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German Phrases to talk about Music

German Phrases to talk about Music

A range of phrases and vocabulary to help students talk about musical interests and give opinions about different types of music. There are some ambitious adjectives here. I have used this by playing some different types of music as students move around the room discussing what they here. Encourages interaction and ambition.
German gender, case & adjective endings magic grid

German gender, case & adjective endings magic grid

To find the correct article to go with a noun, start at square one and answer the questions until you arrive at the correct word. Colours indicate the ending on any adjective that is used. Good for getting students used to the factors that determine the case of a noun. Covers NOM, ACC and DAT but no GEN.
German cinema / Kino dialogue

German cinema / Kino dialogue

Model dialogue in which 2 people arrange to go to the cinema. Students fill in the gaps by finding missing words in the word puzzle. As an extension task, they can complete the film programme information and devise their own conversation based on it.
A Level German Speaking stimulus phrases

A Level German Speaking stimulus phrases

Suggested phrases for a) summarising information in a stimulus b) giving opinions about a related issue c) giving factual information. Proven to help students structure their thoughts and express them more clearly. Promotes use of ambitious language.
German fitness / free time role play tasks. Freizeit

German fitness / free time role play tasks. Freizeit

3 role-play tasks based on the topic of free time and fitness. One student plays part of the interviewer and has a model script. The other plays the TV star interviewee and has the English prompts. Some utterances need to be in different tenses. There is also a peer assessment feedback sheet. These tasks are proven in class to be motivating and to encourage interaction.
German - role play tasks relating to music topic. Musik. Speaking.

German - role play tasks relating to music topic. Musik. Speaking.

3 role-play tasks based on the topic of music. Prompts are given in English, questions for interviewer / assessor are in German. Some utterances need to be in different tenses. There is also a peer assessment feedback sheet. These tasks are proven in class to be motivating and to encourage interaction.
Urlaubsspiel / Holidays / Vacation game to practise German past tense

Urlaubsspiel / Holidays / Vacation game to practise German past tense

Monopoly-style game on the topic of holidays. Students start on ‘Los!’ with 3 points. If they land on a picture they have to say what they did on holiday (pictures are a just a guide). 1pt for a short answer e.g. ich bin nach Italien gefahren. 2pts if extended e.g. Letztes Jahr bin ich nach Italien mit meiner Familie gefahren und wir haben Rom besucht. 3pts if an opinion is added to an extended answer. If a player lands on a question mark square, they pick up a (chance) card from the middle, work out what it means using help sheet and win or lose points. Great for practising past tenses, encouraging extension and ambition and allowing for peer evaluation.
German Umwelt / Environment reading and writing task

German Umwelt / Environment reading and writing task

Students read about what Elias does for the environment, then adapt his paragraph to make him sound non environmentally-friendly. This is a good task for lower ability students as much of the necessary language is in both German and English on the worksheet.
German - phrases for discussing what you have heard.

German - phrases for discussing what you have heard.

Useful phrases for use during listening tasks which students can use to discuss what they have heard. Students make notes in German when listening, then with a partner, use their notes and the help sheet to discuss the content of the audio. This encourages extended use of the target language and promotes interaction.
German fashion - describing clothes. Kleidung / Mode

German fashion - describing clothes. Kleidung / Mode

Useful sheet with vocabulary for different clothes and adjectives to describe them. The sheet also shows the gender of each item of clothing and indicates what adjective ending to use. Proven to broaden students’ descriptive vocabulary.
German Meine Hobbys 90-word essay preparation. Freizeit / Free time

German Meine Hobbys 90-word essay preparation. Freizeit / Free time

This sheet gives students suggestions about how to include ambitious sentences in a GCSE essay about hobbies. In preparation for the essay, students translate 9 sentences (page 1) that would fit the essay bullet points. They use the grammar notes (page 2) to help them. Answers are on page 3. Once complete students should write their own essay. This task has produced some excellent essays for me in the past, and has helped those who frequently complain that they ‘don’t know what to write’.