Understanding the world

KS2 Worksheet - Classifying Vertebrates/Invertebrates
KS2 Worksheet - Classifying Vertebrates/Invertebrates
Main activity - answer the questions in the key to find out which group the animals belong too - invertebrate or vertebrate (mammal/bird/fish/reptile/amphibian). Pictures of animals provided.
Answers provided on the final page.

Using a Search Engine - Space Research
Using a Search Engine - Space Research
Use a search engine to answer the questions about Space.

Space Project - Instructions and template (2 documents)
Space Project - Instructions and template (2 documents)
Instructions: explains what the children should include in the project.
Template: blank document containing all the relevant pages for the children to complete.

Using a Search Engine - Mesolithic Times Research
Using a Search Engine - Mesolithic Times Research
Use a search engine to answer the questions about Mesolithic Times.

Time Capsule Sheet
Time Capsule Sheet
Children fill in their favourite things at the start of the year. These are then looked at again at the end of the school to see if any answers have changed.