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Spanish Hotels Resources - El Hotel Boca Juniors
These Resources are for teaching the topic of Hotel Accommodation. I have added in a focus on the Hotel Boca Juniors in Buenos Aires to provide a bit of Cultural background. They include Questions, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension and Writing tasks.

El uniforme escolar
The activity relates to opinions on school uniform. The worksheet is printed on card + cut up and the students sort the statements into two columns- for or against school uniform.

Vendo mi casa cantando
This resource is to be used when teaching about the home. It also provides an opportunity to present or revise the present continous.

El tiempo en Argentina
These resources are for teaching the weather in Spanish in the context of holidays and recommending a destination because of its climate.

¿Qué te gusta más de tu ciudad?
This is intended for higher level GCSE + giving opinions on your town. The YouTube video gives some interesting cultural background.

EdExcel AS Spanish Unit 2 Section C support
Booklet to provide practice for the writing section of the AS Spanish examination.

The imperfect tense in Spanish
The imperfect tense is presented with an opportunity to practise the langauge following a clip from the Spanish TV series ‘Física o Química’. The video is embedded + you must be connected to the internet for it to work. The YouTube link is also shown on the relevant slide.

La televisión
Presentation of types of programme in Spanish + practice exercises. The video is embedded into the PowerPoint. You must be connected to the internet for it to work. In case of problems the URL for the link is posted at the bottom of the slide.

Las 7.35 de la mañana
Worksheet to accompany the short film of the same name. This can be found on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usYIM4Q7mII

Spanish Women - La mujer en Espana
A collection of worksheets covering the topic of “El machismo y el feminismo”.

Spanish Festivals
Resources to teach about Festivals in Spain. They can be used for Writing and/or Speaking activities.

Spanish Writing Frame: San Fermin
Writing frame document to follow on from Reading Comprehension on San Fermin Festival to promote extended Writing, using Present/Past/Future Tenses. The Powerpoint supports the Worksheet.

Spanish Reading Comprehension - San Fermin
A Reading Comprehension Worksheet on the Festival of San Fermín in Spain which leads to a piece of extended Writing.

Spanish Reading - YOYES: Ex ETA terrorist
Reading comprehension for A2 Spanish students. Based on the life of ex terrorsit, Yoyes.

Spanish Reading - National day in England
A level reading comprehension on why the British do not have a national day, followed by a translation activity.

Spanish Festivals : San Fermin
A Worksheet introducing the festival of San Fermin in Pamplona, Spain (7th of July). It includes Vocabulary, Reading activity and Questions.