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Admit and Exit Tickets (Exit Slips)

Admit and Exit Tickets (Exit Slips)

This product includes over 40 different admit and exit tickets that were created to help formatively assess student learning in a more creative way. These are different from my "typical" exit and admit tickets because they give students a variety of ways to demonstrate mastery of content. Students will be given opportunities to draw, write, organize information, define, ask, reflect, and much more! All of these tickets can be used for any subject area and almost any grade level. Only 3 of the tickets are science-specific. Each ticket includes teacher instructions and a student printable that comes two-to-a-page, saving you paper and ink. Many of the tickets can be used at the end of a lesson (end of class) or at the beginning of the class (to review the previous lesson material). A few of the tickets provide an option to revisit the ticket the following day as an admit ticket. I typically collect the exit tickets as students leave my classroom or have students glue them into their Interactive Science Notebooks on the left (output) page. And because they only take 3-5 minutes to complete, this is a simple strategy to incorporate into your daily classroom routine to help your students begin reflecting on their learning. This document is an Editable PDF Form, which has a few boxes that you can type text into (if you choose). Or you can leave them blank and print. To edit the text you type into a box, select the text, then press Ctrl +e. You should see a pop-up box appear that will allow you to change the font, font size, alignment, etc... Admit and Exit Ticket Titles Included: -Ask the 8 Ball -What is in My Brain? -Brick by Brick -Web of Words -There's an App for That -On the Big Screen -I Can See Clearly Now -Make a List (Check it Twice) -Compare & Contrast -Graffiti -Favorite Thing -Design a T-shirt -Gimme Five -3-2-1 -And the Winner Is... -Sketch It -Iron Out the Details -Hot Diggity Dog! I've got it! -What Stuck With You? -Look Into My Crystal Ball -Report Card -Career Connection -Jot it Down -Guess Who -Wrap Up the Lesson -Organize It -Stop & Go -Recycle It -Brag Board -Graphically Speaking -Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down -Hated It -Totes Loved It -Real Science -Put it to Use -Safety First -Book Author -Extra! Extra! Read All About It! -Q&A -Words With Friends