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Form star chart
Star chart tracker used with my year 7 form.
Each colour reached receives rewards and phone calls home.

Electricity long response questions
two questions with keywords and hints on how to structure answers

Long response questions - plants
Could be used as a homework activity or a plenery during a lesson - possibility for peer assessment

Coursework graph drawing and results analysis
Coursework graph drawing and results analysis - linked to assessment criteria

A level folder tracking sheet
Allow for the student to set 3 targets for themselves/set by the teacher
Tracking boxes to show where pupils are at each half term

Cells and specialised cells full lesson
Includes videos, notes, activities and assessment throughout.
Can be used with a KS3/4 class.

Extended response question - peer assessment sheet
Extended response question - peer assessment sheet

CC3/4: Atomic Structure and Periodic Table Mind Map
Revision Mind Map including examples. Edexcel 9-1 combined.

Unit 4 Forensic investigation Procedures in Practice: Introduction to the unit
Short PowerPoint introducing Unit 4 of the BTEC course ‘Forensic and Criminal Investigation’ (converted from gogle slides format)
What will be covered
Learning aims and their content
Assessment criteria table
Space to add your assignment brief
Some useful websites for learning aim A

Life on Earth project - (Evolution and Natural Selection)
Questions to guide students through independent learning project on life on earth.
Natural selection
Could be used as a homework project or computer room lesson.

CC9: Calculations Involving Masses Revision Mind Map
Revision Mind Map for CC9. Including worked examples. (edexcel 9-1 combined)

CC5/6 Bonding Revision Mind Map
Revision Mind Map with worked examples and diagrams. Edexcel 9-1 combined.