This task is meant to be completed after students have completed an AQA English Paper 2 mock examination. It is designed to help them to see where they could obtain extra marks and hoo they could improve their responses based on the teacher’s feedback.
Designed to be printed onto A3 paper for revision purposes. The students fill in the boxes in order to revise their knowledge of 'Eden Rock', 'When We Two Parted', 'Walking Away' and 'I Think of Thee'.
A bumper workbook to take students through the different aspects of word classes, also including some additional pages focusing on spellings, word definitions and morphemes. A great way to build understanding of English Language to aid analysis of texts.
This is a collection of 10 200 word challenge activities. These can be printed and used as a revision booklet or timed in class at the beginning of a lesson to encourage students to revise for AQA English Language Paper 1 Section B.
Excellent resource for re- capping what each of the questions in the language papers entail and how to hit the mark scheme effectively. Takes students through key skills, how long to spend on questions, top tips and AOs.
This fun Christmas quiz contains 30 questions and answers on AQA texts ‘A Christmas Carol’, ‘Romeo and Juliet’ and ‘An Inspector Calls’. Great as a revision lesson or a fun end to the term before Xmas.
A set of 5 descriptive/ narrative writing 200 word challenges. These are designed to be displayed on the IWB and can be used to practise the skills required for AQA paper 1 section b whilst providing students with a bit of festive spirit.
A Christmas Carol quiz, great for the end of term as a treat for students. Also really good as an enjoyable revision lesson. Focuses on key quotations and general knowledge of the novella.
This resource is designed to push students to think more critically about the character of Romeo, stretch and challenge that can be differentiated depending on the students.
37 slides dedicated to character and key quotation analysis for each character in 'An Inspector Calls'. A great revision tool for use with classes or to email out to students so they can access revision at home before the GCSE literature exam.