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Former Head of History at a North London academy. Areas of focus: migration History; diversifying the curriculum at KS3

Former Head of History at a North London academy. Areas of focus: migration History; diversifying the curriculum at KS3
Migration in the Industrial period

Migration in the Industrial period

9 Resources
This unit of work was designed for the Edexcel Migrants in Britain thematic study. It includes 9 lessons, and covers the reasons for migration, experiences of migrants, and impact of migration on Britain c1700-1900. It includes the following content: the impact of the empire and colonialism; Slave trade; Irish migration; Indian migration; industrial revolution; German and Italian migration; Jewish migration; London’s East End case study; Liverpool case study
Migrants in Modern Britain (20th century)

Migrants in Modern Britain (20th century)

7 Resources
This scheme of work was designed for the Edexcel Migrants in Britain thematic study. It contains lessons exploring the reasons for migration, experiences of migrants, and impact of migration on 20th century Britain. It covers the role of social attitudes, government, the media, economic opportunity, changing role of empire in shaping these reasons, experiences, and impact. ***Please note, some lessons refer to the Pearson Edexcel migration textbook.
How has migration shaped modern Britain?

How has migration shaped modern Britain?

This lesson further explores how migrants impacted the UK in the 20th century, including the NHS, built environment, culture, sport, industry and economy. Designed for the Edexcel migration thematic study. Could be adapted for a study of postwar Britain, or included in a Black History Month scheme of work. L.o. to explain the impact of migration on culture and the economy 1900-present This lesson features a fully resourced independent student activity covering the key content, plus a 12 mark exam question
How did migrants change British society in the 20th century?

How did migrants change British society in the 20th century?

This lesson explores the impact of migrant communities on Britain politically and socially. Content includes: Bristol Bus Boycott, Stephen Lawrence, Doreen Lawrence, Black Lives Matter, Harold Moody, National Front. This lesson was designed for the Edexcel migrants in Britain thematic study but could be a useful inclusion to support a Black History month scheme of work. Lo: to investigate how migrants shaped UK law, politics, and society Please note this lesson requires access to the Pearson Migrants in Britain textbook
How did migrants’ experiences of Leicester change over time?

How did migrants’ experiences of Leicester change over time?

This lesson is designed for the Edexcel migrants in Britain thematic study and explores the case study of Asian migrants in Leicester in the postwar period. This lesson features an inference square starter, detailed exploration of the experiences of migrants in Leicester, and a plenary practise exam question. L.o. to evaluate the experiences and impact of migrants in Leicester over time Please note this lesson requires access to the Pearson Migrants in Britain textbook Themes/links: migration, empire, colonialism, diversity, religious tolerance, media, social attitudes
What was life like for Caribbean migrants in post-war Britain? Notting Hill migration GCSE

What was life like for Caribbean migrants in post-war Britain? Notting Hill migration GCSE

In this lesson, students examine the experiences of Caribbean and commonwealth migrants in Britain after the Second World War. This lesson was designed as part of my scheme of work on modern Britain for the Edexcel migration thematic study, however works particularly well as a standalone lesson and could complement any study of postwar Britain - and could be a good inclusion for a Black History Month programme of study. It features a fully resourced source worksheets with a range of primary sources and accompanying activities, plus an activity to accompany a short BBC feature on first hand testimony of Windrush era migrants. LOs: To use a range of sources to explain the experiences of Caribbean migrants in Britain To use own knowledge to evaluate the typicality of sources Includes: Empire, Windrush, Colour bar, Black communities Bristol and Brixton, discrimination, Black British History Please note that the content of this lesson addresses racism and discrimination, and the video features racist language, so must be handled sensitively and is therefore not suitable for below KS4
How did social attitudes affect migrants’ experiences in 20th century Britain?

How did social attitudes affect migrants’ experiences in 20th century Britain?

This lesson explores changing attitudes to migration in the second half of the 20th century: the rise of the far right; Enoch Powell’s ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech, Brixton riots, Burnley riots, the role of the media, Oswald Moseley, fascism in Britain. L.o. to describe how migrants experienced life in Britain after WW2 To explain reasons why their experiences changed over time Please note this lesson requires access to the Pearson edexcel migration textbook
How far were migrants accepted in early 20th century Britain?

How far were migrants accepted in early 20th century Britain?

This lesson covers the social attitudes towards migrants in early 20th century Britain. It builds on some prior learning about the reasons for migration at this time (see additional lessons in my shop for this content). The main activity is adapted from a pearson resource. Links with: World War one, World War two, refugees, aliens act, kindertransport, battle of cable street LOs: To analyse changes to migration during the world wars To understand the reasons for the acceptance or rejection of different migrant groups during this period Please note this lesson requires access to the Pearson migrants in Britain textbook
Why did migrants come to Britain in the 20th century?

Why did migrants come to Britain in the 20th century?

This lesson build on the previous lesson contextualising the key changes of the 20th century and investigates why migrants came to Britain in the 20th century. This lesson features an activity covering content plus a 12 mark exam question. L.o.: explain why migration to the UK increased in the 20th century
What was Britain like in the years 1900-present?

What was Britain like in the years 1900-present?

This lesson covers the key changes in Britain 1900-present regarding government, empire, rights, media, war. Curriculum links: NHS, Commonwealth, EU, refugees, human rights, Designed for the Edexcel GCSE migration paper, but adaptable for other exam boards. Features a fully resourced student-led gallery walk/scavenger hunt activity. L.O. To describe the key changes that occurred in modern Britain, and explain how they impacted migration
How far did migrants impact Britain c1700–c1900?

How far did migrants impact Britain c1700–c1900?

This lesson is adapted from a Pearson resource for the Migrants in Britain thematic study. The lesson examines the impact of migrants in the industrial period on Britain culturally, economically, politically, media, built environment. L.o. To evaluate the extent to which migrants impacted Britain in the industrial period Please note: this lesson requires access to the Pearson Migrants in Britain textbook
Who migrated from Western Europe in the Industrial period?

Who migrated from Western Europe in the Industrial period?

Designed for the Edexcel GCSE thematic Migrants in Britain study, this lesson covers the migration of Italians and Germans in the 19th century to the UK. This lesson features a short starter activity recapping a previous lesson on migrants from India and Africa, this lesson is available from my shop. L.O. To explain the reasons for migration and experiences of migrants from Italy and Germany Please note, this lesson requires access to a copy of the Pearson Edexcel Migrants in Britain textbook
What was life like for Jewish migrants in the late 19th century?

What was life like for Jewish migrants in the late 19th century?

Designed for the Edexcel migration paper, this lesson focuses on the experiences of and reasons for migration and the Jewish community of London’s East End in the late 19th century. Suitable for Edexcel and other exam boards. Links include: industrial revolution, Jack the Ripper, crime and policing L.o. To explain why Jews migrated from Europe in the 19th century To evaluate their experiences in Britain Please note this lesson requires the Pearson Migrants in Britain textbook
What was ‘dear old Liverpool town’ like for 19th century migrants?

What was ‘dear old Liverpool town’ like for 19th century migrants?

This lesson examines the experiences of migrants to Liverpool in the 19th century. Links: migration, industrial revolution, empire, urbanisation, slums L.O.: To explain the pull factors drawing migrants to Liverpool To describe the experiences of migrants in 19th century Liverpool, and explain how factors shaped their experiences Please note this lesson references the Pearson Migrants in Britain textbook
How welcome were Irish migrants in Britain?

How welcome were Irish migrants in Britain?

L.o.s: Describe the driving forces behind Irish migration after 1845 Examine the experience of Irish migrants after 1850 This lesson, designed for the Edexcel migration thematic study (but applicable for use with other boards) focuses on the experiences of Irish migrants, and uses contemporary cartoons to examine anti-Irish prejudice. Links: Empire, Migration, Industrial Revolution, Potato Famine Please note this lesson refers to the Pearson Migration textbook on one occasion*
How did the changes of the industrial period affect migration?

How did the changes of the industrial period affect migration?

This lesson consolidates the changes of the industrial period and how they link to migration. Suitable for the Migration thematic GCSE Lo.: To explain how developments in the industrial period shaped migration To explain why internal migration occurred To explain why migrants left Ireland in this period Please note this lesson requires the Pearson textbook (Migrants in Britain) and refers to an activity in an earlier lesson - available for free on my shop
Why did migrants arrive in Britain c1700–1900?

Why did migrants arrive in Britain c1700–1900?

Adapted from a pearson resource, this lesson introduces students to a range of different migrant stories from the industrial period as well as reasons for migration. Designed for the Edexcel migration GCSE thematic study, but suitable for OCR/AQA or HPA KS3. Can be adapted as a great Year 9 GCSE taster lesson Learning objectives… Identify the factors driving migration in the industrial period. Identify differing migrant groups in the period c1700–c1900; and identify where they migrated from.
Why did people migrate to Britain in the industrial period?

Why did people migrate to Britain in the industrial period?

This lesson introduces the key changes in Britain 1700-1900 in regards to empire, industrialisation, government, and transport to contextualise study of migration to Britain 1700-1900. L.O.s: to explain how Britain changed 1700-1900 To identify factors that caused this change Suitable for the GCSE thematic study - designed for edexcel but appropriate for other exam boards / HPA Year 9.
Early Modern migration unit

Early Modern migration unit

12 Resources
This unit of work, designed for the Edexcel Migrants in Britain thematic study includes 12 lessons and covers reasons for, experiences of, and impact of migration to England in the Early Modern period. Content includes: Renaissance, Reformation, Gypsies, Jews, Huguenots, Palatines, non-European migrants, growth of empire and imperial trade. Also features two lessons on the case studies: Flemish/Walloons and Huguenots in Soho/Spitalfields. Also includes revision/consolidation and exam question skills resources. All lessons also available individually