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Number Rhyme activity pack 2- four popular counting rhymes- sausages, astronauts, monkeys, ten bed
A fun pack with activities and props for singing four popular number rhymes:
1- Ten fat sausages sizzling in the pan:
Counting book to use when singing the rhyme
Individual number lines to 10 and 20
A collecting sausages game
A sausage number line to 20
Singing props
Colouring picture
Rhyme card
2- Five little monkeys
Counting book to use when singing the rhyme
Individual number lines to 10 and 20
A monkey face mask
A monkey number line to 20
Singing props
A board game with three sets of differentiated addition game cards
Colouring picture
Rhyme card
3- Five little astronauts
Counting book to use when singing the rhyme
Individual number lines to 10 and 20
Missing number cards- 20 different cards to write the number or add the astronaut number card
An astronaut number line to 20
Singing props
A large moon and rocket and space men for display
Rocket pattern matching pairs game
An astronaut face mask
Colouring picture
Rhyme card
4- Ten in the bed
Counting book to use when singing the rhyme
Individual number lines to 10 and 20
Build a bear dice game
A teddy bear number line to 20
Teddy bear colour matching pairs game
Singing props
Colouring picture
Rhyme card

Alphabet crayons display
A bright and colourful set of alphabet crayons-great for displays, flashcards, games etc
This is a CD with three great alphabet crayons sets. One has the lower and upper case alphabet, a second has just the lower case letters and a third has just upper case alphabet.
These would make a great display for your classroom. Alternatively they could be used as flashcards when teaching the sounds. The lower case and upper case crayons could also be used to play matching pairs or used to make a display for the children to match the lower case letter to the upper case letter.
The crayons are in files with three crayons on each A4 page. However you could change your printer settings to print the crayons larger or smaller.
The font used on the crayons is Sassoon Primary Infant which is widely used in Primary schools.
The crayons are saved as PDF files and can be opened using Adobe Acrobat Reader which is available for free from their website or is probably already on your computer.

Owl Alphabet display
Two lovely owl alphabets for you to print out and use in your educational setting.
Included is a colour alphabet and also a black and white alphabet which you can colour in yourselves or allow the children to colour to create their own alphabet.
Each owl has a letter of the alphabet in lower case which can be used to create an alphabet line, used to create display titles such as 'welcome' for your new class, or used as flashcards or games.
The owls are approximately A5 size however by altering printer settings you will be able to print them out in whatever size you would like.

Bus Display and Games pack- transport
Bus display and games pack
A great pack of resources with a bus theme.
The pack includes:
An alphabet line with buses- each A4 card has the lower and upper case letter- these could be printed smaller if required
A number line up to 50 with buses
Bus counting cards- each bus has a different number of passengers up to 10- great for displays or for children to order
Bus counting cards with numbers up to 10 to count the number of passengers in each bus
A colour bus matching pairs game
Colouring pages of buses each with a different number of passengers on from 0-10
Pages to make a London bus money box from card- this is supplied in colour and also in black and white- print onto card and assemble the two parts to make your money box

Multicultural number line display
Multicultural number line
This number line has boys and girls each with different hair colour and skin tone and some wearing glasses to promote a diverse environment for your teaching.
A great resource to impress OFSTED!
The resource has one child/number on each A4 page but these can be reduced in size before printing to create a smaller display or create flash cards.
The number line goes from 1 - 50.

Alphabet initial sound bingo games- two different sets- pictures and sounds/letters
Two colourful initial sound bingo games
In the set there are two sets of bingo game cards. Each set has 20 different bingo playing cards so they can be used for a whole class (the cards can be repeated for a larger class) or for group games.
One bingo game has colourful pictures and other set has letters. The bingo games can be played in various ways- by calling a letter and the child covering a picture if it begins with that sound, by calling a letter and covering the letter on their board, by calling a picture and covering the initial sound letter or by calling a picture and covering that picture on their board.
The calling cards can also be used in various ways- to play the bingo games, to play matching games to match pictures, letters or picture and initial sound, for phonics displays and many more ways.
Also included in the pack is an activity sheet with details of these games and others that can be played using this resource.
The bingo boards are approximately A4 size but by altering printer settings prior to printing you could print them larger or smaller.

Harvest Festival- activities, display materials, Assembly powerpoint
A collection of resources for Harvest Festival and a simple Powerpoint which would be great to use for an Assembly
A long 'Harvest Festival' banner and a 'Harvest' banner
Large letters each decorated with ears of corn- great to use for a larger display
Various display borders- print out as many times as you need for a display board of any size
Decorated cards with songs and rhymes about Harvest Festival
Topic word cards
Information cards about Harvest Festival- each card is decorated with pictures of fruit and vegetables
Large colour pictures of harvest foods- these are in colour and also in black and white so could be used for art work
A4 work borders in black and white and colour- these could be used for writing borders or to mount the childrens work
A Powerpoint about Harvest Festival- the pages of this could also be printed to make into a book
A number rhyme card and props to use when singing the rhyme- 'On the Farmers Apple Tree'
A fruit and vegetable matching pairs game
A Harvest themed picture bingo game
Colour photos of Harvest, Fruit and Vegetables etc- great for displays and for discussion
Harvest themed colouring sheets

The Very Hungry Caterpillar story telling pack including calendar, games and activities + life cycle
A huge resources pack for the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Colour class calendar to make
Sequencing pictures
Worksheets and activities
Literacy and Numeracy activities
Life cycle display materials and activities
Display materials
Photographs for display and discussion
Powerpoints including learning about butterflies, story telling , interactive maths activities and interactive story questions
Plus lots lots more
Please note: The art work used in these resources has been produced by ourselves. It is not associated with, or endorsed by the authors or publishers of the story, or any related stories or products.

Farmer duck resource pack- story sack
Farmer duck resource pack
Included in the pack:
A colourful Display title of ‘Farmer Duck’
A colourful Display border-this can be printed as many times as you need to be used on a display board of any size
Large colour pictures of the animals and items from the story
Information fact cards about the different animals in the book ‘Farmer Duck’
Story words to help the children when writing or talking about the story or for use on displays
Worksheets for the children to write in speech bubbles, match the animals to the sound they make plus others to help when teaching your children this story
Poems and songs about farm animals
Games to make and play linked to the story and animals in ‘Farmer Duck’
Question cards about the story- great to add to displays
Plus many more resources.

Alphabet bunting- 3 different sets- colour and black and white
Three colourful sets of alphabet bunting to hang in your classroom or the outside area-
Just print and display!
Each flag is approximately A4 in size but can be printed smaller
The pack includes:
Set 1
The letters of the alphabet on colourful star flags
Set 2
Bunting flags with letters and a picture on each flag
Set 3
To be made double sided or displayed side by side- the flags have the letter on one and pictures beginning with that sound on the other
All of the sets are also included in black and white so they can be coloured in- they contain extra blank flags so that they can be made as a whole class activity with each child decorating their own flag- a great new term activity!

Alphabet bunting- 3 sets colour and black/white
Three colourful sets of alphabet bunting to hang in your classroom or the outside area-
Just print and display!
Each flag is approximately A4 in size but can be printed smaller
The pack includes:
Set 1
The letters of the alphabet on colourful star flags
Set 2
Bunting flags with letters and a picture on each flag
Set 3
To be made double sided or displayed side by side- the flags have the letter on one and pictures beginning with that sound on the other
All of the sets are also included in black and white so they can be coloured in- they contain extra blank flags so that they can be made as a whole class activity with each child decorating their own flag- a great new term activity!

PIRATES LOVE UNDERPANTS story resources pack
The pack includes:
Display banner
Display border
Word cards
Large coloured pictures- large character and prop pictures to print out and use on a display
Question cards
Display lettering- an alternative display title with large letters decorated with skull and crossbones
A4 word card
Parrot alphabet
Writing sheets- a set of writing sheets with borders for the children to write on and use in the writing area
Speech bubble worksheets- fill in the speech bubbles to show what the characters are saying
Word searches
Favourite part if the story- draw and write about your favourite part of the story
Writing worksheet- write some sentences about the different pictures on the worksheets
What happens next- A collection of worksheets for the children to draw and write what happens next in the story
Describing places- describe some of the places mentioned in the story
‘sh’ words- match the ‘sh’ words onto the pirate ship
Gold coin initial letter activity- match each letter onto the correct pictures on the cards
Acrostic poem
Gold coin phonemes- all of the phonemes from the Letters and Sounds scheme on gold coins- great to use in a sand tray
Sharks number line
Counting worksheets
Size ordering- cut and order the pirate ships by size
Follow the maze- follow the numbers from 1-10 and 1-20 to help the pirates reach the Pants of Gold
Making 10- Worksheets to make a total of 10 in each treasure chest
Number digit cards from 0-10- each card has a decorated number and the correct number of pirates peeping from behind the number
Matching pants
Roll and colour- roll a die and colour the numbered underpants on your sheet
Pirate board game- travel across the island and collect the goldcoins but make sure the pirates don’t steal any!
Stick puppets- colour and make your own stick puppets of pirates and a parrot
Face masks
Colouring- a collection of colouring worksheets
Design the Pants of Gold
Treasure map
Make a pirate hat
Colour by numbers- colour the parrots using the number key
Decorate the underpants
Treasure chest activity- draw you find in the treasure chest
Tracing pictures- trace over the dotted lines on the underpants
Face masks- a set of coloured face masks to use when retelling the story or making up new stories
Stick puppets- coloured stick puppets to use when retelling the story
Story sack tag
Story props
Please note: The art work used in these resources has been produced by ourselves. It is not associated with, or endorsed by the authors or publishers of the story, or any related stories or products.

Airport role play pack- holidays, transport
A great pack for creating a role play area of an airport in your setting.
Contains lots of colourful posters and signs, lots of opportunities for mark making/ writing and banners and large posters for arrivals and departures both filled in and blank.

Summer writing activity pack- KS1 /EYFS
A fun pack of writing sheets for the summer term or any summery day!
Making a list of food and drink for a picnic
My day at the beach
Writing instructions for building a sandcastle
Staying safe in the sun
Cooling down in the heat
Writing sentences plus more...
Could be made into a workbook or the sheets could be used individually- great for end of term assessment!

Back to school writing pack- first week of term KS1/ EYFS
A fun set of sheets for use after the summer holidays and for the first week of the autumn term.
Summer holiday memories
Thoughts and plans for the new school year
My new class
Classroom rules
Be a friend, not a bully plus more...
Contains 22 different sheets which could be used individually or made into a workbook or even used to make quick and easy displays!

Multicultural Alphabet Line display
Multicultural alphabet line
A lovely colourful display to print out.
This alphabet line has boys and girls each with different hair colour and skin tone and some wearing glasses to promote a diverse environment for your teaching.
A great resource to impress OFSTED!
The resource has one child/letter on each A4 page but these can be reduced in size before printing to create a smaller display or create flash cards.

Monkey Puzzle story sack resources
The pack includes:
Display banner
Display border
Story words
Large lettering- Large A-Z letters in lower and upper case with a leaf decoration- great for larger display titles or to create a different alphabet line
Large pictures- Large coloured pictures of the animals in the story, leaves and plants and different bugs to help you create a great display
Word and picture cards- cards with the name and picture of each of the animals in the story
Word mat- An A4 word mat with words and pictures relating to the story
Speech bubble worksheets- various worksheets to write what the different animals are saying
Writing paper- various writing sheets with themed borders to use for work about the story or to add to the writing area
Alphabet line
Acrostic poems
Guess the animal cards- read the clues and match to the correct animal from the story
Worksheets- Various worksheets about the story and animals including matching the animal to the clue, initial sounds, cut and stick animal names etc
My jungle day
Describe your mum- A worksheet to draw and describe your own mum
Favourite part- draw and write about your favourite part of the story
Number line
Size ordering- order the caterpillars and snakes in length order
Roll-a-die game- roll a die and collect the part of your animal
Colour by numbers
Counting worksheets- Count the animals worksheets with numbers 1-3, 1-5 and 1-10
Addition- an alternative colour by numbers sheets where children find the answer and colour the part of the butterfly
Missing numbers- fill in the missing numbers on the caterpillars
Animal puppets
Animal masks
Draw a jungle scene- draw your own jungle and the animals in it
Jigsaw puzzle- design your own jigsaw puzzle and then cut out the pieces
Poems and rhymes- a collection of decorated cards with rhymes and poems about jungle animals
Animal photos- lovely colour photos to print out and add to a display
Jungle photos
Animal fact cards
Butterfly life cycle pictures
Life cycle worksheets- various worksheets about the life cycle of a butterfly
Power Point
Story sack tag
Coloured puppets
Coloured face masks
Sequence cards
Please note: The art work used in these resources has been produced by ourselves. It is not associated with, or endorsed by the authors or publishers of the story, or any related stories or products.

Fantastic Mr Fox teaching pack- worksheets, activities, display materials, quiz- ROALD DAHL
A great resource pack for the Roald Dahl story ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’
Display banner- a long colourful banner to print for your display
Display borders- two different borders- one with the food the foxes ate and the other with characters from the story
A Fantastic Mr Fox quiz- 30 questions for the quiz master to choose from with answers and a quiz recording sheet
Word searches- 2 different word searches with words about the story
Question cards- decorated question cards to use on your display
Character posters- a colour picture of each character and their name
Story words- decorated cards with words relating to the story
A4 word card- with words relating to the story and the character names- great to use when writing about the story
Various decorated worksheets including:
Book review- write a book review about Fantastic Mr Fox
Newspaper articles- various outlines with different headlines about the farmer’s plan, about how the fox outwitted the farmers and about the farmers discovering they have had food stolen
Diaries- write diary accounts of the farmers trying to find the fox and about the fox living underground
Speech bubble worksheets- write what you think the farmers are saying to each other
Design a poster- design a poster by the farmers to try and gain public support for killing the fox
Character writing- various sheets to write about each of the main characters
Question worksheets- two worksheets with questions about the story
Writing sheets- various decorated sheets with borders to photocopy and use for writing activities
Write your own story- a decorated worksheet for writing another chapter or story about Fantastic Mr Fox
Describing worksheets- describe the fox and the farmers
Points of view- write the arguments for the famers plan and against the farmers plan to kill the fox
Sorting statements- sort the various statements about the fox and the farmers
Roald Dahl’s words- find words and phrases in the story to describe the different characters
Animal worksheets- various worksheets about animals which live underground
Stick puppets- stick puppets to colour and make of the different characters for retelling the story, creating dialogue and creating new stories
Face masks- face masks of the different characters
Rhymes- make up new rhymes about each of the farmers
Dialogue worksheet- write the dialogue between the three farmers as they dig the huge hole

Nursery Rhyme song sack pack- Games, posters, activities, display
The pack includes:
Rhyme sheets for 6 popular Nursery Rhymes:
Humpty Dumpty
Sing a Song of Sixpence
Twinkle Twinkle
Hickory Dickory Dock
Baa Baa black Sheep
Jack and Jill
Colour character props for each rhyme- these would be great on a display or great when laminated and kept with nursery rhyme books for singing the rhymes
Black and white characters and props for each rhyme for the children to colour/ collage etc
A large (3xA4) size grandfather clock in colour for the rhyme ‘Hickory Dickory Dock’
Colourful games to accompany each rhyme
A 3D wall and Humpty Dumpty model to make using a split pin
Numbered blackbirds up to 24 for the rhyme ‘Sing a Song of Sixpence’
A rhyming word game
A4 colouring sheets for each rhyme
A great bumper pack-great for displays, games and making class rhyme books.

The Gingerbread Man story resource pack- games, worksheets, activities
The Gingerbread Man
The pack includes:
Large character pictures in colour and black and white- great for displays or for laminating and adding velcro to the back to use on flannel boards for retelling of the story
Story word cards- great for display or to encourage writing
An A3 board game in colour based on the story of The Gingerbread Man
A literacy game where the children throw the 2 dice- onset and rhyme and make cvc words or rhyming words to build their Gingerbread Man
A moving Gingerbread Man model to make using split pins
Black and white face masks- great for retelling of the story and for use in the outdoor area
Numbered Gingerbread Men
Counting cards with Gingerbread men on baking trays to count
A Gingerbread Man numeracy rhyme card and props for singing the rhyme
A rhyming word wheel
Plus many other resources.