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German tourist brochure phrases
Useful phrases for students to promote a tourist attraction, giving key details (price, facilities, location etc). Could be used for a written task, such as a flier to promote an attraction, or for a speaking activity during which students argue about whose attraction is best and why. Proven to engage and expand vocab.
German poem about a best friend activity. Mein bester Freund.
An original poem with a twist! Students get the version of the poem with the ends of each line missing. They must choose the correct endings of lines (rhyme scheme AABB) from the options on the board (Powerpoint). What can they tell you in English about the writer’s best friend? Great activity for Y9 or 10. Proven to challenge and engage, and students like the surprising twist at the end.
German 'chat up' phrases categorised into 7 phrase types. Relationships / Friends
Ideal for topics relating to friends and going out, these ‘chat up’ phrases encourage interaction and develop students’ skill in choosing specific phrase types for different purposes. Works well with Year 9. Get students asking each other out and encourage them to play ‘hard to get’ so that the ‘asker’ has to try a bit harder and the conversations are more extended. Give it a go!
German articles, cases, pronouns, prepositions and adjective endings.
One page reference sheet for determining different cases and adjective endings. It also addresses pronouns and case-specific prepositions. Ideal for 6th formers working independently. Proven to improve accuracy.
German speaking structures for picture descriptions (BUMFACE)
Useful phrases and structures to describe pictures. Includes language to describe what is in the picture but also ideas on how students can be more imaginative and ambitious. Motivating and engaging.
German song to practise verbs 'haben' and 'sein'. Grammar.
Original song about a hamster called Habensein, to practise the 2 verbs, with accompanying gap text. Audio file of song is on the Powerpoint. Proven activity to motivate and engage students in the classroom.
German imperfect tense rules and tasks
Worksheet outlining the rules for the imperfect tense (regular and irregular verbs) with 2 creative tasks for practice.
German ambitious tense structures for writing and speaking
Ambitious opinion and tense structures for GCSE writing and speaking, including different connective types. Ideal for adding variety to students’ work. Proven to help students access the higher grades at GCSE.
German gender, case & adjective endings magic grid
To find the correct article to go with a noun, start at square one and answer the questions until you arrive at the correct word. Colours indicate the ending on any adjective that is used. Good for getting students used to the factors that determine the case of a noun. Covers NOM, ACC and DAT but no GEN.