In this Scheme of Learning you will be looking at the concept of consent, what it means and what it doesn’t under UK law. You will look at various types of intimate relationships and discuss what needs to be considered before you become intimate with someone. You will go through different forms of contraception and evaluate them as well as consider the questions that need to be asked before people choose to become parents.
The scheme of Learning includes Student workbook (PDF and Editable PPT), teachers notes, PowerPoints and all resources.
The correct terminology for human reproductive organs.
The behaviours of a healthy and unhealthy relationship.
The terminology relating to sexuality.
To understand what is meant by affirmative consent.
To define various terms relating to intimate relationships.
To consider the factors to consider before becoming intimate with someone.
To identify reasons for using contraception.
To identify different forms of contraception and how they work.
To complete the condom demonstration.
Conception & Parental Rights
The options open to a women when she become pregnant.
The considerations to be considered before becoming parents.
The rights of parents in the UK.
11 Units of work from Year 7 to Year 11.
All of these schemes of work are fully resourced and are meant to be a starting point for adaption to individual schools and classes. They include PowerPoints, videos [which I have created or links to YouTube ones], Student workbook and teachers notes as well as a progress check midway and at the end of the unit.
**Units Included **
Friendship and Bullying
Puberty, Hygiene and Health
Desert Island Living
Drugs and Alcohol
RSE: Relationships
British Society
Contraception, Conception and Consent.
Welcome to Reality
Moral Thinking
Crime and Criminality
Healthy Body Healthy Mind
Reality Bites