
Writing and mark making resources
A bumper set of resources to use in your classroom or setting to create a stimulating and exciting writing and mark making area.
The pack includes:
Display materials:
Phoneme bunting flags- 2 flags for each phoneme one with the phoneme on and the other with a word and picture containing that phoneme
Alphabet line- Large colourful pencils each with the lower and upper case letters
Alphabet desk card- an A4 card with lower and upper case letters and an initial sound picture for each letter
Alphabet picture frieze- A5 cards with lower and upper case letters and a picture for each letter
Alphabet strip- a table top alphabet strip on coloured pencils
Alphabet books- a colourful set of books each with the lower case letter on
Flashcards- coloured cards with days of the week, months of the year and the seasons
Display border- a colourful pencil themed border to print out as many times as you need it
Posters for your writing area- including ‘Our Writing’, ‘We like to write’, two posters for ‘What will you write today?’
Stationery labels- coloured picture and word labels for your stationery pots in the writing area
Tray labels- 20 labels for your resources trays
Word wall bricks- 100 bricks with Reception words
Writing flash cards- 28 writing themed words such as sentence, full stop, character etc –a great addition to the writing area for older children
Display banners- a long colourful banner ‘Writing area’ and ‘Writing’
Large post box- a large colourful post box which prints over 6 pages- print out and stick to a box to create a post box for the children to post their letters
Writing materials:
Birthday invitations- 3 different designs
Book sheets- a book review and 2 different sheets about the children’s favourite books
Letters to Santa- 5 different designs
Postcards- 3 different holiday postcard designs
Magic spell- 3 sheets for writing a magic spell
Menus- 3 designs
Newspapers- Lots of different designs for different abilities
Recipes- 2 different designed sheets
Shopping lists- 4 designs
Thank you cards- 4 designs plus two blank cards to design
Wanted posters- 5 different posters for different abilities
Wedding invitations- 2 designs
Activity sheets- trace over the numbers 1-10, trace over the alphabet letters, find and colour the letters of the alphabet
Writing border sheets- a large collection of A4 photocopiable sheets with patterned borders- some of these are included in my other story and topic sets

The Bad Tempered Ladybird story sack resources
The pack includes:
A display banner with the title of the story on and pictures from the story
Large coloured pictures of the animals in the story- these have been hand drawn and watercoloured by myself
Large black and white pictures of the animals in the story- these are great for colouring and art activities
Smaller colour and black and white pictures of the animals in the story- these can be made into games, displays etc
A ladybird number line up to 30
Colour face masks of all the animals in the story
Black and white face masks of the animals
Story word cards decorated with ladybirds- these are great for adding to a display, discussions, adding to a writing area etc
Cards showing a clock face and an animal for the children to draw the hands on the clock to show the time
Cards showing the time and the animal the Bad Tempered Ladybird met at that time
Various worksheets- Maths, counting and telling the time worksheets and Literacy worksheets
Different clocks to cut out and make- there is a plain clock, a clock to add the numbers to, a colour clock showing the animals the Bad Tempered Ladybird met at different hours and also a black and white version of this clock for the children to colour and make
A ladybird themed game
Fact cards with pictures and some facts about each of the animals in the story
Rhyme cards with some rhymes about ladybirds
A colourful animal bingo game to make and play
An animal picture domino game to make and play

The Tiger who came to Tea story sack resources
The pack includes:
Colourful pictures of the characters in the story- these have been hand drawn by myself and are not the exact pictures from the book
Black and white pictures of the characters in the story 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea' for the children to colour or collage to make a colourful display
A large title banner with tiger print border
A smaller colourful title poster
A number line to 50 on tea cups
An alphabet line on milk bottles
Fact cards about real tigers
Colourful face masks to print and make of the Tiger and other characters in the story
Black and white face masks for the children to decorate
Stick puppets of the characters and props in the story 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea' for the children to retell the story or make up other stories
Various Literacy worksheets for different abilities
Various Maths worksheets for different abilities
A colourful shopping bingo game,
A 'Tiger Who Came to Tea' themed board game to make and play
A colourful tiger print display border- this can be printed as many times as you like to frame a display board of any size
Word flash cards of key words from the story- these are great to display when the children are writing about the story
An A4 word card
Question cards with questions about the story- these are great on a display to promote thinking about the story

The Tiny Seed story sack pack- growing, seasons
The pack includes:
Display banner- a long colourful banner for your display
Display border- a colourful themed border to print out as many times as you need for a display board of any size
Word cards
Plant part flashcards- colourful cards to add to a display
Flower and plant photos- coloured photos of some different plants and flowers- great for displays and discussion
Question cards- questions relating to the story- great to add to your display or to use as prompts during literacy
Colour flowers
Plant labelling poster- an A4 and A3 sized poster showing the different parts of a plant with labels to add
Parts of a plant photos
A4 word card- an A4 word card with words and pictures for the children to use when writing about the story
Plant alphabet
Writing sheets- a set of writing sheets with themed borders- great for writing about the story or for using in the writing area
Word searches
Label a plant
Growth diary
Seasons worksheets
Seed packet worksheet
What will your seeds be- draw and write what your seed will grow into
Question worksheet
Planting instructions worksheet- sequence the pictures for planting a seed worksheet and a worksheet to write what you did when planting the seed
Sort the story pictures worksheet- sort the things which helped the seed grow and the things that didn’t
Flower number line
Size ordering worksheets- order the seeds and plants by size- in colour and also black and white
Seed counting worksheets- count and write the number of seeds, glue the correct number of real seeds next to each number, draw the correct number of seeds worksheet
Dot to dot worksheets
Leaf counting up to 10
Colour by numbers
Matching pairs/ snap
Make a plant game- spin the spinner and collect the different parts of your plant
Flower building game- roll the special die to add or take away petals from your colourful flower
Bird game- spin the spinner to see how many seeds your bird is going to eat
Tracing sheets
Face mask- make a flower face mask
Colouring pictures- large black and white pictures of different spring flowers to colour
Workbook cover
Season sorting cards
Make a windmill- make a windmill to stand in your garden
Cut and assemble flowers
Make a seed packet
Sequence pictures
Large pictures
Story sack labels
Seasons cards
Plant growing sequence
Please note: The art work used in these resources has been produced by ourselves. It is not associated with, or endorsed by the authors or publishers of the story, or any related stories or products.

Literacy resource pack
This pack contains lots of resources which can be used for literacy and phonics at Key stage 1 and in the Early Years.
Create colourful fun displays, make flashcards, make games and use in your lessons.
The pack includes:
An alphabet line on cute gingerbread men
An alphabet line on cars with multicultural drivers
Play dough mats from A-Z
Alphabet picture posters- each poster has the letter in upper and lower case, an initial sound picture and then lines below for you to add words beginning with that sound- great to use as posters or to make into your own class dictionary
An A4 table top alphabet mat
Phoneme tracing cards
Initial sounds bingo game
Ch, sh, th bingo game
‘My tricky words’ table top mat
A-Z bunting
Phoneme fans
Phoneme picture bunting
Phonemes on washing line clothes
Punctuation posters
CVC flip cards
CVC bingo game
CCVC/ CVCC bingo game
ABC train
Upper case and lower case letters- match the upper case dogs to the lower case bones
A collection of writing border sheets- great to add to your writing area
Sorting pictures- all of the phonemes from the Letters and Sounds scheme with 2-3 picture cards for each sound- great for displays/ sorting etc
An alphabet line on footballs
Alphabet pencils with lower and upper case letters
Phoneme writing frames
High frequency word bricks for the first 100 words and the next 200 words
A Humpty Dumpty to sit on your word wall
Rhyming word jigsaws
High frequency words on bees
Days of the week poster
Months of the year poster
Phoneme poster
Various alphabet posters
Five CVC posters –one for each vowel
Initial sound cards- write the initial sound next to each picture
Phoneme cards- fill in the missing phoneme on each card
Tricky word stars- all of the tricky words from the Letters and Sounds scheme

Grapheme flash cards display
This set of grapheme flash cards has been produced using the graphemes taught in the Letters and Sounds scheme. There are a total of 69 flash cards to print and make (separate cards for f and ff etc).
The flash cards are organised in files for each of the Letters and Sounds phases in which they are taught making them very easy to access and use.
The flashcards are designed to have a picture on the front which contains the sound and on the back of the card (when assembled) it shows the grapheme.
Each file page has a card with the grapheme and below a card with a coloured picture. To assemble the cards for use as flashcards the grapheme card needs to be glued to the back of the picture so either the grapheme can be shown to the children or the picture can be shown.
The cards could also be used to make an interactive learning display for the children to match the pictures to the grapheme or could be used as flashcards with the grapheme and picture on the same side (as they are shown on the picture). They could also be made into a matching game for the children to play to match grapheme to a picture.
The cards are approximately A5 size, however by altering your printer settings you will be able to print them out in whatever size you would like.

The Royal Nappy story sack resources
The pack includes:
Display banner- a long colourful banner for your display
Display border- a themed display border to print out as many times as you need for a display board of any size
Word cards
Large coloured pictures- large pictures to print out and use on a display
When we were babies- A display banner for creating a class display about when the children were babies
Baby photos- colour photos of babies and Royal babies
Alphabet- a lovely alphabet line on crowns
Writing sheets- a set of writing sheets with borders for the children to write on and use in the writing area
Favourite part of the story- draw and write about your favourite part of the story
‘b’ for baby-a worksheet all about the letter b
Guards alphabet line- a lovely alphabet line on Royal guards
The nappy bag- draw and label the things in the nappy bag
When I was a baby- a worksheet for children to fill in details about when they were babies
Baby toys worksheets- various worksheets todesign a new baby toy, match the label to the picture and cut and stick the toys suitable for a baby
Number line- a number line to 50 on baby bottles
Guards number line- a colourful number line to 100 on Royal guards
Counting worksheets- count the baby toys and bottles
Missing number worksheets- differentiated worksheets to fill in the missing numbers and also a blank worksheet for you to write your own numbers
Order the numbered nappies- cut and order the baby nappies
Bingo- cover the different baby items
Matching pairs- match the different nappies
Number dominoes- a baby themed dominoes game to make and play
Stick puppet- colour and make your own stick puppet of the Royal baby
Colouring- a collection of colouring worksheets
The Royal Nappy Cabinet-cut and stick the nappies into the nappy cabinet
Tracing pictures- simple pictures to practice pencil control
Design a nappy- design a new nappy for the Royal baby to wear
Design a babygrow- design a babygrow fit for a Royal baby!
Playdough mats- a collection of themed playdough mats
Make a mobile- colour and make a Royal themed baby mobile
Nappies for all occasions!- design nappies suitable for different occasions
Nappy pictures- pictures of some of the nappies in the story
Character cards- coloured flash cards of the different characters in the story
Stick puppets- a coloured stick puppet to use when retelling the story
Story sack tag- a tag to add to your story telling sack

Tiddler the Story Telling Fish story sack resources
The pack includes:
Display banners- 2 colourful banner to print over 2 A4 pages- one with ‘Tiddler’ and the other with ‘Tiddler The story-telling fish’
Display border
Word cards- words relating to the story- great to add to a display or in the writing area
Word and picture flashcards
Character posters- a set of colourful posters showing different fish in the story with their names
Fish facts- simple facts about fish
Colour photos- A4 photos to print out and display showing some underwater scenes and fish
Title poster
A4 word card- an A4 word card with words and pictures for the children to use when writing about the story
Shell alphabet
Writing sheets- a set of writing sheets with borders for the children to write on and use in the writing area
Speech bubble worksheets
Word searches
Worksheets- a collection of worksheets about the story and characters including initial letter sounds, labelling the creatures, list worksheet, my favourite sea creature, writing a new fishy tale, missing poster
Fish number line- a number line to 50 on colourful fish
Missing number worksheets- fill in the missing numbers on the shells plus a blank worksheet so you can differentiate
Counting worksheets
Telling the time- a collection of clock posters showing the times mentioned in the story
Counting cards
Repeating patterns- draw the next sea creature to complete the repeating patterns
Magnetic fishing game- make the 3D fish tank and take it in turns to catch fish plus ideas for different activities
Picture bingo
Tracing sheets- trace the patterns on the fish
Stick puppets
Face masks
Fish templates
Story worksheets- various worksheets to draw different things, match pictures to speech bubbles and draw underwater scenes
Play dough mats- make the correct number of fish on each card
Sequence pictures
Face masks
Sequencing worksheets- cut and stick the pictures in the correct order
Story telling props
Stick puppets
Please note: The art work used in these resources has been produced by ourselves. It is not associated with, or endorsed by the authors or publishers of the story, or any related stories or products.

The Fish who could Wish story sack resources
This pack is designed to be used with the story ‘The fish who could wish’ by John Bush.
Display resources
· Display banner
· Story word cards- great to add to a display or use in the writing area
· Display border- a themed display border to print out as many times as you need for a display board of any size
· Title poster
· Picture flashcards- flashcards with words and pictures of the props in the story
· Story questions
Role play/ story props
· Colour face masks- of different fish and the Fish who could Wish- great for retelling the story or creating your own stories
· Colour puppets
· Story telling props
· An A4 word card with pictures
· Speech bubbles worksheets
· Worksheet- write a book review about the book
· Alphabet line
· Writing sheets
· My favourite part of the story
· Sh, th, ch fishing game- catch the picture fish and decide if they go in the sh, th or ch fishing nets- with full instrustions and further ideas
· Sh, th, ch worksheets- a worksheet for each phoneme
· Phoneme word and picture cards- a collection of pictures of words with sh, ch and th sounds in them and the words with the grapheme highlighted
· Make a wish worksheet- think of one wish you would make and draw and write about it
· The fish’s wish- draw and write three things the fish wished for
· Phonemes on fish
· A number line
· Shape fish posters
· Shape fish bingo game- cover the different shaped fish first to win the game
· Sea scenes number game- roll a die and colour the part of the picture with that number
· Number ordering- cut out the numbered fish and stick in the correct order
Art and craft
· Stick puppets
· Face masks
· Tracing pictures
· Colouring pictures
· Playdough mats- make the correct number of fish on each board
· Cut and assemble castle- cut out the parts of the castle and reassemble to make your own castle
· Cut and assemble fish- cut out the parts of the fish and reassemble
More Games to make and play
· Board game- explore the underwater scene and collect the items the fish wished for to add to your board
· Number dominoes- a fish themed dominoes game
Please note: The art work used in these resources has been produced by ourselves. It is not associated with, or endorsed by the authors or publishers of the story, or any related stories or products.

Picture alphabet line posters
A colourful picture alphabet line for you to print out and use in your educational setting.
Included is a colour alphabet and also a black and white alphabet which you can colour in yourselves or allow the children to colour to create their own alphabet.
Each letter has a selection of pictures with that initial sound. These cards could be used in your writing area, used to create a colourful display, used as flash cards, for games etc.
The letter cards are approximately A5 size however by altering printer settings you will be able to print them out in whatever size you would like.

The Rainbow Fish story sack resources
This story is a lovely story of friendship which is loved by children and this pack is great for bringing the story and characters to life.
The pack includes:
A large display title banner featuring pictures of fish and other sea creatures
A smaller display title poster
18 sea creature colour pictures including the Rainbow Fish, his friends, the Wise Octopus plus other items to make up an under the sea scene. These pictures are in large A4 size
All of the sea creature drawings in black and white so they can be used for colouring and art activities
A lovely colourful photo pack with 15 photos of fish and other sea creatures
Alphabet fish- each letter on a separate colourful fish
Number fish up to 100- each number on a separate colourful fish
A black and white fish face mask to make
A black and white octopus face mask to make- great for retelling the story or making up new stories
A set of colourful fish face masks of the Rainbow Fish and other colourful fish in the story
A coloured octopus face mask
Large lettering with a bubble pattern spelling 'The Rainbow Fish'
A matching pairs game
Dotted tracing pictures of the Rainbow Fish and the Octopus
Counting cards showing the different sea creatures and numbers
A display border with sea creatures and a bubble design-this can be printed as many times as you need enabling it to fit around a display board of any size
A book information display sheet with pictures and the title and author of the book
A game to collect the coloured scales for your fish with a special die to make
Story words on bubbles
A magnetic fishing game to make with characters from the story- three parts of this are shown at the bottom of the picture as a frieze which would also look great as a backdrop to the water area. When the 4 A4 panels are fixed into a square, the sea creatures can be put inside and 'caught' with a fishing rod
3 black and white colouring scenes
Please note: The art work used in these resources has been produced by ourselves. It is not associated with, or endorsed by the author or publishers of the story, or any related stories or products.

Phonics Phase 6- Letters and Sounds
A great pack to print out and use to teach phonics at phase 6 of the Letters and Sounds scheme.
The pack includes:
Word cards for adding suffixes
300 flash cards of the high frequency cards
A4 posters with spelling hints, proofreading hints and spelling ideas
A4 posters about the rules for adding suffixes
A5 display cards with the meanings of many literary terms such as syllable, non-fiction, verb, suffix etc
'ed' word flash cards
Sentence and word cards

Phonics Phase 5- Letters and Sounds
A great pack to print out and use to teach phonics at Phase 5 of the Letters and Sounds scheme.
The pack includes:
Flash cards of tricky words, words with different graphemes etc taught at Phase 5
A tricky word bingo game
Sentences for the children to read
Alternative pronunciation flash cards
Sentence and word cards
A grapheme frieze for display
Large grapheme flash cards of all the graphemes taught from phases 1-5
Mnemonic flash cards for Phase 5
Question cards and yes/no flash cards for the children to use
plus loads more resources for use when teaching phonics and for displays.

Phonics Phase 3- Letters and Sounds
The resource pack contains loads of resources to teach and play the games in the Letters and Sounds document at phase 3 including:
buried treasure game
full circle word cards
letter fans
phoneme cards
picture and caption cards
picture and word cards
Plus loads more
This pack also contains extras to help you reinforce the teaching and for independent activities including:
picture cards to write the word
tricky word bingo (2 games to cover the 16 tricky words covered in this phase)
All the resources are saved in PDF format and the font used throughout is Sassoon Primary which is widely used in schools (you do not need to have this font on your computer to view these files)
This will save you hours and hours of time!

Phonics Phase 4- Letters and Sounds
A great pack to print out and use to teach phonics at phase 4 of the Letters and Sounds scheme.
The pack includes:
The buried treasure game
Letter fans to make
Grapheme flash cards of all the graphemes from phases 1-4
Picture and caption cards
Picture and word matching cards
Sentence flash cards
Words on fish which could be used for display or a magnetic fishing game
Plus loads more.
This pack also contains extras to help you reinforce the teaching and for independent activities including:
Picture cards to write the word below,
Tricky word bingo.

Phonics fish display
A colourful set of phonics fish-great for displays, flashcards, games etc on CD
This is a great set on CD of colourful fish each with a letter of the alphabet or grapheme as taught in the Letters and Sounds teaching programme.
These would make a great display for your classroom or water area. Alternatively they could be used as flashcards when teaching the sounds.
The fish could also be used for various games such as magnetic fishing games, matching pairs etc.
The fish are also provided in black and white on the CD so they can be coloured by yourself or by the children.
The font used on the fish is Sassoon Primary Infant which is widely used in Primary schools.
The fish are saved as PDF files and can be opened using Adobe Acrobat Reader which is available for free from their website or is probably already on your computer.

Punctuation Posters- SPaG
Punctuation Posters
A great set of punctuation posters for you to print out and use again and again.
Now also includes extra posters to fit in with the updated curriculum 2014.
A bright and colourful set of 6 puncuation posters- contains posters for:
full stop
exclamation mark
question mark
speech marks
The new posters are an alternative to the speech mark poster 'inverted commas' and also an apostrophe poster.
Creates a great display for your classroom or educational setting.
Each poster is A4 size.

Oliver's Fruit Salad story sack resources
The pack includes:
Display resources
Display border
Characters- large coloured pictures of the characters in the story ‘Oliver’s Fruit Salad’ to add to your display
Story words
Story questions
Posters- a set of posters showing the fruit name and picture
Oliver’s fruit photos- a lovely set of photos showing the different fruit that Oliver used for his fruit salad
Other fruit photos- a set of 20 photo posters showing other fruit that could be included in a fruit salad and also some unusual fruits
Title poster- a colourful poster with the title, authors name and illustrators’ name
Fruit descriptive words- a set of word cards with a fruit border with words the children can use to describe different fruits and also blank cards for you to add your own words
Role play/ story props
Face masks
Sequencing pictures
Story props
A4 word card- an A4 sized card with words and pictures about the story ‘Oliver’s Fruit Salad’- great to use when writing
Fruit alphabet line
Worksheets- various worksheets including speech bubbles, matching words to pictures, writing the initial sounds of different fruits, writing words to describe different fruits, fruit salad instruction writing and fruits I like and dislike
Writing pages- four photocopiable sheets with borders for the children to write about the story or to include in your writing area
Word searches
Five a day- a worksheet for the children to draw and write about the fruit and vegetables they have eaten each day to make their ‘five a day’
Story sack label
Shopping list worksheet
Shopping list templates- decorated templates to write your own shopping lists
Jam number line- create a long number line for your classroom on strawberry and blackcurrant jam pots
Number rhyme pack 1- ‘Five currant bun s with a cherry on top’- contains rhyme card, singing props and face masks
Number rhyme pack 2- ‘Way up high in the apple tree’- contains rhyme card, singing props and face masks
Addition sums on fruits- great to make a number display
Counting cards
Counting mat
Power points
Story questions
Guess the fruits
Counting Power point- count the number of objects on each page and click on the correct answer
Art and craft
Face masks
Colouring pictures
Colouring posters
Cut and stick the fruits
Draw and describe
Design a fruit salad
Games to make and play
Matching pairs
Dice game
Shopping trolley game- collect the fruits shown in your shopping trolley
Fruit Bingo
Please note: The art work used in these resources has been produced by ourselves. It is not associated with, or endorsed by the authors or publishers of the story.

Outdoor Literacy -EYFS Outdoor Play
This is a bumper pack on disk with loads of resources for Literacy and phonics games outdoors. The pack would be great for nursery settings, school settings and childminders to use for exciting Literacy activities in the outdoor area.
Also great for Literacy games in the classroom.
The pack includes:
40 A5 sized task/ activity cards - each with the area of Literacy covered in that activity such as alphabetical order, reading cvc words, letter recognition ect, the resources needed for that activity and the activity in detail. The cards also have space for you to write further notes such as the stepping stones/ specific learning objectives, focus children for the activity etc.
Also in the pack are all the resources you will need to print out and use with activity cards such as:
Large CVC dice to make
Letter spinners for playing the games
Large rainbow lower case letters of the alphabet
A large colourful alphabetical order snake to make
Upper and lower case letter socks
CVC cards and pictures
Various letter and phoneme cards
A CVC bingo game
Large colourful human and monster alphabet footprints
Games to play
Plus lots lots more!

Oliver's Vegetables story sack resources
The pack includes:
Display resources
Display border
Characters- large coloured pictures of the characters in the story ‘Oliver's Vegetables’ to add to your display
Story words
Story questions
Days of the week cards- a set of cards with the days of the week and the corresponding vegetable eaten that day and also a set of cards with just the day of the week
Posters- a set of seven posters showing the day, vegetable name and picture
Oliver’s Vegetables photos
Other vegetables photos- a set of 18 photo posters showing other vegetables not included in the story
Title poster
Role play/ story props
Face masks
Sequencing pictures- pictures to sequence when retelling the story
Story props
A4 word card- an A4 sized card with words and pictures about the story ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’- great to use when writing
Vegetable alphabet line- an alphabet line on different vegetables from the story to print out and display
Worksheets- various worksheets including speech bubbles, drawing the vegetables eaten each day, match the day to the correct vegetable, write the vegetable names under the correct pictures, match the vegetables to the descriptions, describe the vegetables etc
Writing pages- four photocopiable sheets with borders for the children to write about the story or to include in your writing area
Design a book cover- design your own cover for the book
Our food diary- create a food diary for a week to show what Oliver ate each day and what you ate
Word searches- two word searches with words and pictures from the story
Slug and snail number line- create a long number line for your classroom
Worksheets- add the numbers on the vegetables, subtraction worksheets, counting worksheet
Blank worksheets- two worksheets for you to write your own sums for the children allowing you to differentiate
Power points
Story questions- answer the questions about the story and click on the correct answer
Guess the vegetables
Counting Power point
Art and craft
Face masks
Colouring pictures
Colouring posters
Cut and stick worksheet- cut out the days of the week and order and then add the vegetables to each day
My favourite meal- draw your favourite meal and vegetables
Make a seed packet
Games to make and play
Matching pairs
Picture bingo
Vegetable garden game- collect the vegetables to grow in your garden
Jigsaw game- throw a die and collect the numbered part of your vegetable
Please note: The art work used in these resources has been produced by ourselves. It is not associated with, or endorsed by the authors or publishers of the story, or any related stories or products.