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Fun-Kee-Music Shop

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I have been a music teacher for 30 years plus and have written many original songs over the years for fellow teachers and school events. I would like to share them with you at a reasonable cost to cover my expenses. I hope you like them and find them useful.




I have been a music teacher for 30 years plus and have written many original songs over the years for fellow teachers and school events. I would like to share them with you at a reasonable cost to cover my expenses. I hope you like them and find them useful.
Easter Eggs Bring Lots of Fun: A fun song about Easter Eggs and other signs of Spring

Easter Eggs Bring Lots of Fun: A fun song about Easter Eggs and other signs of Spring

A fun Easter/Spring song where the lyrics tell of painting eggs then rolling them down a hill and having an Easter Egg treasure hunt in the garden but then reveal that our favourite traditional Easter treat are chocolate eggs wrapped in foil! The chorus also discusses other seasonal signs of spring. Why not create a dance to accompany the chorus to practise the children's rhythmic skills and use instruments to accompany the verse. Whatever you do I hope you enjoy this song and it kick starts some other Spring activities.
Baa Baa Baby Sheep

Baa Baa Baby Sheep

A charming Easter Song about lambs playing in a field. It takes the form of a counting song starting with five lambs playing but gradually their numbers dwindle so an excellent addition to your maths spring sessions...your children will also love acting the lyrics out and pretending to be the lambs in the song. There is plenty of scope for musical accompaniment and actions within the song too. Hope these leaping lambs bring lots of spring fun.
Blue Bell Boogie Woogie: A Spring Song

Blue Bell Boogie Woogie: A Spring Song

A delightful Spring song where the simple melody of the verse invokes skipping through a Spring Meadow. The chorus on the other hand will provide hours of fun as the children follow the dance steps in the lyrics. The possibilities for extended activities inspired by this song both musical and non musical are endless. Hope it inspires you and you have a lot of fun!
The Nativity Train on Track For Christmas (A Nativity Play for EYFS and KS1)

The Nativity Train on Track For Christmas (A Nativity Play for EYFS and KS1)

Everything you need: script, cast lists, sheet music, backing tracks and full audios, to put on a refreshingly different Christmas Nativity Play. Nativity Train on Track for Christmas is an original take on the Nativity story for EYFS and KS1 where we join the children on a train journey from one Nativity Station to the other. We visit Nazareth, The Roman Barracks, Feather Stone Farm (where the Donkey is having a little holiday from the busy town), Busy Bethlehem, Super Star Mountain, The Special Stable and Shepherd Mountain. The script is very simple with nine Station Masters setting the different scenes and there are all the usual suspects you would find in a traditional Nativity Story. The songs are catchy, easy to learn and humorous where appropriate including opportunities for solo singing but there are plenty of choruses for the whole cast to join in with and perform actions to as well. The parents and staff at St Joseph's School in Hertford and Sacred Heart in Ware thoroughly enjoyed this show and I hope you will too.
Chinese Zodiac Animal Song and Rap

Chinese Zodiac Animal Song and Rap

A fun song/rap written for a Nursery class to be performed with actions, props, claves and instruments linking with their topic on ‘Chinese New Year’. We performed this at an assembly with a blue cloth river, animal masks and instruments and the parents loved it. It would be suitable for the whole of KS1 and could be a stimulus for a whole host of activities from the use of ordinal numbers, to dance, to mask making as well as all the obvious musical activities.
Day and Night Song

Day and Night Song

A fun song written for a Year 1 class (but suitable for K.S.1) linked to their topic on ‘Light and Dark.’ The song explores louds and softs in music leading to the children creating their own Day and Night music and many other musical activities around the topic. Why not create a dance using black and yellow scarves or strips of crepe paper.
Have You Seen Frozen Peas Growing on Trees?

Have You Seen Frozen Peas Growing on Trees?

A fun harvest song written for a Year 1 class (but suitable for the whole of KS1) when the teacher wanted to explore the processed food angle in a Harvest Assembly. This fun and unusual harvest song explains how we can all enjoy the fruits of the harvest all the year round. The humorous nature of the lyrics and accompaniment fills the children with glee and the song could be the starting point for many related musical activities. Also available from my website.
Sounds Like A Nativity: A musical play re-telling the Christmas Story.

Sounds Like A Nativity: A musical play re-telling the Christmas Story.

From the first song and the lyrics ‘Once a year at the end of term, the teachers are in a flap’ humour pervades this nativity whilst not detracting from the importance of the Christmas Message. There are many opportunities for solo singing and group dancing but there is also plenty to keep the children not on stage occupied singing choruses and performing actions in every song. The children loved the songs and easily learnt the script ensuring the show was a ‘Hit’ at every performance. The package includes full audios, backing tracks, sheet music, script, lyric sheet and cast list, everything you need to put on a fantastic performance with KS1 children.
Building Materials Song

Building Materials Song

A fun song written for a Year 1 class to add another dimension to their topic on ‘Buildings.’ After learning the song and substituting other number patterns in the chorus as a Maths activity the children selected sound sources to create different building materials and built walls of sound exploring crescendo and diminuendo. Hope you have fun with this song.
Tiger, Tiger, Orange and Black: An animal song about a Tiger

Tiger, Tiger, Orange and Black: An animal song about a Tiger

Set in a minor key this slightly scary song conjures up images of tigers prowling swamps and jungles ready to pounce on their prey. The children will love creeping to the music of the verse then the more up beat chorus is about visiting tigers in the zoo where the children are completely safe. Create actions and get the children to compose or improvise accompaniments to the song and you could have a show stopper on your hands. Enjoy!
Billy Goats' Gruff Celebration Song

Billy Goats' Gruff Celebration Song

A fun song to be performed with sound effects on musical instruments written for a Reception class. Written to conclude the ‘Billy Goats Gruff’ story in Kaye Umansky’s ‘Three Singing Pigs’ book. The song would be a great addition to a topic on Traditional Tales or Animals.
Barmy Roman Army

Barmy Roman Army

A fun topical song written for a Year 2 class to conclude their assembly on the Romans. The song provides plenty of opportunity to include actions and follow up activities. Why not ask your children to create their own Roman Army Marching Music or using the lyrics to the song as inspiration they could create music for a chariot race and the Roman Baths? Get out the claves and create different rhythmic patterns to accompany your own Roman Rap.The possibilities are endless with this great Primary School Music Resource.