recall the key terms required to understand redox reactions To be able to separate aqueous compounds into ions in order to write ionic equations To be able to write balanced ionic equations To identify the species that has been reduced /oxidised
AQA GCSE 9-1 Chemistry Unit 9 Atmosphere 4.9.1 + 4.9.2  + 4.9.3 pollution, greenhouse ,climate

AQA GCSE 9-1 Chemistry Unit 9 Atmosphere 4.9.1 + 4.9.2 + 4.9.3 pollution, greenhouse ,climate

4.9 Chemistry of the atmosphere 4.9.1 The composition and evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere The proportions of different gases in the atmosphere The Earth’s early atmosphere How oxygen increased How carbon dioxide decreased 4.9.2 Carbon dioxide and methane as greenhouse gases Greenhouse gases Human activities which contribute to an increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere Global climate change The carbon footprint and its reduction 4.9.3 Common atmospheric pollutants and their sources Atmospheric pollutants from fuels Properties and effects of atmospheric pollutants Lesson 1: Early atmosphere Objectives: To interpret the evidence available for the composition of the Earth’s early atmosphere To be able to describe the Earths’ early atmosphere To explain how oceans formed Lesson 2: Changing atmosphere Objectives: To explain how the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was decreased To be able to how life evolved To consolidate with questions Lesson 3: Today’s atmosphere Objectives: To know the compositions of the gases in the atmosphere To complete practical’s to investigate this To consolidate with questions Lesson 4: Greenhouse gases Objectives: To know the names of the greenhouse gases To be able to describe how the greenhouse effect is caused To consolidate with questions Lesson 5: Enhanced greenhouse effect Objectives: To understand the enhanced greenhouse effect To be able to interpret graphs that show climate change To consolidate learning with questions Lesson 6: CLimate change Objectives: To understand what human activities may influence the climate To be able to explain the problems that climate change may cause To consolidate learning with questions Lesson 7: Carbon footprint Objectives: To understand the term carbon footprint To explain how to reduce the personal carbon footprint To explain how the government intend to reduce the carbon footprint Lesson 8: Combustion Objectives: To explain what happens during complete combustion of a hydrocarbon To explain what happens during incomplete combustion of a hydrocarbon To consolidate learning with questions Lesson 9 + 10: Combustion practicals Objectives: To watch a series of demonstrations To answer questions based on the practicals To consolidate learning with questions Lesson 11: Pollutants Objectives: To explain why hydrocarbon fuels release sulfur dioxide when they are used To describe the problems caused by acid rain To be able to explain why oxides of nitrogen are produced by engines
AQA GCSE 9-1 Chemistry Unit 4 Chemical changes 4.3 Electrolysis

AQA GCSE 9-1 Chemistry Unit 4 Chemical changes 4.3 Electrolysis

4.4.3 Electrolysis The process of electrolysis Electrolysis of molten ionic compounds Using electrolysis to extract metals Electrolysis of aqueous solutions Required practical 3: investigate what happens when aqueous solutions are electrolysed using inert electrodes. This should be an investigation involving developing a hypothesis. Representation of reactions at electrodes as half equations (HT only) Content split over 12 lessons -but more including practical lessons (lessons in our school are 40 minutes so can condense material for longer lessons if required) All exam questions have been removed for copyright purposes All extension questions available on each slide Answers all underneath each slide Support also available where necessary AfL sections and mini quizzes Reducing the need for photocopying Lesson 1: Electrolysis the basics To recall the properties of ionic compounds from year 9 To understand the terms electrolysis, electrolytes, anode, cathode and electrodes To explain the movement of ions during electrolysis Lesson 2 + 3 Molten PLUS DEMONSTRATION AND HT 1/2 equations To explain OILRIG in terms of electrodes To watch the demonstration of the electrolysis of lead bromide To explain how to predict the products of electrolysis of molten ionic solids with half equations (HT) Lesson 4: Extracting metals (Aluminium) To recall how metals are extracted from ores To explain how aluminium is manufactured To write half equations Lesson 5 + 6: Aqueous PLUS HT 1/2 equations To recall the preferential discharge of ions To explain how to predict the products of electrolysis of aqueous solutions To consolidate learning Lesson 7, 8 and 9: PRACTICALS and HT 1/2 equations To devise a hypothesis about the products that will be formed at the electrodes To complete a practical To consolidate learning Lesson 10: Electrolysis of Water To observe the electrolysis of water To explain the electrolysis of water To consolidate learning by reviewing the practical completed on aqueous solutions Lesson 11: Copper To investigate the change in mass of the anode and of the cathode, when copper sulfate solution is electrolysed between copper electrodes To explain how this process can be used to purify copper To explain the reactions taking place at the copper electrodes (H) Lesson 12: RUSTING To explain how experimental results can be used to show the conditions necessary for rusting To explain in detail how to prevent iron from rusting To consolidate using questions
Edexcel 9-1  Exam revision lessons (Cc1-7+9) Separating methods, bonding, atoms, mass (Year 10 mock)

Edexcel 9-1 Exam revision lessons (Cc1-7+9) Separating methods, bonding, atoms, mass (Year 10 mock)

NEW for SEPTEMBER 2017 Year 10 Mock 2017 or just revision for the following: Edexcel CC1 States of matter Edexcel CC2 Separating techniques Edexcel CC3 Atomic structure Edexcel CC4 The periodic table Edexcel CC5 Ionic bonding Edexcel CC6 Covalent bonding Edexcel CC7 Types of bonding Edexcel CC9 Masses .....for the new 9-1 GCSE A series of revision session using: - A series of powerpoints (Lesson 1-4 and 6-8) - Revision mats (bonding, masses and atoms) - Whiteboard lessons What is included: - Powerpoints (Lesson 1-4 and 6-8) - Past paper - NOT WITH BUNDLE (Can be found on edexcel website for free - due to copy right I am not allowed to upload it) (Lesson 5) - PLEASE NOTE: no powerpoints for masses only revision mats (there is too much content for condensed lesson and I have found it works best with revision mats - students can work at their own pace) (Lesson 9) - Powerpoint for MOLES (Lesson 10) The information IS condensed and NOT all spec has been added in due to time constraints in our mid-term plan; however the main topics are covered. All directed at the revision for the Year 10 mock (2016) As follows: Lesson 1: State of matter and melting points CC1/Method of separation/CC2- Rock salt/ Method of separation/CC2- Drinking water (L7)- powerpoint Lesson 2: Method of separation/CC2- Chromatography - CORE P (L4) - powerpoint Lesson 3: Method of separation/CC2 - Distillation - CORE P (L5/6)- powerpoint Lesson 4: Atomic structure CC3 - Atomic structure/mass/PEN (L7/8) Atomic structure CC3 - Isotopes (L9/10)- powerpoint Lesson 5: Past paper - NOT WITH BUNDLE (Can be found on edexcel website for free) Lesson 6: Types of bonding CC5 - Ionic/properties (L15-17)- powerpoint Lesson 7: Types of bonding CC6 - Covalent/properties (L18-19)- powerpoint Lesson 8: Types of substance CC7 - Allotropes/metals/polymers (L20-22) - powerpoint Lesson 9: Masses CC9 - revision mats without moles Lesson 10: Moles CC9 - powerpoint Revision mats: Masses, atoms and bonding All extension questions available on each slide Answers all underneath each slide Support also available where necessary AfL sections and mini quizzes All relating to specification (any pictures used have all been taken from the internet and I am not trying to claim rights to any pictures or information used) Enjoy !!!! Please leave a comment and rate
Edexcel 9-1 CC16 TOPIC 8 Fuels PART 1_ PAPER 2 (hydrocarbon, cracking, alkane, alkene, fuels)

Edexcel 9-1 CC16 TOPIC 8 Fuels PART 1_ PAPER 2 (hydrocarbon, cracking, alkane, alkene, fuels)

CRACKING NOW ADDED - SORRY! ALL PREVIOUS BUYERS SHOULD NOW BE ABLE TO DOWNLOAD IT! Edexcel 9-1 TOPIC 8 CC16a Hydrocarbons in crude oil and natural gas PAPER 2 Edexcel 9-1 TOPIC 8 CC16b Fractional distillation of crude oil PAPER 2 Edexcel 9-1 TOPIC 8 CC16c The alkane homologous series PAPER 2 Edexcel 9-1 TOPIC 8 CC16d Complete and incomplete combustion PAPER 2 Edexcel 9-1 TOPIC 8 CC16e Breaking down hydrocarbons CRACKING PAPER 2 Edexcel 9-1 TOPIC 8 CC16e Alternative fuels - using hydrogen as a fuel PAPER 2 TOPIC 8 Fuels and Earth science PAPER 2- NEW for SEPTEMBER 2017 CC16a Hydrocarbons in crude oil and natural gas L1 Crude oil To understand the term ‘hydrocarbon’ To explain why crude oil is useful To explain why crude oil is a finite resource and non-renewable L2 Fractional distillation or lower ability L2 and L3 Fractional distillation To understand how crude oil is separated into useful fractions To be able to explain the differences between each fraction To explain a use for each fraction INFO See separate upload for what you will need L3 Alkane + EXTRA Alkane plenary quiz To know the term alkane To understand how the formula differs in the alkane series To describe the trends found in an homologous series of compounds L4 Complete and incomplete combustion To explain what happens during complete combustion of a hydrocarbon To explain what happens during incomplete combustion of a hydrocarbon To describe the problems associated with incomplete combustion L5 Pollution To explain why hydrocarbon fuels release sulfur dioxide when they are used To describe the problems caused by acid rain To be able to explain why oxides of nitrogen are produced by engines L6 Cracking To know the term alkene To explain why cracking is needed To explain what is happening during the cracking of oil fractions L7 Alternative fuels To recall facts about petrol, kerosene and diesel oil To evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using hydrogen as a fuel in cars To consolidate the topic with questions All extension questions available on each slide Answers all underneath each slide Support also available where necessary All powerpoints have: - Summary questions - Independent learning Some powerpoints have: - Practical's - Group activities - AfL -Activate learning -Demonstrate learning All relating to specification (any pictures used have all been taken from the internet and I am not trying to claim rights to any pictures or information used) Enjoy !!!!
Edexcel 9-1 TOPIC 7 CC14 CC15 Rates of reaction and energy changes  PAPER 2 CORE PRACTICAL

Edexcel 9-1 TOPIC 7 CC14 CC15 Rates of reaction and energy changes PAPER 2 CORE PRACTICAL

TOPIC 7 Rates of reaction PAPER 2- NEW for SEPTEMBER 2017 CC14a Rates of reaction CC14b Factors affecting reaction rates CC14b CORE PRACTICAL - investigating reacting rates (rates changing surface area and temperature) CC14c Catalysts and activation energy CC15a Exothermic and endothermic reactions CC15b Energy changes in reactions L1 Rates of reaction L2 Collision Theory L3 Concentration L4 Surface area CORE PRACTICAL L5 Graph skills CORE PRACTICAL L6 Temperature CORE PRACTICAL L7 Catalysts L8 Energy changes L9 MEXican BEN L10 Bond Energy calculations (H) L11 Revision rates of reaction more detail for each lesson - see individual lesson upload All extension questions available on each slide Answers all underneath each slide Support also available where necessary Some powerpoints have: - Practical's - Group activities - AfL -Activate learning -Demonstrate learning All relating to specification (any pictures used have all been taken from the internet and I am not trying to claim rights to any pictures or information used) Enjoy !!!!