Literacy for early years

Rosie's Walk resource pack- story sack, farm
A great resource pack for the story ‘Rosie’s Walk’
Display banner
Display border
Word cards- words on beehives relating to the story
Word and picture flashcards
Photos- colours photos of farmyards and the animals in the story
Fact cards- simple fact cards with facts about foxes and chickens
A4 word card
Hen alphabet- a lovely alphabet line on colourful hens
Writing sheets- a set of writing sheets with borders for the children to write on and use in the writing area
Speech bubble worksheets- fill in the speech bubbles to show what the characters are saying
Rhyming words- sort the pictures into those that rhyme with ‘hen’ and ‘fox’
Word searches- two word searches with words from the story to find
Worksheets- a collection of worksheets about the story
Character worksheets- write about the characters in the story
Label a hen- label the different parts of the hen
‘My Walk’ book- make your own book about your walk and what you see on the way
Bee number line- a number line to 50 on colourful bees
Preposition words- words from the story to add to a display
Counting cards- count the bees from 1-10
Preposition posters- with word and a picture showing the hen behind, in front etc
Preposition worksheet- write where the hen is in each picture
Size ordering worksheets- order the hens by size- in colour and also black and white
Counting worksheets- count the number of bees and hens
Preposition play mat- place Rosie behind, next to etc
Bee number rhyme pack- a rhyme card for singing the rhyme, face masks and props for use when singing the rhyme
Matching pairs- match the pictures
Build a hen- roll a die and collect a part of your hen- how many hens can you make?
Board game- travel around the farmyard to reach the hen house first
Preposition bingo- collect the different pictures for your board
Design a new hen house- design a new house for Rosie
Tracing sheets- trace the dotted lines on the pictures to practice fine motor control
Stick puppets- colour and make your own stick puppet characters
Play dough mats- make the different things seen on Rosie’s walk
Drawing worksheets- draw the different things found on Rosie’s farm
Farm map- cut and stick the things seen on Rosie’s walk through the farm yard
Make a windmill
Sequence pictures- a set of coloured pictures to use when retelling the story
Story props- large coloured pictures of the different things in the story
Story map- an A4 and an A3 map of the Rosie’s farm- great for display and discussion
Face masks
Please note: The art work used in these resources has been produced by ourselves. It is not associated with, or endorsed by the authors or publishers of the story, or any related stories or products.

The Shopping Basket - story resource pack
A bumper resource pack for the popular story ‘The Shopping Basket’ by John Burningham
The pack includes:
Display banner- a long colourful banner for your display
Display border- a colourful display border to print out as many times as you need for a display board of any size
Word cards- words on shopping baskets relating to the story
Word and picture flashcards- coloured pictures of each of the animals and foods in the story and the words
Shopping and animal posters- A4 posters with each animal and food on with the name
A4 word card- an A4 word card with words and pictures for the children to use when writing about the story
Shopping alphabet- a lovely alphabet line on the different foods in the shopping basket
Writing sheets- a set of writing sheets with borders for the children to write on and use in the writing area
Speech bubble worksheets- fill in the speech bubbles to show what the characters are saying
Writing worksheet- write about the different animals in the story
Shopping list worksheet- label the different items in the shopping basket
Favourite part of the story- draw and write about your favourite part of the story
Basket number line- a number line to 50 on shopping baskets
Counting cards- count the objects from 1-10
Size ordering worksheets- order the character props by size- in colour and also black and white
Counting worksheets- count the number of items in each shopping basket
Number worksheet- draw the correct number of foods
Picture bingo- collect the characters and foods for your bingo board
Matching pairs- find the picture matching pairs
Number dominoes- a colourful domino game to make and play
Shopping game- collect the different foods needed for your shopping basket by spinning the spinner
Picture jigsaws- cut out and reassemble the jigsaws of the different characters
Tracing sheets
Stick puppets
Face masks
Play dough mats- make the correct number of items in each shopping basket
Matching worksheet- match each character to the correct food
Make a 3D basket- cut out and make a shopping basket
Drawing worksheet
Sequence pictures
Face masks
Stick puppets- coloured stick puppets to use when retelling the story
Large character and food pictures to match
Please note: The art work used in these resources has been produced by ourselves. It is not associated with, or endorsed by the authors or publishers of the story, or any related stories or product

Pet shop role play pack
A bumper pack with lots of forms, signs and pictures to set up a role play area of a Pet Shop
The pack is great for use in the EYFS and also within KS1 and 2 enabling you to print out the resources again and again. The resources would also be great for parents or child-minders to create their own role play area at home and for nurseries and playgroups.
The pack includes:
Large letters to spell ‘Pet Shop’ -each letter is decorated with small pictures of items for sale in the pet shop,
A ‘Pet Shop’ banner with small pictures of animal accessories and food etc,
Large colour pictures of the pets and pet accessories for sale such as dog collars, food bowls, animal tanks etc,
Large black and white pictures of the pets and pet accessories for sale in the shop -great for art work or collage work,
Posters decorated with small pictures of animal related items- open/ closed, opening times plus a blank opening times poster for you to fill in your own opening times,
Posters advertising the pet accessories suggesting what you will need to buy for each pet and with special offers,
Smaller posters for each pet with a list of accessories needed for that pet,
Animal signs,
Leaflets to print in colour or black and white with information about keeping that pet,
Lots of forms to encourage writing such as order forms, telephone messages, animal cleaning tick list, animal feeding tick lists, jobs to do,
A number line to 30 on paw prints,
Posters advertising dog training sessions, dog groomers etc,
Food packets to cut out and assemble and labels to stick onto tins and packets to make them into ‘dog food’ or ‘cat food’ etc
The posters, signs and pictures will create a motivating and colourful role play area either inside your classroom or in your outside area which will encourage the children to further their vocabulary and language and encourage writing for different purposes

Cafe role play pack- restaurant, coffee shop
A bumper pack with lots of posters, banners and pictures to set up a role play area of a Cafe
The pack is great for use in the EYFS and also within KS1 and KS2
The pack includes:
A large banner with ‘Cafe’, decorated with food pictures
A large banner with ‘Restaurant’, decorated with food pictures
Large coloured pictures of different food to buy and the crockery to use
A colourful drinks poster
A large colourful food poster
Hats to make for the staff to wear
Name badges to make for the staff to wear
A colourful poster with space for you to add the price of the food- this enables you to price it according to the ability of the children
Sandwich filling labels, drinks labels and food labels
A large colourful sandwich filling poster
An open and closed sign for you cafe with pictures of food on
Opening times posters for you cafe
A sandwich filling order form with pictures of the different sandwich types and fillings available
A colour and black and white menu for your cafe
Order forms in colour and black and white for the cafe
Decorated notes and messages paper to encourage writing in the role play area

Sneezy the Snowman activity pack
Sneezy the Snowman is a class favourite book for the Winter.
The activities in this unit include:
Sequencing cards in colour to help teach the children sequencing and story retelling. These can be used in a pocket chart or can be put in a center.
Graphic organizers for character traits, summarizing the story and writing about the story parts.
Writing activities including writing about favourite parts of the story, writing three sentences about Sneezy, Write a list of things to keep Sneezy away from etc
A story sequence sheet to cut and paste pictures.
Cause and effect- fill in the missing boxes on one sheet and draw the effects on the other sheet.
A comprehension worksheet.
If I were a snowman sheet- a fun worksheet for children to design a snowman, name him and think of some things the snowman might like to do and eat.
Instructional writing- write four steps to building a snowman plus a worksheet where children could draw four stages of building a snowman.
Label Sneezy- two worksheets one with the words provided and one without.
Sneezy adjectives worksheet.
What made Sneezy melt? Draw the different things that made Sneezy melt in the story.
Craftivity with writing activity.

The Gingerbread Man Loose at Christmas book companion
Celebrate the Christmas holidays with this activity pack which accompanies the book ‘The Gingerbread Man Loose at Christmas’ by Laura Murray.
The pack includes:
Sequencing picture cards- these are in full color and also in blackline
Sequencing worksheet cut and paste
Story sequencing worksheet- beginning, middle and end
Graphic organizers
Character traits- what do the children say about their teacher
My favorite part of the story writing and drawing activity
Doing something special writing activity- three different sheets to choose from
Asking question- Think of Who, What, When, Where and Why questions to ask the Gingerbread Man
Retell the story writing worksheet, writing and drawing worksheet and drawing worksheet allowing you to differentiate
Alphabetical order- order the professions in alphabetical order
Text-to-self connections- Who did the Gingerbread Man thank and who would you like to thank- two different worksheets
Three what happens next drawing and writing worksheets
Who did the Gingerbread Man meet in the town- draw and write some of the people he met
True or False sentences about the story- differentiated versions
Beginning, middle and end of the story- a worksheet to draw or write about the different parts

We're Going on a Bear Hunt- book companion plus sequencing and prepositions
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen is a lovely classic book which children love!
This pack has a variety of activities for your children to use:
Large color and black line sequence pictures- these can be printed smaller for different uses or kept large for bulletin boards
Bear prepositon cards showing the bear in different places
Graphic organizers- two versions
An emergent reader book- this is an interactive book for the children to place a toy figure in the correct prepositional spot on each page or to draw themselves on each page
Label the bear- two versions for the children to copy the words in the correct boxes or to write the label in the way of the author
Rhyming word literacy center- match the rhyming word cards or the word and picture cards. Recording sheet also included
Story retelling sheets- two versions for children to draw the missing parts of the map or to cut and paste the sequence pictures in order
True or False- color the statements about the story
What do you find in the cave- a drawing and writing activity
What happens next- draw and write
Write three sentences about the bear

The Lonely Scarecrow- book companion
This book companion is based on the book ‘The Lonely Scarecrow’ by Tim Preston and contains a variety of activities and colorful sequencing cards.
The packet contains:
A set of colorful sequencing cards
Cause and effect worksheets- three versions
The lonely scarecrows character traits
My favorite part of the story- draw and write worksheet
Graphic organizers- three versions
Label the scarecrow- two versions to cut and paste or write the labels
Writing activity- write a letter to the animals from the scarecrow- three versions
Retell the story writing worksheet
My scarecrow worksheets- three different versions for differentiation
The Lonely Scarecrow grid- The Lonely Scarecrow has, lives, feels
Writing activity- write three sentences about the lonely scarecrow
Feelings worksheets- draw the faces on the scarecrow to show how he feels at the beginning and the end of the story or write how he feels at the beginning, middle and end of the story
True or False- read the statements about the story and decide which are true or false plus an extra worksheet to write some of your own true and false statements
A bonus scarecrow game

Optician role play pack- Ourselves
The pack includes:
Large letters, each with small pictures of glasses, spelling the word ‘Opticians’- great to give your opticians a bold shop name,
A large sign saying ‘Opticians’ decorated with pictures of glasses,
Posters for the Opticians with the opening times (also an opening times posters without the times written on for you to do choose your own opening hours), and open and closed signs,
Label cards with pictures of different things in the opticians- glasses, sunglasses, optician etc,
Lots of different forms to encourage writing in the role play area- customer details, details of check-ups, reminder forms, appointments etc,
A4 and A3 posters for the children to give eye tests- with capital letters and lower case letters,
Posters to display in your opticians- waiting room, which frame colour and shape would you like, try your glasses on here etc,
A poster to fill in the name of the optician for that day,
Hats to make for the optician and optician staff to wear and also a blank hat for you to design yourself
Plus lots more!

Ice cream shop role play pack- Summer, seaside, ice cream parlour
Ice cream shop role play pack
Great for ourdoor or indoor play in the Early years and also for KS1 and KS2
The pack includes:
Large (A4 sized) coloured pictures of different ice creams and lollies -great for a background display
A5 sized labels of the different things in the shop eg cones, chocolate sprinkles, strawberry sauce, dishes etc
A5 sized cards showing the different ice creams and lollies and space to add a price label to use in your shop-the price labels are from 1p to 50p allowing you to make your own prices for the items and to alter them according to the ability of your children
Double sided cones and lollies to make, with different flavours and sizes of ice cream to put in them
4 different ice cream seller hats to make to use in the role play
A large title ‘Ice cream shop’
Order forms
Note paper and telephone message paper
Ice cream themed bunting to cut out and decorate the shop -this can be made as long as you wish by printing out more times
An ice cream number line up to 30

Hospital role play pack- People who help us, Keeping healthy, Ourselves
A bumper pack with lots of forms, signs and pictures to set up a role play area of a hospital
The pack is great for use in the EYFS and also within KS1 and 2 enabling you to print out the resources again and again.
The pack includes:
Words relating to hospitals with pictures to match such as bandage, ambulance, stethoscope etc
Large pictures (A4 sized) of these hospital objects
Signs to display in your role play hospital such as waiting room, reception, consultation room etc
Posters to display in the area sych as ‘wash your hands’ , fire exit, toilets, visiting times etc
Lots of different forms to encourage writing in the role play area such as appointment times,
patients appointment cards, registration cards, prescription/ medicine forms etc
Hats and badges to make which the nurses and doctors can wear in their role play
Large x-ray pictures -great for discussion and use in the role play area
The posters, signs and pictures will create a motivating and colourful role play area either inside your classroom or in your outside area which will encourage the children to further their vocabulary and language and encourage writing for different purposes

The Very Hungry Caterpillar book study PLUS sequencing pictures
The story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar is loved by all children!
This pack supports the book and is Common Core aligned but also suitable for the National Curriculum.
The pack includes:
A set of sequencing pictures in color and black line
Initial sounds worksheets and cut and paste activities
Comprehension picture cards with a choice of two or three answers to choose
Graphic organizers
Writing activities including drawing and write their favorite part of the story, drawing and writing what happens next and writing what they would eat if they were the caterpillar
Sequence worksheets
Text-to-self connections worksheets
A set of colored vocabulary cards
Plus a bonus Math book to trace and count the pictures to 10.

Spookley the Square Pumpkin activity pack
This book companion accompanies the lovely story of ‘The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin’ by Joe Troiano.
The activities include:
A craftivity to make your own Spookley
Colored Sequencing cards to retell the story
Character traits of Spookley writing sheet
My favorite part of the story drawing and writing
Graphic organisers
All about Spookley worksheet
Beginning, middle and end drawing or writing sheet
Cause and effect worksheet plus a blank worksheet for the teacher to part fill or for more able children to fully complete by themselves
Feelings worksheets
I am special worksheet - compare how Spookley was special to how they are special
If I were a pumpkin drawing and writing sheet
Make the sentences cut and paste
Making comparisons- a venn diagram to compare Spokley to the other pumpkins
Retell the story writing worksheet
Retell the story cut and paste picture worksheet
Text-to-self connections - How Spookley helped and how they have helped someone
Write three sentences about Spookley worksheet
PLUS a bonus matching pairs game!

The Billy Goats Gruff story sack resources
The pack includes:
Large characters and story props pictures- these would be great on a display or are good when laminated and velcro added to the back for the children to use on a flannel board
Small characters and story props pictures with A4 sized playboard- these are great for table top play and also great when laminated and stored with the story book or included in a story sack
Story word cards- these are good for displays and also to use in the writing area when writing about the story
Sentence cards to sequence of the story of The Billy Goats Gruff
Black and white pictures of the characters and story props for the children to colour or collage
Black and white and colour face masks of the Billy Goats and Troll
A colourful bingo game with pictures from the story
A matching pairs game with pictures from the story
A large colourful board game to make including die and characters to make
Finger puppets to colour and make- great for retelling the story and including in your story sack
Photos of real goats
A rhyming word wheel to generate rhyming words
Plus many other resources.

Snowmen at Night book companion
Snowmen at Night is a lovely story for Winter.
This book companion includes:
Sequencing picture cards- these are in full color and also in blackline
Sequencing worksheet cut and paste
Graphic organizers
Sequence the sentences to retell the story
My favorite part of the story writing and drawing activity
If I were a snowman activity sheet
Label the snowman- two versions for writing or cut and paste
‘My Snowman’ writing activity
Snowman Can, Have, Are grid
Story map- draw in the missing parts of the story- two versions for differentiation
Text-to-self connections- What do the snowmen and you do at night, What do the snowman and you do in the snow
Three ‘What happens next’ drawing and writing worksheets
Two worksheets for students to list or draw the things the snowmen did at night
Writing activity to write about what they would do at night if they were snowmen- a writing and a drawing version
Writing activity- What do the snowmen do at night in the story and what do they think snowmen really do at night
Beginning, middle and end of the story- a worksheet to draw or write about the different parts

Alphabet bunting- 3 different sets- colour and black and white
Three colourful sets of alphabet bunting to hang in your classroom or the outside area-
Just print and display!
Each flag is approximately A4 in size but can be printed smaller
The pack includes:
Set 1
The letters of the alphabet on colourful star flags
Set 2
Bunting flags with letters and a picture on each flag
Set 3
To be made double sided or displayed side by side- the flags have the letter on one and pictures beginning with that sound on the other
All of the sets are also included in black and white so they can be coloured in- they contain extra blank flags so that they can be made as a whole class activity with each child decorating their own flag- a great new term activity!

Alphabet initial sound bingo games- two different sets- pictures and sounds/letters
Two colourful initial sound bingo games
In the set there are two sets of bingo game cards. Each set has 20 different bingo playing cards so they can be used for a whole class (the cards can be repeated for a larger class) or for group games.
One bingo game has colourful pictures and other set has letters. The bingo games can be played in various ways- by calling a letter and the child covering a picture if it begins with that sound, by calling a letter and covering the letter on their board, by calling a picture and covering the initial sound letter or by calling a picture and covering that picture on their board.
The calling cards can also be used in various ways- to play the bingo games, to play matching games to match pictures, letters or picture and initial sound, for phonics displays and many more ways.
Also included in the pack is an activity sheet with details of these games and others that can be played using this resource.
The bingo boards are approximately A4 size but by altering printer settings prior to printing you could print them larger or smaller.

Letters and Sounds IWB resources for phases 1 and 2 plus flash cards
My popular resources packs for IWB for phases 1 and 2 of the Letters and Sounds scheme plus the phonics flash card pack which covers phases 1-6

Alphabet bunting- 3 sets colour and black/white
Three colourful sets of alphabet bunting to hang in your classroom or the outside area-
Just print and display!
Each flag is approximately A4 in size but can be printed smaller
The pack includes:
Set 1
The letters of the alphabet on colourful star flags
Set 2
Bunting flags with letters and a picture on each flag
Set 3
To be made double sided or displayed side by side- the flags have the letter on one and pictures beginning with that sound on the other
All of the sets are also included in black and white so they can be coloured in- they contain extra blank flags so that they can be made as a whole class activity with each child decorating their own flag- a great new term activity!