World languages
Grammar basics practice activity (adjectives,nouns and verbs)
This resource can be used as a group work or individual activity.These sheets can be used as a form of diagnostic assessment or as a summative test assignment.It deals specifically with verbs,adjectives and nouns.
The Simple Tenses: Past,Future and Present
This set of worksheets focusses on the simple tenses-the past, present and future.
Closing Statements and Speeches-The formula for a successful speech.
This set of worksheets can be used across a wide range of learner levels, it focusses on the following:
-How to write a cohesive and eloquent speech or closing statement.
-Guidelines on paragraphing and including information
-Examples to illustrate each point-these are user-friendly and easy to understand.
Grammar Essentials part 2-Apostrophes
This series of slides demonstrates the following:
-What are apostrophes and when do we use them?
-What exceptions are there to using apostrophes?
-Which specific words need a contraction and which do not.
Apartheid and Segregation in South Africa- Activity and word glossary
This worksheet is essential to those teaching Apartheid within higher levels of high school, it has a basic list of terms that students will likely encounter when studying this section. It also has a song activity (protest music of the Apartheid era) and a definition section on the aforementioned terms.
Grammar Essentials-Nouns,Verbs,Adjectives,Pronouns and Adverbs.
This slide presentation is a slideshow of these parts of grammar. The slides include examples and can be used for ESL and first language students.