In this unit of work you will be building on your previous learning of drugs and alcohol by looking more generally at what addiction is and the most common addictions for young people. This unit will discuss the causes, symptoms and how to get help.
What is addiction ?
The definition of addiction
Symptoms of addiction.
Symptoms of withdrawal
Social consequences of addiction.
Drug and Alcohol Addiction
Recap what you remember about drugs and alcohol.
How different illegal subsentences affect the body.
The impact of underage drinking.
Treatments for drug and alcohol addiction.
What is a considered a gambling addiction?
Impacts of gambling addictions.
Treatments and support for gambling addiction.
What is a considered a gaming addiction?
Impacts of gaming addictions.
Treatments and support for gaming addiction.
Social Media and Internet
What is a considered an internet or Social media addiction?
Impacts of internet and social media addictions.
Treatments and support for internet and social media addiction.
In this unit of work you will be looking at positive friendships and bullying. You will be focusing on identifying the characteristics of positive friendships and how to maintain them as well as how to get out of a toxic friendship. This unit also includes a learning phase on neurodiversity. You will also discuss various forms of bullying and how to deal with it, including Cyber bullying
Introduction to PSHCE
What is PSHCE and the topics that will be covered.
How to make PSHCE respectful and positive.
What is a Good Friend
The Characteristics of a good friend.
Strategies for maintaining a good friendship.
Toxic Friendships
The characteristics of a toxic friend.
Strategies for dealing with a toxic friend.
Celebrating Diversity
Defining neurodiversity.
Different types of neurodiversity.
How we can support neurodivergent friends.
What is Bullying?
To define what bullying is.
To outline different types of bullying and how to identify them.
Dealing with Bullying
Strategies for dealing with bullying if you see it happening to someone else.
Strategies for dealing with bullying when it is happening to you.
Ways that schools could help deal with bullying.
Cyber Bullying
The definition of cyber bullying
Different types of cyberbully
Strategies for reporting and dealing with cyber bullying.
In this unit of work, you will be looking at ways your body will change during puberty as well as ways of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You will look at the importance of a healthy diet and exercise and what they are. You will how some of the choices you make can affect your health. In particular looking at Cancers and FGM
The biological terms for the reproductive organs.
The ways that a person’s body can change during puberty.
Strategies you can use to help manage the changes.
Managing Emotional Changes
How puberty can affect emotions and mood.
The different emotion groups
Strategies to cope with mood swings and emotional changes.
Personal Hygiene
The importance of personal hygiene for your health.
Reasons why personal hygiene needs change during puberty.
Strategies for maintaining good personal hygiene.
Healthy Lifestyle
The components of a healthy lifestyle.
The components of a healthy diet.
The barriers to a healthy diet
The importance of exercise in a healthy lifestyle.
Importance of Sleep
The importance of sleep.
Some of the issues people can have with their sleep.
Some strategies for ensuring a good nights sleep.
Issues in Health and Wellbeing
What FGM is, its impacts and the law related to FGM.
How to self exam for breast and testicular cancer
Strategies for protecting against skin cancers.
In this scheme of learning you will be focusing on learning about financial management skills and understanding the link between education, work and lifestyles, through a role play scenario.
It includes the Student Workbook, Teachers Notes, PowerPoints, and resources.
How the game works.
How much you already know about household budgeting and the cost of living.
The Dream
The cost of your dream life.
How to work out a percentage
How to build a budget
Getting a job
Find out your role for the remainder of the unit.
The link between education and job prospects
Look at similarities and differences in the roles.
Reality Bites
How income limits the choices people have.
How to work out a percentage.
The types of things that people spend their salary on.
Unexpected Events
To look at the lifestyles and budgets you have created and see how they stand up to some of life’s unexpected events (both good and bad).
This unit of work is split into two parts.
The first part looks at British culture and its multicultural links. It will outline what is meant by culture and its components. It will also look at the migration patterns to the UK and how that has helped to shape modern British culture. The first part of the unit will also evaluate the British Values initiative and seeing how well British culture embodies these values.
In the second part of the unit you will be learning about the British political system, including the voting system, how parliaments works and the different political parties in the UK. This will culminate in a mock election for the fictional role of School President.
The Pack contains Student Workbook, Teachers Notes, PowerPoints, Videos and resources.
What is Culture
The Definition of Culture
The different components of a culture.
What is the purpose of Culture
Multicultural Britain
What is considered to be British Culture.
Where does British Culture come from.
What are the strengths and challenges of living in a multicultural society.
How does the UK political System work.
The structure of the UK political system.
The role of parliament, the monarchy and the House of Lords and the people in them.
Elections and Political Parties
The different types of election in the UK.
The voting system of the UK
Alternative voting systems that could be used in the UK.
Understand the main Political parties of the UK.
Mock election
A group project where students create political party and run for the election of the Student President role.
In this unit of work student will explore the meaning behind drugs and addiction as well as the effects of different drugs on the body and mental health. Students will also look at the dangers of alcohol, smoking and vaping.
Contains, PowerPoints, Workbook in PDF and Editable PPT, Videos
What are drugs and the different types?
Definition of what a drug is.
Identify different types of drugs.
The ways of classifying drugs and evaluate their usefulness
Effects of Drugs and Withdrawal
Describe how each of the types of drugs effect the body.
What it is like to go through withdrawal.
Drugs and the Law
What the law in the UK says about illegal drugs.
The difference between decriminalising drug use and legalising it.
Discuss the idea of decriminalisation or legalisation of drug use.
Why people chose to drink alcohol and why they do not.
The effects of Alcohol on the body and behaviour.
The consequences binge drinking as a teenager.
The consequences of excessive alcohol consumption.
Smoking and Vaping
The composition of cigarettes and vapes.
The effect and dangers of smoking and vaping.
Why people choose to smoke and vape.
In this Scheme of Learning you will be looking at the concept of consent, what it means and what it doesn’t under UK law. You will look at various types of intimate relationships and discuss what needs to be considered before you become intimate with someone. You will go through different forms of contraception and evaluate them as well as consider the questions that need to be asked before people choose to become parents.
The scheme of Learning includes Student workbook (PDF and Editable PPT), teachers notes, PowerPoints and all resources.
The correct terminology for human reproductive organs.
The behaviours of a healthy and unhealthy relationship.
The terminology relating to sexuality.
To understand what is meant by affirmative consent.
To define various terms relating to intimate relationships.
To consider the factors to consider before becoming intimate with someone.
To identify reasons for using contraception.
To identify different forms of contraception and how they work.
To complete the condom demonstration.
Conception & Parental Rights
The options open to a women when she become pregnant.
The considerations to be considered before becoming parents.
The rights of parents in the UK.
This reflection and wellbeing Sheets are a way for you to reflect on what is happening in your life and your academic progress as we go through the year. At the end of the year you can look back to see your successes and challenges you have overcome.
…Of the fortnight
This offers:
A challenge word,
A quote,
A song of the week
An inspirational person of the fortnight.
This can help to widen your horizons. There are QR codes to take you to more information about each of the people or to the YouTube Video for the song.
Let your Mind Wander
These are about self-reflection and your wellbeing. They are not a test, but questions to get you thinking about yourself and reflect on where you are, and where you are going. Some of the question will reoccur as the year goes on. It is okay to have the same answers just as it is okay to change them.
11 Units of work from Year 7 to Year 11.
All of these schemes of work are fully resourced and are meant to be a starting point for adaption to individual schools and classes. They include PowerPoints, videos [which I have created or links to YouTube ones], Student workbook and teachers notes as well as a progress check midway and at the end of the unit.
**Units Included **
Friendship and Bullying
Puberty, Hygiene and Health
Desert Island Living
Drugs and Alcohol
RSE: Relationships
British Society
Contraception, Conception and Consent.
Welcome to Reality
Moral Thinking
Crime and Criminality
Healthy Body Healthy Mind
Reality Bites