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iGCSE Edexcel History paper 1 (5) USSR, 1924-53

iGCSE Edexcel History paper 1 (5) USSR, 1924-53

This is a series of lessons designed to meet the needs of learners completing Edexcel’s iGCSE Paper 1 (5) Dictatorship and conflict in the USSR, 1924 – 53 The spec squeezed into 24 lessons: 1.1 The Soviet Union in 1924 1.2 The rivals for leadership (1. Nov 2020, a) 1.3 Strengths & weaknesses of Stalin and Trotsky (1. June 2019, a) 1.4 Stalin’s steps to power (1a. June 2021 Ci; 1r. Nov. 2020 Ci) 2.1a Reasons for industrialisation 2.1b Nature of industrialisation 2.1c successes and failures of industrialisation 2.2a Collectivisation (1. June 2022 Ci; 1a. Nov 2021a) 2.2b Opposition to collectivisation 2.2c Success and failures of collectivisation (1a June 2021 b; 1r Nov 2020 Cii) 3.1 Purges and causes (1. June 2019, Ci; 1r. Nov 2020, a) 3.2a & c Key features and impact of the purges of the 1930s (1a. June 2021 a) 3.2b Control of the population 3.2d Purges armed forces (1a. June 2022 b; 1a. Nov 2021 Ci) 3.3 Cult of personality, censorship, propaganda 3.4 Education and the Soviet interpretation of history 4.1 Town & countryside (1. June 19, Cii; 1a. June 22, Cii; 1a. Nov 21, b) 4.2 Different experience of social groups (1r. Nov 2020 b) 4.3 Changes in education (1. November 2020, Cii) 4.4 Persecution of ethnic minorities (1. June 2019, Cii) 5.1a Soviet setbacks and survival (1. June 2019, b; 1. November 2020, Cii; 1a. June 21 Cii) 5.1b Stalingrad (1a June 2022 a) 5.2 Post-war Each lesson starts with 5 recall questions that can be self assessed on the next slide. Clear instructions for each activity The textbook approved by the exam board (978-0435185466) has been used, along with some printable materials that compliment the textbook~ Learning objectives are clearly displayed on each slide The titles of the PPT clearly indicate where an exam question has been used. -All exam questions have mark scheme on the next slide.
iGCSE Edexcel History Medicine exam lesson, model answers, exam map

iGCSE Edexcel History Medicine exam lesson, model answers, exam map

This lesson has been designed for the iGCSE History Edexcel, paper 2 (b2), Changes in medicine 1848-c1948. This contains a lesson which guides the teacher and students through an exam technique lesson. Teachers will need to print the exam paper which has been annotated. There are three sets of model answers from the exam papers, included in the lesson: 2. Nov 2020 2b. June 2021 2br. June 2022 The exam paper from Nov 2020 has been annotated for student activities in the lesson. The other two exam papers may be given as example answers. There is also a homework booklet that includes: • Exam map (links exam questions to topics) • Knowledge page for the most commonly assessed topics o 2.2 Improvements in surgery: Lister and the impact of antiseptics o 2.3 Government action on public health: Public Health Act (1875) o 4.2 The importance of the First World War for the role of women in medicine o 5.1 The development of penicillin and the roles of Fleming, Florey and Chain • 12 model exam answers, three for each of the mostly commonly assessed topics o 2.2 Improvements in surgery: Lister and the impact of antiseptics  2r, June 2019, Qb  2b June 2022 ©i  2br June 2022, ©ii o 2.3 Government action on public health: Public Health Act (1875)  2. Nov 2020, ©ii  2b. June 2021, (a)  2br June 2022 (a) o 4.2 The importance of the First World War for the role of women in medicine  2b Nov 2021, ©ii  2r. June 2019 ©i  2br June 2022, (b) o 5.1 The development of penicillin and the roles of Fleming, Florey and Chain  2r, June 2019, Cii  2b. June 2021, Cii  2b June 2022, b • A link to a YouTube video for each of the most commonly assessed topics.
Cambridge iGCSE History Core Content B

Cambridge iGCSE History Core Content B

This is a series of lessons that covers Core content: Option B The twentieth century: international relations from 1919 This is the Cambridge iGCSE History (CIE) • Each lesson starts with five recall questions that are self assess (answers are on the next slide) • The lessons cover the spec for Core Content B, Cambridge iGCSE, for exams in 2024, 2025, and 2026 • Clear learning objectives in each lesson. • NO TEXTBOOK is required for these lessons, but that does occasionally you need to print the materials that come with the lessons. Lessons included: 1 Was the Treaty of Versailles fair? 1.1 aims of the Big Three 1.2 Treaty of Versailles 1.3 Political impact of ToV on Germany 1.4 Economic and social impact of ToV on Germany 1.5 Contemporary opinions about ToV 2 To what extent was the League of Nations a success 2.1 Structure of the League of Nations 2.2 Success and failures of the LoN 2.3 LoN’s humanitarian work 2.4a Manchuria (events and causes) 2.4b Manchuria (consequences) 2.4c Manchuria source questions 2.5a Abyssinian Crisis (events and causes) 2.5b Abyssinian Crisis Abyssinian consequences 2.5c Abyssinian source Qs 3 How far was Hitler’s foreign policy to blame for the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939? 3.1 Hitler’s Aims in foreign policy 3.2 Rhineland, Saar and rearmament 3.3 Spanish Civil War and Anti-Conmintern Pact 3.4 Appeasement and Rome-Berlin Axis 3.5 Anschluss 3.6 Sudetenland and Munich Agreement 3.7 Nazi-Soviet Pact 3.8 Why did peace collapse? 4 Who was to blame for the Cold War? 4.1 End of WW2 4.2 Yalta 4.3 Potsdam 4.4 Soviet expansion 4.5 USA’s reaction to Soviet expansion 4.6Berlin blockade and airlift 4.7 NATO and Warsaw 4.8 Who was to blame for the Cold War? 5 How effectively did the United States contain the spread of communism? 5.1 Causes of the Korean War 5.2 Events of the Korean War 5.3 Cuban Crisis 5.4 consequences of the Cuban Crisis 5.5 Vietnam 5.6 Involvement in Vietnam war 5.7 Events of the Vietnam War 5.8 Causes of the Vietnam War 5.9 Summary of Vietnam 6 How secure was the USSR’s control over Eastern Europe, 1948–c.1989? 6.1 Hungary 6.2 Resistance Czechoslovakia 6.3 Comparing and contrasting resistance in Hungary and Czechoslovakia 6.4 Berlin Wall 6.5 Poland and solidarity 6.6 Gorbachev
iGCSE Edexcel history (B4) China: conflict, crisis and change, 1900–89

iGCSE Edexcel history (B4) China: conflict, crisis and change, 1900–89

This is a series of lessons that covers Edexcel’s iGCSE history B4 China: conflict, crisis and change, 1900-89. Where printing is needed, this has been included as a separate document. The lessons are squeezed into 25 lessons: 1.0 China in the 20th century 1.1 Boxer Uprising & late Qing Reforms 1.2 the causes, events, results of 1911 revolution (2.2020 Nov, a) 1.3 China under the Warlords 1.4 CCP, United Front, Soviet Union 1.5 Emergence of Chinese Communist Party 1.6 Northern Expedition, Shanghai mass (2b, June 2021, b) 2.1 The Long March (2r. June 2019 a) 2.2 War with Japan 1937-1945 2.3 Key features of the Civil War 1946-49 (2br. June 2022, b) 2.4 Cause of success (2b June 2021, Ci; 2br. June 2022, B) 3.1 Changes in agriculture (2r. June 2019; 2. 2020 Nov, b) 3.2 & 3.6 Changes in industry (2b June 2022, Cii) 3.3 Changes in the role of women (2b June 2022,a) 3.4 Political Changes 3.5 The Hundred Flowers Campaign 3.7 USSR influence (2b June 2022 Ci) 4.1 Causes of Cultural Revolution 4.2 Key features of the Cultural Revolution. 4.3 Impact of cultural revolution (2. 2020 Nov, Cii; 2br. June 2022, Cii) 4.4 Sino-Soviet split (2. 2020 Nov, Ci) 5.1 The rise and fall of ‘Gang of Four’ (2b. Nov 2021, b) 5.2 Changes under Deng (2b June 2021, Cii; 2r Nov 2020 Cii; 2br June 2022) 5.3 Deng’s opposition (2b Nov 2021; 2. Nov 2020; 2r Nov 2020) 5.4 Student opposition and Tiananmen Sq 1986-89 (2b June 2021, a; 2b June 2022, b) • You/ your students will need Pearson Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) History: Conflict, Crisis and Change: China, 1900–1989 Student Book (ISBN 978-0435185374) as many of the lessons use this textbook. • Each lesson begins with knowledge recall that is self-assessed. • Relevant past exam questions are included, with mark schemes, for each lesson. So, you will teach the lesson and, at the end of the lesson are past exam questions (where applicable). • There is also a Personalised Learning Checklist (PLC) that breaks the specification down into its constituent parts and tracks what exam questions have been asked for each topic. This reveals what topics seem to be asked multiple times and allows students to practice those questions.