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English and whole school resources
Self reflection task AQA Language Paper 2

Self reflection task AQA Language Paper 2

This task is meant to be completed after students have completed an AQA English Paper 2 mock examination. It is designed to help them to see where they could obtain extra marks and hoo they could improve their responses based on the teacher’s feedback.
Grammar  Workbook/ activities pack.

Grammar Workbook/ activities pack.

A bumper workbook to take students through the different aspects of word classes, also including some additional pages focusing on spellings, word definitions and morphemes. A great way to build understanding of English Language to aid analysis of texts.
200 word challenge descriptive writing

200 word challenge descriptive writing

This is a collection of 10 200 word challenge activities. These can be printed and used as a revision booklet or timed in class at the beginning of a lesson to encourage students to revise for AQA English Language Paper 1 Section B.
Christmas descriptive writing challenge x 5

Christmas descriptive writing challenge x 5

A set of 5 descriptive/ narrative writing 200 word challenges. These are designed to be displayed on the IWB and can be used to practise the skills required for AQA paper 1 section b whilst providing students with a bit of festive spirit.
Christmas Carol Quiz

Christmas Carol Quiz

A Christmas Carol quiz, great for the end of term as a treat for students. Also really good as an enjoyable revision lesson. Focuses on key quotations and general knowledge of the novella.
Romeo- tragic hero?

Romeo- tragic hero?

This resource is designed to push students to think more critically about the character of Romeo, stretch and challenge that can be differentiated depending on the students.