Whole school
High Quality - Original - Report Comments for Stage 1
Formal reporting to parents is always a tiresome chore.
This bank of comments allows teachers to cut and paste comments that are personal and permits you to edit as needed.
Reporting comments relate to:
Personal attributes, positive learning habits, participation, collaborative skills, general and specific improvement/progress noted AND recommendations for improved behaviour or learning.
The second part of the book gives a bank of comments that are subject specific. Literacy and Numeracy comments relate to the outcomes for Stage 1, KS1 or Grade 1-2. They relate to strengths, areas of difficulty, improvements noted and suggestions for improvement.
The last section of the book deals with 'final positive comments' that you would use as your final statement on your report.
All comments are 100% and have been used over a number of years. As an educator for over 20 years, I can guarantee that these comments are of high quality and are oriented to be positive and personal for the student.