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Resources for Art and Design Lessons currently teaching art and design in an independent school. Previous experience in large comprehensive schools.




Resources for Art and Design Lessons currently teaching art and design in an independent school. Previous experience in large comprehensive schools.
Karl Blossfeldt Art Analysis Work Sheet

Karl Blossfeldt Art Analysis Work Sheet

Art Analysis worksheet to support the production of effective annotation in sketchbooks at both ks3 and ks4. Sheet intended to be used as a ‘planning sheet’ and then either cut out typed boxes if shared digitally or neatly handwritten in sketchbook. Image ref - Wikimedia Commons no copyright on images
MARCOS ROMÁN Art Annotation / Planning sheet

MARCOS ROMÁN Art Annotation / Planning sheet

Worksheet to support critical analysis and annotation for literacy within art lessons. works well as a homework sheet for students to take home, begin and write up in sketchbook after initial thinking stage.
African Art Resources

African Art Resources

3 Resources
A range of resources to begin a phase of lessons with ks3 / ks4 students. Gridded drawings from historical African masks, fact sheet to support initial research and an artist annotation planning sheet for the artist Marcos Roman (a contemporary artist influence by African art).
Salvador Dali  Artist Annotation Planning Sheet GCSE / KS3

Salvador Dali Artist Annotation Planning Sheet GCSE / KS3

Worksheet with artist specific questions to support students in creating effective and critical artist analysis. Worksheet designed as a rough planning sheet that studnets could then have work marked / self asses and present in work books. keyword bank included for literacy development with the use of subject specific keywords.
Stephen Wiltshire Note Sheet

Stephen Wiltshire Note Sheet

1 x A4 Sheet for students to write notes as a starter or plenary for the artist Stephen Wiltshire. Could be presented in workbooks as literacy evidence. link to effective video also added via youtube preview image is the file that is downloaded.
Richard Hamilton - Fashion Plate /  Artist Analysis planning sheet / Annotations

Richard Hamilton - Fashion Plate / Artist Analysis planning sheet / Annotations

Worksheet to support effective and critical analysis of the artwork ‘Fashion Plate’ by artist Richard Hamilton Targeted questions linked to this artwork Keyword bank included to encourage the use of subject specific terminology. Ideal to help draft annotations for GCSE students and then presented more creatively or can be used and stuck straight into work books.
Formal Elements Sketchbook Resources /  glossary definition page.

Formal Elements Sketchbook Resources / glossary definition page.

Two documents to be used for formal elements of art lessons. Glossary / Definition boxes for students to write their own definitions for each formal element. In addition to black document there is also a second file with the definitions included for differentiation. also could be used as a card sort for students to match the definitions to the right formal elements.