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What were the ten plagues?

What were the ten plagues?

Lesson 2 from the Religious Stories bundle. What to expect from this lesson? Starter activities based on recall Great subject knowledge Relevant content Engaging tasks and encourages critical thinking. Stretch tasks after each task Varied tasks Lesson Focus: To explore the story of the 10 plagues and the importance of the story to Jewish people. Your students will understand the story of the ten plagues through watching an interactive, engaging video, reading scripture and creating a resource of their own.
Why are holy books sacred to religious believers?

Why are holy books sacred to religious believers?

Lesson 1 from the Religious Stories bundle. What to expect from this lesson? Starter activities based on recall Great subject knowledge Relevant content Engaging tasks and encourages critical thinking. Stretch tasks after each task Varied tasks Lesson Focus: To explore the holy books and why they are important to religious believers Your students will understand the meaning of the word sacred and will confidently use it throughout the lesson.
Why is the Kaaba an important place to Muslims?

Why is the Kaaba an important place to Muslims?

Lesson 3 from the Religious Spaces bundle. What to expect from this lesson? Starter activities based on recall Great subject knowledge Relevant content Engaging tasks and encourages critical thinking. Stretch tasks after each task Varied tasks Lesson Focus: to explore the Kaaba is important to Muslims. Your students will explore the two different accounts of how the Kaaba came to be before making an informed decision on which one their favored. Students will look at how important visiting the Kaaba is to Muslims and look at a case study from history.
How does the Gurdwara help the community?

How does the Gurdwara help the community?

Lesson 4 from the Religious Spaces bundle. What to expect from this lesson? Starter activities based on recall Great subject knowledge Relevant content Engaging tasks and encourages critical thinking. Stretch tasks after each task Varied tasks Lesson Focus: to explore how the Gurdwara helps the community Your students will explore what they would find in a Gurdwara and how the Gurdwara is used to help the community using case studies.
What is a Church?

What is a Church?

Lesson 5 from the Religious Spaces bundle. What to expect from this lesson? Starter activities based on recall Great subject knowledge Relevant content Engaging tasks and encourages critical thinking. Stretch tasks after each task Varied tasks Lesson Focus: to explore what the Church is and the features it would have Your students will explore the features found in a Church as well as the many uses the Church has. The students will be directed to create a piece of art to reflect a Bible passage.
Scheme of Learning: Rules and Commandments

Scheme of Learning: Rules and Commandments

5 Resources
Scheme of Learning containing seven lessons focusing on exploring the different laws that people follow around the world. Designed for Year Sevens. Lesson 1 – What are Human Rights? Lesson 2 – What are the 10 commandments? Lesson 3 – What are the 7 sacraments? Lesson 4 – What are the 5 pillars? Lesson 5 – What are the 5 Ks? You can buy all lessons individually if you wish. What to expect from these lessons? Starter activities based on recall Great subject knowledge Relevant content Engaging tasks and encourages critical thinking. Stretch tasks after each task Varied tasks You will not be disappointed with the quality of these lessons, ready to go when downloaded!
What is the story of the Monkey King?

What is the story of the Monkey King?

Lesson 5 from the Religious Stories bundle. What to expect from this lesson? Starter activities based on recall Great subject knowledge Relevant content Engaging tasks and encourages critical thinking. Stretch tasks after each task Varied tasks Lesson Focus: To explore the story of the Monkey King and examine the message of the story. Your students will examine the story of the Monkey King from Hindi scripture and determine the message behind the story. Students will be encouraged to be creative and create their own resource in response to the story.
Scheme of Learning: Religious Stories

Scheme of Learning: Religious Stories

5 Resources
Scheme of Learning containing five lessons focusing on exploring the different religious stories. Designed for Year Sevens. Lesson 1 – Why are holy books important? Lesson 2 – What were the ten plagues? Lesson 3 – What is the parable of the good Samaritan? Lesson 4 – What does the Quran say about the treatment of animals? Lesson 5 – What is the story of monkey king? You can buy all lessons individually if you wish. What to expect from these lessons? Starter activities based on recall Great subject knowledge Relevant content Engaging tasks and encourages critical thinking. Stretch tasks after each task Varied tasks You will not be disappointed with the quality of these lessons, ready to go when downloaded!
Why are holy places sacred?

Why are holy places sacred?

Lesson 1 from the Religious Spaces bundle. What to expect from this lesson? Starter activities based on recall Great subject knowledge Relevant content Engaging tasks and encourages critical thinking. Stretch tasks after each task Varied tasks Lesson Focus: to explore holy buildings and why they are important to religious believers. Your students will explore the meaning of the word sacred and successfully use it throughout the lesson. Students will relate their special places to the places of worship that religious believers visit.
Why is Jerusalem an important place to Jews, Christians and Muslims?

Why is Jerusalem an important place to Jews, Christians and Muslims?

Lesson 2 from the Religious Spaces bundle. What to expect from this lesson? Starter activities based on recall Great subject knowledge Relevant content Engaging tasks and encourages critical thinking. Stretch tasks after each task Varied tasks Lesson Focus: to explore why Jerusalem is important to Jews, Christians and Muslims. Your students will explore the city of Jerusalem and examine the reasons why it is important to Jews, Christians and Muslims. Students will be fully engaged with this lesson.
Why do people protest?

Why do people protest?

Lesson created in response to the Black Lives Matter movement highlighting the importance of peaceful protest. What to expect from this lesson? Starter activities based on recall Great subject knowledge Relevant content Engaging tasks and encourages critical thinking. Stretch tasks after each task Varied tasks Your students will explore the difference types of protests, famous people who supported peaceful protests and a direct link to the current movement.
What is a Religious Leader?

What is a Religious Leader?

Lesson 1 from the Religious Leaders bundle. What to expect from this lesson? Starter activities based on recall Great subject knowledge Relevant content Engaging tasks and encourages critical thinking. Stretch tasks after each task Varied tasks Lesson Focus: To explore religious leaders across the six world faiths.
Who was Guru Nanak?

Who was Guru Nanak?

Lesson 7 from the Religious Leaders bundle. What to expect from this lesson? Starter activities based on recall Great subject knowledge Relevant content Engaging tasks and encourages critical thinking. Stretch tasks after each task Varied tasks Lesson Focus: To explore who Guru Nanak was and why he is important to Sikhs Your students will use a marketplace activity to explore Guru Nanak’s life story and use this to respond to a consolidation task.
Who was the Buddha?

Who was the Buddha?

Lesson 4 from the Religious Leaders bundle. What to expect from this lesson? Starter activities based on recall Great subject knowledge Relevant content Engaging tasks and encourages critical thinking. Stretch tasks after each task Varied tasks Lesson focus: To explore who the Buddha was and why he is important to Buddhists Your students will understand the Buddha’s story through engaging with group reading, exploring the Buddha’s teaching and then applying them to an appropriate case study.
Who was Prophet Muhammad?

Who was Prophet Muhammad?

Lesson 6 from the Religious Leaders bundle. **What to expect from this lesson? Starter activities based on recall Great subject knowledge Relevant content Engaging tasks and encourages critical thinking. Stretch tasks after each task Varied tasks Lesson Focus: To explore who Prophet Muhammad was and why he is important to Muslims Your students will explore what Muslims believe about Prophet Muhammad through reading his life story and using that to apply to how Muslims act today.
Scheme of Learning: Religious Leaders

Scheme of Learning: Religious Leaders

7 Resources
Scheme of Learning containing seven lessons focusing on exploring the different religious leaders. Designed for Year Sevens. Lesson 1 – What are Religious Leaders? Lesson 2 – Who is Brahman? Lesson 3 – Who was Moses Lesson 4 – Who was Buddha? Lesson 5 – Who was Jesus? Lesson 6 – Who was Prophet Muhammad? Lesson 7 – Who was Guru Nanak? You can buy all lessons individually if you wish. What to expect from these lessons? Starter activities based on recall Great subject knowledge Relevant content Engaging tasks and encourages critical thinking. Stretch tasks after each task Varied tasks You will not be disappointed with the quality of these lessons, ready to go when downloaded!
Scheme of Learning: Christian Beliefs Edexcel GCSE

Scheme of Learning: Christian Beliefs Edexcel GCSE

12 Resources
Save 62% if you buy the Christian Beliefs bundle all together rather than separately. All you need for this topic on the Edexcel scheme of learning. Bundle includes containing twelve lessons exploring Christian beliefs. You can buy all lessons individually if you wish. What to expect from these lessons? Starter activities based on recall Great subject knowledge Relevant content Engaging tasks and encourages critical thinking. Stretch tasks after each task Varied tasks You will not be disappointed with the quality of these lessons, ready to go when downloaded!
What happened in the Garden of Eden?

What happened in the Garden of Eden?

Lesson 4 from the Christian Belief GCSE Edexcel bundle. What to expect from this lesson? Starter activities based on recall Great subject knowledge Relevant content Engaging tasks and encourages critical thinking. Stretch tasks after each task Varied tasks Lessons designed for mixed ability year ten students starting their GCSE. Lesson Focus: to explore what happened with Adam and Eve, original sin, the prophecies of the Messiah and the punishments God gave.
What do Christians believe Jesus looked like?

What do Christians believe Jesus looked like?

Lesson 5 from the Christian Belief GCSE Edexcel bundle. Double lesson! What to expect from this lesson? Starter activities based on recall Great subject knowledge Relevant content Engaging tasks and encourages critical thinking. Stretch tasks after each task Varied tasks Lessons designed for mixed ability year ten students starting their GCSE. Lesson Focus: to explore the misconceptions surrounding what Jesus looked like, and where these come from.
What do Christians believe about the afterlife?

What do Christians believe about the afterlife?

Lesson 10 from the Christian Belief GCSE Edexcel bundle. Double lesson! What to expect from this lesson? Starter activities based on recall Great subject knowledge Relevant content Engaging tasks and encourages critical thinking. Stretch tasks after each task Varied tasks Lessons designed for mixed ability year ten students starting their GCSE. Lesson Focus: to explore the ideas of heaven and hell, including the concept of purgatory for Catholics.