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Miss R's PE Shop

OCR GCSE P.E powerpoint Suitable for in classroom and online teaching Utilising Rosenshein's principles of memory recall - excellent for supporting exam practice and revision study skills Theory broken down into a workable format, inclusion of key questions, key words featured throughout each sub-topic. OCR exam questions relevant to the topic featured throughout the powerpoint

OCR GCSE P.E powerpoint Suitable for in classroom and online teaching Utilising Rosenshein's principles of memory recall - excellent for supporting exam practice and revision study skills Theory broken down into a workable format, inclusion of key questions, key words featured throughout each sub-topic. OCR exam questions relevant to the topic featured throughout the powerpoint
OCR GCSE P.E - The respiratory system

OCR GCSE P.E - The respiratory system

Powerpoint covering the respiratory system, including aerobic and anaerobic respiration. Memory recall questions Exam questions Minimum of 3 lessons but can be extended via included tasks and exam questions! Powerpoint suitable for in class and online teaching
OCR GCSE PE - Knowledge Organisers Section 1

OCR GCSE PE - Knowledge Organisers Section 1

Complete set of knowledge organisers for section 1 GCSE PE. Includes: Key words and definitions Exam questions and answers Associated diagrams, graphs, data tables Topics covered: Skeletal system Muscular system Cardio-respiratory system Movement analysis Effect of Exercise Components of fitness Principles of Training Injury prevention
OCR GCSE P.E - Skeletal System - Structure and Function

OCR GCSE P.E - Skeletal System - Structure and Function

Powerpoint covering the skeletal system for OCR 9-1 GCSE PE. Included memory recall tasks, page layout, weblinks, tasks, exam questions Suitable for online and classroom teaching Slides can be adapted for memory recall questions and keywords each lesson Minimum of 5 lessons included within the powerpoint - can be extended via exam questions and task activities
OCR GCSE P.E - The Cardiovascular system

OCR GCSE P.E - The Cardiovascular system

Powerpoint + supporting tasks to support learning and understanding of the CV system Minimum of 6 lessons contained within the powerpoint Memory recall tasks for the starter of every lesson, keywords, individual and group tasks, exam questions taken from paper 2017-2020 Powerpoint suitable for online and classroom teaching