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Colour by equivalent expressions
An activity to simplify algebraic terms/ collect like terms. Is suitable for KS3 and Foundation KS4. Students solve questions and may then colour solutions to create a pattern. Lovely to brighten up classrooms with students work.
Colour by gradients
As the title suggests, this is a colouring sheet for practising finding the gradient from linear graph equations. Most will require rearranging and/or muliplying/dividing in order for the gradient to be found. Unlike other maths colouring sheets, each sheet only requires three different colours and therefore requires fewer teacher supplies. Students solve the answers to the questions and colour based on their solution. This then creates a pattern which looks great on a classroom wall. The solution is the pattern displayed.
All feedback gratefully accepted.
Colour by solving inequalities
As the title suggests, this is a colouring sheet for practising solving linear inequalities. It also covers the concept of < and > being different looking at x>1 and 1
Unlike other maths colouring sheets, each sheet only requires three different colours and therefore requires fewer teacher supplies. Students solve the answers to the questions and colour based on their solution. This then creates a pattern which looks great on a classroom wall. The solution is the pattern displayed.
All feedback gratefully accepted.
Colour by sequences with extension
As the title suggests, this is a colouring sheet for practising finding the nth term. The sequences are written in the form an + b . Students use one colour when a=2, a second colour when
a=3 and a third colour when a=4. I also get the students to write the full solutions in the boxes. Unlike other maths colouring sheets, each sheet only requires three different colours and therefore requires fewer teacher supplies. Two solutions do not fit the pattern and students are encouraged to find their own questions that will fit the pattern allowing for stretch and challenge. The solution is the pattern displayed. The white spaces are where students are required to find solutions that do fit the pattern.
All feedback gratefully accepted.
Fractional and negative indices bingo
Resource contains ppt, teachers question card with a choice of three questions per solution, instructions and bingo cards. Like other maths bingo games, this often aids discussion of solutions and as it is in a win-able game format, aids engagement too.
Laminate the teachers question set. You can then use a whiteboard marker to mark off and keep track of which questions you have asked. It will then wipe clean when you are done ready to use with another class.
When you are ready to play, either cut up the bingo cards included or get students to draw 3x3 grids in their books.
Then get students to choose 3 numbers from each line – this allows you to have more control when you are ready to complete the game by picking a max of three questions from one of the rows until you are ready to complete the game.
Name the band - foundation maths revision
A multiple choice worksheet to revise foundation topics that include: collecting like terms, expanding double brackets, finding the area of a triangle, nth term, metric units, types of number, angles in a triangle, expanding single brackets, shapes and angles in parallel lines.
Students solve questions which gives them a letter. Once they have all the lettered solutions, they rearrange them to find the name of a band.
Solution is Maroon 5
Rounding Bingo
Resource contains ppt, teachers question card with a choice of three questions per solution, instructions and bingo cards. Like other maths bingo games, this often aids discussion of solutions and as it is in a win-able game format, aids engagement too.
Laminate the teachers question set. You can then use a whiteboard marker to mark off and keep track of which questions you have asked. It will then wipe clean when you are done ready to use with another class.
When you are ready to play, either cut up the bingo cards included or get students to draw 4x3 grids in their books.
Then get students to choose 4 numbers from each line – this allows you to have more control when you are ready to complete the game by picking a max of three questions from one of the rows until you are ready to complete the game.
What could the question be? (exam style questions)
A selection of powerpoints with exam questions with the question part removed to generate discussion and to aid revision of several mathematical topics. The actual exam question is provided on the next slide, but don’t feel that you have to show that to students as the idea is to see what they can come up with and carry that through. These questions would appear on the foundation GCSE Maths paper but would also be very suitable for younger year groups.
Question topics include:
labeling circles
grouped data ( - this could also be used with a higher tier group covering cumulative frequency and histograms)
Points on an axis - could be used for midpoint or length of line using Pythagoras’ theorem or even the equation of the line that passes through both points
Types of number
and several more
There are 14 seperate topics in total
Name the story/movie - ratio
A multiple choice resource to aid teaching/revision of ratio. Students solve the questions which gives them a letter. Once they have found all the letters, they will need to rearrange them to give them the name of a story/film.
Solution is Robin Hood
Fun revision activities for GCSE Maths
Two sets of 12 cards for students to cut up, solve and then place cards in ascending/descending order of solutions.
A multiple choice activity - where each answer gives a letter. The full set of letters can be rearranged to spell the name of a band,
and finally a cross number all covering multiple topics
Just a slightly different way to get students to look at revision. A range of grades to allow access for all from beginning.
GCSE Mathematics Foundation revision ppts
11 ppt starters. Each contains between 4 and 5 questions around grade 4 of the new 1-9 GCSE. Topics include: expanding brackets, multiplying with decimals, angles in parallel lines, area and circumference of a circle, nth term, Pythagoras' theorem, indices with algebra, mean of grouped data, volume, products of prime factors, reciprocals, solving inequalities, highest common factor (HCF) least common multiple (LCM), substitution, percentage reduction and calculating with indices. All topics come up at least twice to allow for simmering.
The cover picture shows the first slide of starter 1. All ppts contain solutions (worked solutions where appropriate).
Hope this saves you some valuable time!
All feedback greatly received.
Colour by algebra
This contains 3 colour by sheets with their extension versions included. The sheets As the title suggests, these are colouring sheets for practising questions that include collecting terms and solving linear equations. Unlike other maths colouring sheets, each sheet only requires three or four different colours and therefore requires fewer teacher supplies. Students solve the answers to the questions and colour based on their solution. This then creates a pattern which looks great on a classroom wall. The solution is the pattern displayed. Suitable for KS3 and KS4.
All feedback gratefully accepted.
Colouring by fractions, decimals and percentages.
Four resources covering fractions decimals and percentages.
Colour by factors and multiples
Two sheets to practice finding factors (one including common factors) and one sheet and its extension version for practicing finding multiples and common multiples. Each sheet only requires three colours which allows for less teacher supplies than other maths colouring sheets.
Indices with fractional and negative powers full lesson resources
This folder contains several resources to help teaching indices with fractional and negative powers.
It includes:
A power point with included starter of reciprocals and past AQA exam questions on indices
A bingo with instructions, bingo cards and teachers question card - allowing for tailoring of questions to match groups ability and if laminated, can be used with white board marker and wiped clean after each use.
A work sheet split into three sections - negative powers, fractional powers and the two combined.
An extension sheet where unknown could be the question, the power or part of the solution e.g x^-3=8
A homework sheet.
Henry’s homework - a completed homework sheet including misconceptions for students to mark and advise.
An indices colouring sheet (although this does also include some surds questions)
A tarsia activity - complete shape is diamond pattern.
Hope this helps - all feedback gratefully appreciated.
colour by .. entire extension set
This set contains the entire set of colour by sheets that have extension questions.
Included is colour by ...
equivalent expressions with extension
equivalent ratios with extension
indices with algebra with extension
multiples of 4 and 6 with extension
sequences with extension
Simplifying surds with extension
simultaneous equations with extension
solving equations 1 with extension
solving equations 2 with extension
solving inequalities with extension
Substitution 2 with extension
Please see individual sheets in my shop for their full description.
Less than £1 per sheet.
Please download the free catalogues of algebra and number sheets it you would like a copy of the solutions.
All feedback gratefully received.
Colour by ... entire number set
This set contains the entire set of colour by sheets that are number topics. It also contains the pattern solution sheet.
Included is colour by ...
decimal sums
dividing with decimals
equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages
equivalent ratios
equivalent ratios with extension
factors 72 and 80
factors 84, 90 and 96
fractions of amounts
multiples of 4 and 6
multiples of 4 and 6 with extension
negative numbers
powers and roots
simplifying surds
simplifying surds with extension
special numbers
surds etc
Please see individual sheets in my shop for their full description.
All feedback gratefully received.
Colour by... all algebra sheets
This set contains the entire set of colour by sheets that are algebra topics. It also contains the pattern solution sheet.
Included is colour by ...
equivalent expressions
equivalent expressions with extension
indices with algebra
indices with algebra with extension
sequences with extension
simultaneous equations
simultaneous equations with extension
solving equations 1
solving equations 1 with extension
solving equations 2
solving equations 2 with extension
solving inequalities
solving inequalities with extension
Substitution 1
Substitution 2
Substitution 2 with extension
Please see individual sheets in my shop for their full description.
All feedback gratefully received.