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Runningmad123's Shop

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I aim to create detailed lessons for KS3 and KS4 science lessons, simplifying content for both teachers and pupils. My lessons include a lot of pupil-centred tasks and modelling activities where appropriate to engage pupils in their learning. As an AQA examiner for the new GCSE trilogy and triple science course I include a lot of 'past paper' style questions in my lessons that match the type of questions students will be asked in examinations.




I aim to create detailed lessons for KS3 and KS4 science lessons, simplifying content for both teachers and pupils. My lessons include a lot of pupil-centred tasks and modelling activities where appropriate to engage pupils in their learning. As an AQA examiner for the new GCSE trilogy and triple science course I include a lot of 'past paper' style questions in my lessons that match the type of questions students will be asked in examinations.
AQA 9-1 Topic 2 Bonding - Polymers and states of matter (including changes of state)

AQA 9-1 Topic 2 Bonding - Polymers and states of matter (including changes of state)

A lesson explaining the structure of polymers and properties of polymers, including a step-by-step method on drawing repeating units and explanation of the properties of thermosoftening and thermosetting polymers. The lesson also includes an explanation of the properties of solids, liquids and gases and a step-by-step method on how to predict the state of a substance when given the melting and boiling point. The lesson features: A starter consisting of 10 basic recall questions from previous learning with animated answers (ionic formula and properties of ionic compounds, covalent bonding diagrams, properties of simple covalent substances and graphite, properties of metals and alloys) Slides introducing what a polymer is and how to draw repeating units Practice questions on drawing repeating units with animated answers A paired teaching activity on the difference between thermosoftening and thermosetting polymers A discussion task to illicit prior knowledge on solids, liquids and gases A summary table explaining the properties of solids, liquids and gases Slides explaining how to predict the state of substances using number lines with two animated examples Summary questions asking students to predict the state of substances using a data table containing melting and boiling points
AQA 9-1 Topic 1 Chemistry - development of the periodic table and separating methods

AQA 9-1 Topic 1 Chemistry - development of the periodic table and separating methods

A double lesson looking at the role of Newlands and Mendeleev in the development of the periodic table, comparing early versions of the periodic table to the modern periodic table and explaining how the separating techniques of filtration, evaporation, distillation and chromatography work. Lots of content in the lesson, including: The lesson features: A starter consisting of 10 basic recall questions from previous learning with animated answers (labelling the plum pudding model, electron configurations, isotopes, what the mass number tells you about an atom, displacement reactions, group 1 reactions with water, periodic table arrangement, atomic structure) A printable sheet for students to make notes on comparing the 3 versions of the periodic table Summary notes for the periodic tables created by Newlands and Mendeleev A link to a video explaining how Mendeleev organised the elements in his periodic table A series of exam style questions and animated answers testing students understanding of the different periodic tables Slides explaining how the separation techniques of filtration, evaporation, distillation and chromatography work and accompanying worksheet for students to fill in (this could be done as a carousel activity) Summary questions asking students to name the technique most suitable to separate a variety of mixtures
NEW AQA 9-1 Chemistry Topic 1 bundle - atomic structure

NEW AQA 9-1 Chemistry Topic 1 bundle - atomic structure

4 Resources
A series of lessons covering the AQA Topic 1 - atomic structure unit. Each lesson features a 10 question starter with animated answers, interactive slides guiding pupils through concepts, links to videos and modelling suggestions together with many exam-style questions and answers to assess pupil progress. The lessons include the following topics: Atomic structure History of the atomic model Groups on the periodic table (1, 7, 0 and transition metals) Development of the periodic table Separating techniques Included in the bundle is a topic 1 revision sheet with questions/ prompts for students to complete
New AQA Topic 1 Chemistry Group 1, 7, 0 and transition metals (Topic 1 atomic structure)

New AQA Topic 1 Chemistry Group 1, 7, 0 and transition metals (Topic 1 atomic structure)

A double lesson/ series of lessons looking at the properties of groups 1, 7, 0 and transition metals. The lesson looks at the reactions of group 1/7 and how to explain their reactivity. The lesson features a wide range of questions to check on student understanding Lesson features include: A starter consisting of 10 basic recall questions from previous learning with animated answers (isotopes, structure of the atom, electron configurations, history of the atom) A slide containing a table and animated answers that could be shared whilst demonstrating group 1 reactions with water/ watching a video A series of slides prompting students to write word and symbol equations, together with a series of summary questions and exam-style questions Slides guiding students through explaining reactivity of group 1 and 7 using a split board, allowing students to see model answers whilst answering a slightly different question A slide introducing the concept of a displacement reaction using celebrity relationships A host of questions on displacement reactions of group 7 A link to a video on transition metal properties and summary following the video A comparison question of group 1 and transition metals Question related to predicting boiling points of group 0 A worksheet with exam-style questions covering the properties of groups 1, 7 and transition metals
AQA 9-1 Topic 2 Chemistry - metallic bonding and alloys (Bonding and structure topic)

AQA 9-1 Topic 2 Chemistry - metallic bonding and alloys (Bonding and structure topic)

A lesson describing the structure of metals, explaining the properties of metals in relation to the structure, explaining what an alloy is and examples of alloys and how their composition relates to their use. The lesson features: A starter consisting of 10 recall questions from previous learning with animated answers (graphene, ionic formula and ionic bonding diagrams, properties of ionic and covalent substances, structure of diamond, properties of graphite and uses of fullerenes) A slide introducing metallic bonding with a comparison to ionic and covalent bonding A series of slides explaining the structure and properties of metals, with prompts to help students explain the properties independently before viewing model answers that are animated on the powerpoint An explanation for what an alloy is and why alloys are harder than pure metals A table of specific alloys and their uses (linking to Topic 10 - using resources) that could be cut out for students to look at using a carousel activity A host of short review questions on metals and alloys A formative assessment task with success criteria included requiring pupils to link a series of statements written on visual hexagons to explain the properties of metals and compare this to ionic and covalent bonding
AQA 9-1 Topic 2 - Covalent bonding (simple covalent structures and diamond, graphite and graphene)

AQA 9-1 Topic 2 - Covalent bonding (simple covalent structures and diamond, graphite and graphene)

A series of lessons looking at the structure and properties of covalent structures. The lesson includes a step-by-step method for how to draw covalent bonding diagrams, the properties of simple covalent substances and the structure and properties of allotropes of carbon - diamond, graphite, graphene, nanotubes and fullerenes. The lesson features: A 10 question starter quiz with animated answers on previous learning (ions, ionic bonding, ionic formula, ionic properties, separating methods, group 1 reactions with water) Slides introducing how to draw dot and cross diagrams with animated step-by-step examples and practice diagrams for students to complete Slides explaining the structure of allotropes of carbon, with comparison slides asking students to think about the properties of diamond versus graphite (when shown their uses) and graphite versus graphene) A slide asking pupils to ‘link the pictures’ together to explain the discovery and potential uses of graphene A link to a video looking at the uses of graphene Review question slides containing exam-style questions with animated answers throughout the powerpoint
New AQA GCSE Chemistry Topic 6 - reversible reactions and equilbrium

New AQA GCSE Chemistry Topic 6 - reversible reactions and equilbrium

A lesson describing what a reversible reaction is and explaining the term 'equilibrium'. The lesson is designed for foundation students and does not include 'Le Chatelier's principle'. The lesson features: - A past paper question starter based on a chemical reaction similar to the RPA tasks in the topic 6 unit. The task contains prompt questions designed to facilitate students answering questions based on unfamiliar scenarios - A demonstration reaction (ammonium chloride decomposing to produce ammonia and hydrogen chloride) with questions and animated answers on the powerpoint - A class practical (heating hydrated copper sulfate to produce anhydrous copper sulfate and water) with a results table containing animated answers to ensure that pupils understand observations seen in the practical task - Past paper questions based on the class practical and animated answers on the powerpoint - A mini true/ false statement table to allow for assessment of understanding
AQA GCSE 9-1 Neutralisation reactions and making a soluble salt required practical

AQA GCSE 9-1 Neutralisation reactions and making a soluble salt required practical

A double lesson/ series of lessons looking at neutralisation reactions, writing ionic formulae and the process of making crystals of a soluble salt (AQA required practical) Lesson features include: A starter consisting of basic recall questions from previous learning (extraction of metals, reduction/ oxidation, properties of ionic compounds, covalent bonding diagrams, relative formula mass and moles) Slides introducing the pH scale, weak/ strong acids and alkalis and the difference between an alkali and a base with AfL question (alongside an animated answer) Slides with guided practice on how to name salts and writing ionic formulae for salts. Slides and an acompanying worksheet providing plenty of practice on writing equations for metal and acid, acid and alkali and acid and metal carbonate reactions A step by step explanation of the stages involved in making crystals of a soluble salt, including a table for pupils to fill in explaining the reason for each stage in the practical Practice exam-style questions with scaffolded support. The questions focus on describing the method used to make a soluble salt and explaining errors in methods. Simple, easy to follow instructions for carrying out the soluble salt practical A worksheet containing exam-style questions. Answers are included with the sheet to enable assessment of pupil progress Review questions with animated answers
AQA 9-1 Topic 4 Chemical changes - Reactivity series and extraction of metals

AQA 9-1 Topic 4 Chemical changes - Reactivity series and extraction of metals

A lesson looking at the reactivity series, extraction of metals, displacement reactions and the extraction of aluminium using electrolysis Lesson features include: A starter consisting of basic recall questions from previous learning (structure of diamond, alloys, fullerenes, isotopes, properties of ionic compounds, covalent bonding diagrams, relative formula mass and moles) Slides introducing the reactivity and displacement recation using an analogy with multiple practice questions Slides with prompt questions explaining how th position of a metal in the reactivity series links to the method of extraction Slides explaining what oxidation and reduction mean in terms of oxygen with practice questions identifying what is being oxidised/ reduced in reactions An explanation of what spectator ions are and guided practice on how to write ionic equations A recap of the process of electrolysis and labelling an electrolysis cell An animated diagram of the electrolysis of aluminium oxide with prompt questions on the purpose of cryolite and why oxygen does not form at the positive electrode, together with practice exam-style questions on the topic and animated answers. A series of exam-style questions and answers to assess student understanding on the topic