Sarah Hilton has been a business examiner for over 20 years and a business teacher for longer. She is now a teacher trainer, business teacher and qualification developer. She runs the website revisionstation which provides smashing business teaching resources at budget prices.
Sarah Hilton has been a business examiner for over 20 years and a business teacher for longer. She is now a teacher trainer, business teacher and qualification developer. She runs the website revisionstation which provides smashing business teaching resources at budget prices.
This lesson covers:
The 4 Ps of marketing and their importance
Design, invention, innovation
Product stages of the lifecycle
Introduction, growth, maturity, decline
Pricing methods
Skimming, cost-plus, penetration, competitor, promotional
Promotion – point of sale
Price reductions, loss leaders, competitions, free samples
Promotion - advertising
Social media, websites, print media, television, radio
Place – distribution of products and services
Digital and physical distribution channels
How the 4 Ps of the marketing mix work together
The use of the marketing mix to inform and implement business decisions
Interpretation of market data
Changes in demand
target market and market share
changes in product
effects of promotion
This lesson is written by Sarah Hilton at Revisionstation
This lesson covers:
The use of segmentation to target customers
This lesson is written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
This lesson covers:
Different organisational structures
Tall, flat
The terminology of organisation charts
Span of control, chain of command, delegation, subordinates, authority
Why businesses have different organisational structures
Importance of effective communication, different job roles and responsibilities, different ways of working
Ways of working
Full-time, part-time, flexible working, temporary work, working from home, working whilst mobile, self-employed
This lesson is written by Sarah Hilton for Revisonstation
This lesson covers:
The purpose of human resources in business
Identifying and meeting the human resource needs of a business
This lesson is written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
This lesson covers:
To be able to discuss the purpose of marketing within business
The purpose of marketing within business
The importance to a business of identifying and understanding its customers, informing customers, increasing sales
This complete lesson is written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
This lesson covers:
Why businesses recruit
Replace employees who leave, business growth, skill gaps
Methods of selection
CV, application form, letter of application, interviews, tests, group activities, references
The use of different recruitment methods to meet different business needs
internal methods, external methods, job description and person specification
This lesson is written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
This lesson covers:
Different training methods
Induction, on-the-job, off-the-job
Why businesses train their workers
Development of the business, improve productivity, skill shortages, customer service, motivation and retention
Staff development
Vocational and academic qualifications, apprenticeships
The benefits to employees and businesses of staff development
This lesson is written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
This lesson covers:
Financial methods of motivation
Pay, bonuses, profit sharing, fringe benefits
Non-financial methods of motivation
Praise, award schemes, working environment
The importance of employee motivation
Improved employee performance, helps employee retention
The importance of employee retention
Already familiar with business and customers, saves time and expense of recruitment
This lesson is written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
This complete lesson covers:
To be able to describe different ways of communicating in a business context
To be able to discuss the importance of business communications
To be able to discuss the influence of digital communication on business activity
This lesson has been written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
This complete lesson covers:
The impact of consumer law on business
Reputation of the business, safety and satisfactory quality of goods
This lesson was written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
This lesson covers:
The impact of current legislation on recruitment and employment
Discrimination, employees’ right to contract, holidays, hours of work
This lesson was written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
This lesson covers:
Different production processes and their impact on business
Job, batch, flow
The influence of technology on production and the impact on business
Automation, computers and robotics
This lesson was written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
This lesson covers:
The concept of quality
Methods of ensuring quality
Quality control, quality assurance
The importance of quality in both the production of goods and the provision of services
Reputation of the business, to gain and retain customers, reduce product returns and recalls
This lesson was written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
This lesson covers:
To be able to identify various methods of selling
To be able to describe the influence of e-commerce on business activity
To be able to discuss the importance to a business of good customer service, including after-sales service
To be able to evaluate the contribution of product knowledge and customer engagement to good customer service
This lesson is written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
This lesson covers:
Factors influencing business location
Costs, the proximity to market, labour and materials
This lesson was written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
This lesson covers:
The role of procurement
Identifying goods and services to buy, choosing suppliers, ordering goods and services, receiving deliveries from suppliers
The impact of logistical and supply decisions on businesses
Time, length of supply chain, reliability of supply, costs, customer services
This lesson was written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
This lesson covers:
The purpose of the finance function
Provide financial information, support business planning and decision making
The influence of the finance function on business activity
This lesson was written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
This lesson covers:
Ethical considerations and their impact on businesses
Treatment of workers / suppliers / customers, sourcing of materials, marketing decisions
Environmental considerations and its impact on businesses
Sustainability, waste disposal, pollution, climate change
This lesson was written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
This lesson covers:
The concept of globalisation
The impact of globalisation on business
The growth of multinational companies, influences on business location, international branding, how businesses compete internationally
This lesson was written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation
This lesson covers:
The economic climate and its impact on business
Changing levels of consumer income and employment
This lesson was written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation