This lesson covers:
Word equation for aerobic respiration
Balanced symbol equation for aerobic respiration
Why aerobic respiration is an exothermic reaction
Why all living organism carry out respiation
Exam questions
Packed full of activities WITH answers!
This was created for the last lesson, all questions are about Biology!
It includes:
Picture rounds
Question rounds
Keyword rounds
Spelling rounds
Calculation round
Equation rounds
Every round has answers afterwards!
This lesson covers:
Function of xylem and phloem
Structure of xylem and phloem
Vascular bundle
Exam style questions
Lots of activities WITH the answers!
This lesson covers:
Symptoms of sexually transmitted infections
Causes of sexually transmitted infections
Packed full of activities WITH answers!
Exam questions included!
Optional - comprhension task.
This lesson includes:
Functions of organelles found in a prokaryotic cell
Differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells
Exam style questions
Packed full of activities WITH answers!
This lesson includes:
Eukaryotic organelles
Functions of eukaryotic organelles
Differences between the two types of eukaryotic cells
Exam style questions
Packed full of activities WITH answers!
This lesson includes:
Advantages and disadvantages of the electron microscope
Advantages and disadvantages of the light microscope
Defintions of magnifiction and resolution
Exam style questions
All activities come WITH answers!
This lesson covers:
Word equation for anaerobic respiration
Oxygen debt
Lactic acid
Comparison of aerobic and anerobic respiration
Packed full of tasks WITH answers!
This lesson covers:
Word equation
Balance symbol equation
Process of photosynthesis
How a leaf is adapted for photosynthesis
Lots of activities WITH answers!
This lesson includes:
The female hormones and their role in the menstrual cycle
Different stages of the menstrual cycle
Reasons for infertility
Packed full of activities and the answers are on the next slide.
This lesson includes:
How charcteristics are inherited
Difference between dominant and recessive alleles
Punnett squares
It is filled with activities with the answers on the next slide. Very easy to follow!
This lesson covers:
Calculating surface area: volume ratio
Examples of exchange surfaces
Why multicellular organisms need adapted exchange systems
Lots of activities included WITH answers!