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Sam curran's Shop

Average Rating3.82
(based on 26 reviews)

A shop which mainly offers secondary school mathematics materials such as worksheets, revision materials and investigations. Also on offer are English Language resources in particular advice on essay writing. Finally, the shop also offers materials geared towards career education such as giving students advice on how to compose CVs, university personal statements and covering letters with templates and model examples provided.




A shop which mainly offers secondary school mathematics materials such as worksheets, revision materials and investigations. Also on offer are English Language resources in particular advice on essay writing. Finally, the shop also offers materials geared towards career education such as giving students advice on how to compose CVs, university personal statements and covering letters with templates and model examples provided.
KS3 and KS4 Maths Number Resources

KS3 and KS4 Maths Number Resources

13 Resources
This bundle contains a huge set of resources for teaching number topics for use in KS3 and KS4 Maths. The bundle contains a set of interactive investigations (with worksheets provided) on number topics like square numbers, factors, compound interest and triangular numbers as well as a set of starters involving fractions and addition. Also included in the bundle are worksheets/exam questions on fractions, decimals and percentages, revision materials for ratios and triangular numbers, a test on averages and a whole powerpoint lesson on standard form.
KS3 and KS4 Maths Probability Resources

KS3 and KS4 Maths Probability Resources

9 Resources
This bundle contains a large set of resources for teaching probability topics in KS3 and KS4 Maths. Included are a set of interactive whole lessons (powerpoints) on Relative Frequency, Drawing and Interpreting Pie Charts, Sample Space Diagrams, Scatter Graphs and Correlation. This bundle also contains a set of starters and exam questions for probability, an investigation on the probability of football scores (worksheet included) and a collaborative learning activity where pupils test each other on key mathematical vocabulary and terminology.
KS3 and KS4 Maths Algebra Resources

KS3 and KS4 Maths Algebra Resources

5 Resources
This bundle contains a set of materials to help teachers prepare and deliver lessons on KS3 and KS4 Algebra topics in Maths. Included in this bundle is a couple of investigations on convergence and algebraic formulae (with worksheets included), a comprehensive bank of GCSE higher exam questions for quadratic equations and a couple of powerpoints for whole lessons on constructing and solving linear equations and writing equations and formulae.
KS3 and KS4 Maths Geometry Resources

KS3 and KS4 Maths Geometry Resources

9 Resources
This bundle contains a set of useful resources to help teachers plan and deliver lessons on geometry topics in KS3 and KS4 Maths. It contains a set of whole lessons on area and perimeter of 2-D shapes, interior and exterior angles in a polygon and recognising and drawing nets of 3-D shapes and a comprehensive bank of starters to use in lessons. There’s also an investigation into the areas of triangles aimed at those in KS4 and exam questions on finding the area and circumference of a circle. Revision materials for pupils on 2-D shapes, finding the area and circumference of a circle and a formula sheet are also provided.
Writing a UCAS Personal Statement Pack

Writing a UCAS Personal Statement Pack

7 Resources
This bundle contains a set of very useful resources to help sixth form and mature students write their UCAS personal statement. Students are provided with an annotated model personal statement, examples of ones from courses such as nursing and teaching and a cheat sheet with handy hints and tips for students to write their own personal statement. This is supplemented by a model academic CV which students can adapt to structure their own CV and use as an aid/accompaniment to writing their own personal statement. The bundle concludes with a handy template for students to use when comparing prospective university courses.
Developing Revision Skills Powerpoint

Developing Revision Skills Powerpoint

An extremely useful powerpoint aimed at students in KS3 and GCSE which instructs pupils on how to build revision skills and revise effectively. It contains a wealth of helpful advice for pupils include guidance on how best to retain knowledge, structure revision time, several revision techniques, boost productivity and maintain their wellbeing. The powerpoint is interactive with several activities for students to participate in and is suitable for use in any subject, or as part of an assembly/form time.
KS4 English Writing mock exam questions

KS4 English Writing mock exam questions

This resources contains a couple of mock exam questions for KS4 English students to complete to help them prepare for the writing section of the exam. Both questions are 48 marks, the first involves writing a letter and the second requires students to write an article/magazine. Further prompts/relevant information is provided in the resource.
Revision Techniques Powerpoint

Revision Techniques Powerpoint

A very useful powerpoint offering advice on revision/exam technique which can be delivered to students revising for exams in KS3 and GCSE. It contains a wealth of handy hints and tips to help students prepare effectively in exams and make the most of their study time. It’s interactive and contains activities to keep students engaged and involved. Furthermore, this powerpoint is suitable for use in any subject and could also be delivered in form/pastoral time.
Romeo and Juliet Learning/Revision Mat

Romeo and Juliet Learning/Revision Mat

This is an incredibly useful learning mat for KS3 and KS4 English students who are studying Romeo and Juliet. It can mainly be used as a revision resource or as a support aid to distribute students to have at hand/consult during lessons. It covers the key themes covered throughout the play, crucial events and acts, list of characters (and their affiliations), structures/guidance on how to answer questions concerning the characters and themes encompassed in the play and advice on exam technique and preparation.
PSHE/Form time Failure to Success Motivational Activity

PSHE/Form time Failure to Success Motivational Activity

This resource is suitable for those in KS3 and KS4 and is a powerpoint which aims to inspire pupils by documenting many famous people who have experienced adversity but still succeeded. This could be delivered to students in a PSHE/Citizenship lesson or as part of form time activities. This may be particularly appropriate to use around exam time when students may need some inspiration and reassurance.
KS3 Maths Glossary of Key Terms and Formulae

KS3 Maths Glossary of Key Terms and Formulae

This resource is a comprehensive glossary of all the key terms and formulae used in KS3 Maths. It’s excellent for revision, as an aid to in-class work and building cross-curricular links with English/Literacy. The definitions are sorted by each area of mathematics they correspond to (Number, Algebra, Data, Shape and Space) and are explained in a simple, concise manner. There’s also a section detailing key formulae used in geometry, labeled diagrams of parts of a circle and advice on the different types of questions students will have to answer with guided examples.
Intervention Strategies for Borderline Students CPD

Intervention Strategies for Borderline Students CPD

This a very comprehensive and insightful powerpoint which contains a full CPD session on implementing intervention strategies for borderline students in KS3 and KS4. It conveys a wealth of information in a succinct, concise manner. The powerpoint provides practical, actionable advice on incorporating various intervention strategies to boost student performance such as quality feedback and target setting, whilst also providing advice on exam technique and how to tailor it to each student, group or class.
Blooms Taxonomy Plenary Activity

Blooms Taxonomy Plenary Activity

This is an excellent and very versatile plenary activity involving Bloom’s Taxonomy which can be used to formatively, self and peer assess pupils. It’s suitable for students in KS3 and KS4. Students are guided/prompted by the resource to consider and evaluate what they’ve learned in the lesson according to the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy. This is especially useful in getting students think deeper about their learning and is a good strategy of formatively assessing pupils’ progress. It also lends itself well to discussion/collaborative learning as pupils could complete this individually, in pairs or in groups. Furthermore, this resource can be used in most subjects as it’s a standard framework.
Set of Form/Tutor Time Activities

Set of Form/Tutor Time Activities

11 Resources
This is a comprehensive set of interactive, informative and engaging activities to be delivered in and completed by pupils in for time. The bundle contains a set of powerpoints on revision/study skills and techniques, a motivational activity showing pupils examples of those who succeeded in adversity and a collaborative learning activity to test pupils’ knowledge of key words in any given subject. It also has a set of PSHE resources including model examples and templates to help pupils create their own CV and covering letter as well as a chart to help students organise their job search.
Developing KS3 and KS4 Study Skills Resources

Developing KS3 and KS4 Study Skills Resources

7 Resources
This bundle contains a set of resources which is aimed at helping KS3 and KS4 students to build good study skills and revise effectively. It includes a set of interactive powerpoints which aim to assist pupils in developing study skills whilst giving them handy strategies and techniques when revising and a motivational activity illustrating examples of many famous people who succeeded through adversity. Also included are a set of templates to help pupils self and peer assess a piece of work and improve their exam technique.
Autism CPD Powerpoint

Autism CPD Powerpoint

This powerpoint contains a comprehensive CPD session which aims to educate staff about autism and why it’s becoming increasingly relevant in education. It includes an overview of Autism, the different types of autism (varying by intensity and support needed), the neurology and science which underpins it, signs and indicators of it in pupils and how best to support autistic students in the classroom.
Ultimate University Personal Statement Application Pack

Ultimate University Personal Statement Application Pack

5 Resources
This is a very comprehensive guide how to write a personal statement at university: it includes a guide on how to write personal statements (including a model structure, questions that need to be answered in the statement as well as a word bank of useful key words/phrases) and 3 model personal statements for Mathematics Teaching, Nursing and Chemistry degree courses to help students see clear examples of what a model personal statement looks like and needs to include. The personal statement applying for the Mathematics Teaching course is annotated with commentary explaining the content of the personal statement. A very useful resource for those looking to apply for university and further education teachers/tutors involved in helping them.
A Level Hurricane Mitch Case Study Revision Notes

A Level Hurricane Mitch Case Study Revision Notes

This resource covers revision notes for Hurricane Mitch, one of the main case studies covered in Physical A Level Geography. This provides a comprehensive overview of the case study including background information, social, environmental and economic impacts and the management/response of the situation as well as assessing reasons for the devastating impact of the hurricane. This resource can be used by students to help them revise for the exam and as an accompaniment when practicing answer exam questions which require the use of case studies. .
A Level Geography Oil Revision Notes

A Level Geography Oil Revision Notes

This resource covers revision notes for Oil in the A Level Geography syllabus. It covers general statistical facts about oil, as well as briefly discussing different countries approach towards oil (a selection of MEDCs and LEDCs), human and physical factors affecting the production and consumption of oil, as well as summarising the paradox of plenty. This can be given to students to help with their own revision and exam technique as well as being given out in a lesson teaching the topic as a handout. 2
KS3/GCSE Peer Assessment Resource

KS3/GCSE Peer Assessment Resource

This resource is a template to help students to accurately peer assess each other in a helpful and constructive manner. Pupils are guided by this resource to highlight good points of each others’ work whilst suggesting possible improvements to their fellow student’s work. This is a resource that works well in any subject, particularly those that involve writing and presentation tasks. It helps pupils to think in a deeper manner and critically appraise their own and others’ work.