Easy Explanations!
Contains several different explanation texts all with speech. What it is? What it consists of? How it works? Other types. ...
Describing Settings - Wild West Theme
A presentation that takes the children through how to expand nouns with adjectives through to writing a quality description of a Wild West setting. Includes work on 'phrases', 'similes' and how to drive around the scene using prepositions and noun starters.
Christmas Carol - Literacy Activities
A unit of work covering a whole range of literacy activities centred around 'Christmas Carol' by Charles Dickens: Playscripts, Diaries, Viewpoints, Biography, Narrative. Goes really well with the movie.
Enjoy! :->
Persuasive Arguments and Discussions
Several persuasive argument and discussion texts all using Point, Explain, Evidence. Some are broken down into sections for easy teaching. The use of the deep voice helps children remember how to create their own. Watch as they all start repeating what the deep voice says! Makes teaching arguments and discussion texts very easy. I hope you find them useful.
Victorians Through Writing Genres
A range of example texts about the Victorians including newspapers, adverts, diaries, explanations and reports. Also included is a timeline, a few sample texts from Oliver Twist and a section on child chimney sweeps.
Newspaper Stories - Read All About it!
A selection of newspaper stories on different themes. A few have have been broken down into sections to help with teaching them. Includes voice. Apologies for humour in the stories!
Rhyming Grammar Poem
A poem to teach the word meanings of grammar. Get them on their feet reciting and chanting :-> Voice included to help with teaching the rhythm. Common nouns are all around, just go and take a look, a table, chair, a coat, a bag, or empty writing book.
Space Complex Sentence Builder
Lots of sentence openers which can be used to practise sentence building. Great for practising how a sentence sounds or to revise them once learnt; all on the theme of space. Sound is added to each page to help the children get the rhythm of the sentence.
Adjectives, Verb Starter, Adverb verb starter, Time – slow time, Time – fast time, 3 for Description, 3 for Action, Preposition Starter, Noun starters, Adjective Starters, Double Adverb, Subordinate Clause, Having done something, With its, soon, easily, Although, As, Unless, The more, the more, Rather than, Despite, Whenever, Verb, Simile, Personification, On, …, Whereas, Point, Evidence, Explain
Sea, Boats, Imagery and Sentence Building
Lots of sentence openers which children can listen to. Great for practising how a sentence sounds or to revise them once learnt; all on the theme of boats. Each sentence has sound adde to get sentence fluency. Each page is hot linked to a menu page for fast use in the classroom.
Adjectives, 3 For Description, 3 For Action, Preposition, Double adverb, Relative clause, Having starter, With, its, Although 1, Although 2, As 1, As 2, The more, the more, Rather than, Whenever, Verb Simile, Personification, Whereas, Adjective, adjective, noun, Noun, verb, adverb, Newspaper Starters, Point Explain.
2. Speaking SPaG Spelling Y5 Y6
The Y5 and Y6 spellings taken from the ‘strange word list’ of the 2014 new national curriculum literacy. I’ve added definitions and sound to help with understanding. No doubt they’ll test them on these in the SPaG test.
Mountain Literacy Non-Fiction Texts
A whole range of non-fiction texts which can be used during a topic on mountains: persuasive letter, newspaper, diary journal, explanation, non-chronological report, discussion text, advert place, advert object, instructions, biography