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Sam curran's Shop

Average Rating3.82
(based on 26 reviews)

A shop which mainly offers secondary school mathematics materials such as worksheets, revision materials and investigations. Also on offer are English Language resources in particular advice on essay writing. Finally, the shop also offers materials geared towards career education such as giving students advice on how to compose CVs, university personal statements and covering letters with templates and model examples provided.




A shop which mainly offers secondary school mathematics materials such as worksheets, revision materials and investigations. Also on offer are English Language resources in particular advice on essay writing. Finally, the shop also offers materials geared towards career education such as giving students advice on how to compose CVs, university personal statements and covering letters with templates and model examples provided.
Applying for a job (PSHE/Citizenship) Pack

Applying for a job (PSHE/Citizenship) Pack

4 Resources
When I used these resources with pupils they formed part of a mock interview, where pupils were asked to apply for a job and present themselves using a CV/covering letter. This bundle consists of a model CV and covering letter when applying for a job (each with commentary and annotation to explain the key features of it to pupils). These are accompanied by templates which give a structure for pupils to complete their own.
Geometry KS3/GCSE Foundation Maths Resources

Geometry KS3/GCSE Foundation Maths Resources

4 Resources
This is a set of excellent resources which cover geometry in KS3 maths/GCSE foundation. The 2-D shapes formulae sheet contains all of the area formulae for 2-D shapes as well as 3 diagrams illustrating the parts of a circle. The 2-D shapes revision sheet includes details of all the properties of 2-D shapes and contains a section on polygons. Also included in the resource is a revision aid on how to work out the circumference and area of a circle with worked examples and questions for students to attempt. There is also some worded questions on circumference and area which go beyond simply just asking them to calculate the area and circumference of a circle. Instead it gets them to draw on their literacy skills to decode the question and problem-solving abilities to attempt a style of question they may not have encountered before or be familiar with.
KS4/KS5 Maths Convergence investigation

KS4/KS5 Maths Convergence investigation

This investigation (includes teacher notes and worksheets) is suited to very able KS4 groups and those in KS5 studying Maths. It covers the topics of convergence, subject of a formula and even can be expanded to iteration for more advanced learners. Pupils are given a starting value of a sequence, which they multiply by 3, add 10 to then and finally divide by 4 to generate the next term in the sequence. They then multiply this value by 3, add ten to it and divide by 4 to get the next term and so forth, generating the sequence in an iterative manner until the sequence converges. The goal of this investigation is to find a relationship between the initial starting value of the sequence and that which it converges to. This can be explained in a satisfying algebraic way using subject of the formula although pupils may offer other alternative explanations.
Huge KS3 Maths Student Revision and Teacher Resource Pack

Huge KS3 Maths Student Revision and Teacher Resource Pack

8 Resources
This is a great value, extremely useful resource to help students with KS3 Maths revision. It contains a glossary of all mathematical terms on the syllabus to help students become familiar with terminology and boost literacy skills, a test on the essential skills they will use in KS3 Maths as well as a handy formulae sheet for areas of 2-D shapes and properties of a circle. The pack also includes teaching/revision sheets for pupils on finding the area and circumference of a circle, ratios (simplifying and dividing an amount into given quantities), 2-D shapes (including Polygons), Triangular Numbers (which covers the properties and finding the nth term of the sequence with worked examples of exam questions). The pack concludes with an investigation teachers can use to show pupils the origin of the triangular numbers sequence.
KS3/GCSE Maths Sample Space Diagrams and Probability Whole Lesson

KS3/GCSE Maths Sample Space Diagrams and Probability Whole Lesson

A Powerpoint which can be used as a whole lesson to teach pupils about sample space diagrams. Although intended for KS3 pupils, the content of the resource is also applicable for GCSE foundation students. The powerpoint is very interactive and allows students to get involved at every opportunity, with a strong link to literacy as students are prompted to learn the definition of key words.
KS3 Maths Student Revision Essentials

KS3 Maths Student Revision Essentials

4 Resources
A set of revision sheets (each including worked examples of exam questions) which can be used in lessons and for pupils to store for revision in the future. Topics covered are area and properties of 2-D shapes, Triangular Numbers, Area and Circumference of a Circle and simplifying and dividing ratios. The sheets are set out in the style of a textbook, but in a much more concise manner, not only reminding pupils of the key points of the topic, but also providing an explanation of the maths behind them. There are strong cross-curricular links with literacy, with pupils encouraged to learn mathematical terminology.
KS3 and KS4 Maths  Compound Interest Investigation

KS3 and KS4 Maths Compound Interest Investigation

This resource handily introduces compound interest to more able KS3 groups and GCSE in the form of adding interest to a bank account. Other topics covered include percentages and decimal multipliers. This resource is an investigation (with teacher notes and accompanying worksheets) which gets students to investigate whether how often interest is added to a bank account effects the total amount of interest. The problem is so: I invest £1,000 in a savings account at an interest rate of 3.1% p.a. for one year. What interval at which the interest is paid will get me the most money? The students can then be guided to calculating the total amount of interest when it is added, daily montly etc. before being guided to an overall formula to solve the problem.
GCSE Maths Starters Pack

GCSE Maths Starters Pack

3 Resources
This pack includes resources which are ideal to use at the start of lesson to get pupils engaged and motivated. In the pack is a simple addition starter which is great for group-working, a set of 8 thought-provoking probability starters (covering the topics of tree diagrams, sample space diagrams, probability scales, relative frequency and listing outcomes) to get students thinking in a different way and a set of questions which cover the essential skills pupils need at GCSE Maths: working with fractions, decimals and percentages, area and perimeter of 2-D shape and multiplication.
KS3/GCSE Maths Constructing and Solving Linear Equations Whole Lesson

KS3/GCSE Maths Constructing and Solving Linear Equations Whole Lesson

A comprehensive Powerpoint for a whole lesson on constructing and solving linear equations for KS3 and GCSE foundation groups. Depending on the ability of the class, there is enough material on the Powerpoint for a couple of lessons if pupils need to be taken through the content more gradually. In the Powerpoint, pupils are introduced to the meaning of key words such as co-efficient, linear and equation, shown how to solve equations using the balance method and also how to construct and solve a linear equation when given information. There are plenty of worked examples and questions for pupils to attempt.
KS3/GCSE Maths Writing Equations and Formulae Full Lesson

KS3/GCSE Maths Writing Equations and Formulae Full Lesson

A Powerpoint on writing equations and formulae for KS3 and GCSE Foundation Maths Students. The Powerpoint contains enough material for a whole lesson. As well as showing pupils how to write expressions and formulae, this Powerpoint also covers how to substitute numbers into formulae, with real-life worked examples provided. Plenty of questions are included for pupils to attempt with an extension of solving equations to test more able pupils.
KS3/GCSE Maths Drawing and Interpreting Pie Charts Whole Lesson

KS3/GCSE Maths Drawing and Interpreting Pie Charts Whole Lesson

An excellent and extensive Powerpoint which teaches students how to draw and interpret Pie Charts given a set of data. The Powerpoint also teaches the importance of pie charts in a real life context and encourages discussions. There are solid links with ratio, fractions and proportion. The Powerpoint also includes plenty of questions for students to attempt, including extension activities for more able students.
Huge Set of  KS3/GCSE Maths Foundation Whole Lessons and Investigations

Huge Set of KS3/GCSE Maths Foundation Whole Lessons and Investigations

9 Resources
A bundle which consists of 6 Powerpoints (on Constructing/Solving Linear Equations, Writing Equations and Formulae, Working out the Interior and Exterior Angles of a Polygon, Recognising and Drawing Nets of 3-D Shapes, Sample Space Diagrams and Standard Form). Each Powerpoint contains enough material for a whole lesson and has plenty of questions and worked examples.
KS3/GCSE Maths Foundation Area and Perimeter of 2-D Shapes Whole Lesson

KS3/GCSE Maths Foundation Area and Perimeter of 2-D Shapes Whole Lesson

This excellent Powerpoint contains a whole lesson for pupils on finding the area and perimeter of 2-D shapes such as squares, rectangles and triangles. It also contains plenty of questions for pupils to attempt including standard, skill-based questions and extension questions which challenge the students to think laterally. Equally suitable for KS3 and GCSE Maths Foundation Groups.
Huge Set of KS3 Geometry Starters

Huge Set of KS3 Geometry Starters

A handy set of starters to do with topics involved in KS3 Geometry: angles, volume of 3-D shapes, constructing angles, transformations, properties of shapes and angle laws. These are excellent to start a lesson off, as ‘settlers’ to get students on task and also to test prior knowledge of a topic.
Huge Set of KS3 Fractions Starters

Huge Set of KS3 Fractions Starters

This is a very useful resource with starters on KS3 fraction topics: finding fraction of an amount, converting between fractions, decimals and percentages, equivalent fractions, mixed numbers, improper fractions and HCF/LCM. These are useful to introduce a topic or to act as ‘settlers’ to get pupils on task when they enter the classroom.
KS3/GCSE Maths Standard Form Whole Lesson

KS3/GCSE Maths Standard Form Whole Lesson

A whole lesson on standard form for more able KS3 maths groups and GCSE classes. Pupils are taught the definition of standard form, how to express numbers in standard form and how to evaluate standard form expressions. The laws of indices are also recapped. In this lesson there is a strong emphasis on mathematical notation and precision.
KS3/GCSE Foundation .Maths Percentage Increase and Decrease Worksheet

KS3/GCSE Foundation .Maths Percentage Increase and Decrease Worksheet

A worksheet which includes 10 questions each on percentage increase and decrease. This resource is mainly suitable for KS3 students, although it may also benefit GCSE Foundation students. As well as increasing or decreasing a number by a certain percentage, worded questions involving VAT are also included. This resource has multiple applications: it could be useful as a check of the prior knowledge of students or to check their understanding of what has been taught as a summative test or included as the main activity within a lesson.
KS3 /GCSE Maths Probability and Data Handling Starters

KS3 /GCSE Maths Probability and Data Handling Starters

An extremely useful set of KS3 starters on Probability and Handling Data. Topics covered include: basic probability, probability of an event, mean, median, mode and range, averages from a table and Pictograms. These are excellent to begin a lesson with or to check prior knowledge of a topic or as plenaries.
Huge Set of GCSE Maths Higher Quadratics Exam Questions

Huge Set of GCSE Maths Higher Quadratics Exam Questions

An excellent revision resource, this is a powerpoint of a set of exam questions on Quadratic Equations for GCSE Higher students. Topics covered include factorising, solving quadratic equations, the quadratic formula, completing the square, trial and improvement and algebraic fractions. All answers are included in the Powerpoint.
GCSE Maths Foundation and Higher Relative Frequency Exam Questions

GCSE Maths Foundation and Higher Relative Frequency Exam Questions

A comprehensive set of GCSE (foundation and higher) exam questions on relative frequency. Other topics covered include basic probability and scatter graphs. These could be used in a lesson or revision sessions and are also useful for students to take home and practice by themselves.