This complete lesson includes:
New content
Activities to consoliate learning and answer slides
Exam questions with mark scheme
Worksheets that can be printed
This lesson covers the AQA GCSE Biology specification.
This lesson was designed for a low ability year 10 class.
Made for OCR Combined Science
Introduction to what a vaccine is
Comic strip covering how vaccines work
Exam style questions
Exam questions
Lesson covering:
Biological classification of species to include taxonomic hierarchy of kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species AND domain
Binomial system of naming species and the advantage of such a system
Exam questions included
Lesson covering:
Features used to classify organisms into the five kingdoms: Prokaryotae, Protoctista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia
Exam questions included
Lesson covering:
Defining phylogeny
Comparing artificial classification and natural classification
Explaining the relationship between classification and phylogeny and be able to understand a evolutionary tree
Exam questions included
Lesson covering:
Stating the contributions of Darwin and Wallace in formulating the theory of evolution by natural selection
Describing how fossil evidence can be used to evidence for evolution
Describing how biological molecules can be used to evidence evolution
Exam questions included
This is a COMPLETE lesson.
This lesson includes:
New content
Acitvities with answers
Exam questions with mark scheme
Print outs of the sheets required for the lesson
Lesson covering:
-Key terms associated with ecosystems (E.g habitat, consumer, produer, decomposers etc)
-Food chains
-Food webs
-Exam question
Written for OCR spec but can be used for others.
This lesson includes:
Initial rate of reaction
How substrate concentration can affect the rate of reaction
How enzyme concentration can affect the rate of reaction
Exam questions
All questions come WITH answers!
This lesson includes:
Competitive inhibitors
Non-competitive inhibitors
Reversible inhibition
Irreversible inhibition
Exam questions
Lot of activities WITH answers!
This lesson includes:
Functions of organelles found in a prokaryotic cell
Differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells
Exam style questions
Packed full of activities WITH answers!
This lesson includes:
Eukaryotic organelles
Functions of eukaryotic organelles
Differences between the two types of eukaryotic cells
Exam style questions
Packed full of activities WITH answers!
This lesson includes:
Advantages and disadvantages of the electron microscope
Advantages and disadvantages of the light microscope
Defintions of magnifiction and resolution
Exam style questions
All activities come WITH answers!
This bundle includes ALL of the lessons covered in B1 Cell level systems for the OCR Combined Science GCSE!
All lessons are packed full of activities WITH answers!
Lot of exam questions are covered throughout the enitre topic to help with practice for their exam!
This lesson includes:
Relationship between kinetic energy and collisions
Effect of temperaure on enzyme activity
Exam questions
Lots of activities WITH answers!
This lesson covers:
Word equation for anaerobic respiration
Oxygen debt
Lactic acid
Comparison of aerobic and anerobic respiration
Packed full of tasks WITH answers!