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Sianbrowett's Shop

Average Rating4.15
(based on 429 reviews)

I’ve been teaching for 11 years and love creating engaging, student led lessons that allow students of all abilities to enjoy English and achieve to the best of their ability.




I’ve been teaching for 11 years and love creating engaging, student led lessons that allow students of all abilities to enjoy English and achieve to the best of their ability.
Itinerant Workers - Theme of Isolation - Of Mice and Men

Itinerant Workers - Theme of Isolation - Of Mice and Men

Focus on possessions to explore isolation. What do itinerant workers carry on them? Symbolic meaning to any items? Exploring items in detail. Whit and the Bill Tanner letter. Crooks and his possessions. Analysis of theme of isolation. PQEL framework and mark scheme.
Curley's Wife - Of Mice and Men

Curley's Wife - Of Mice and Men

Discussion of how she's presented. Authorial intentions of her presentation. Finding quotes to analyse. Example of teacher model - analysing quote. Exam question. PQEL framework. Mark scheme.
George and Lennie - Of Mice and Men

George and Lennie - Of Mice and Men

Lesson exploring the relationship between George and Lennie in OMAM The different types of relationship How they relationships are presented Analysis of quotes - teacher model Development of more sophisticated ideas Asks students to do an in-depth analysis of a quote with authorial intentions linking to theme
Crooks - Of Mice and Men

Crooks - Of Mice and Men

Developing understanding and analysis of Crooks. Discussion whether he's better off than the other itinerant workers. Pair work gathering information/analysing - possessions, childhood, interactions with Lennie, Curley's Wife scene, his offer to join the dream. Class feedback. Answering exam style question.
Mini SOW Creative Writing

Mini SOW Creative Writing

7 Resources
Can be used together as a mini SOW developing creative writing techniques. KS3. All resources fit into the fantasy genre. Show, don't tell Building believable characters Setting Tension Starting to structure ideas Extracts to annotate and analyse
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

KS3 lesson on creative writing Developing a magical power - what powers could it be? Class discussion on powers Teacher model of boring writing and strong writing Success criteria Self assessment
Creating Believable Settings/Storyboarding Ideas

Creating Believable Settings/Storyboarding Ideas

KS3 lesson creating setting and storyboarding creative writing. Questions to help develop depth of setting Structure of chapters/short stories - one setting leading to another then another - but what happens in each? Storyboard to plot ideas in more detail.
Creating Tension KS3

Creating Tension KS3

KS3 lesson exploring tension What is tension? Extract to annotate for creation of tension Pair work to explore text Creative writing to continue extract with devices to create tension Success criteria Self assessment
Creative Writing - Magical Creature Encounter! KS3

Creative Writing - Magical Creature Encounter! KS3

KS3 lesson on creative writing Creating a mythical creature! Scenario - lost in the woods and come across a new creature. Develop setting through brainstorm & answering questions. Draw and describe creature met there - make sure they fit setting. Targets for different levels. Self assess.
Fantasy Writing

Fantasy Writing

KS3 lesson analysing fantasy writing and the fantasy genre Clips to help understanding conventions of fantasy genre Extracts from different fantasy novels - Aladdin and Eragon, LOTR (for higher ability) to annotate and explore.


KS3 lesson on establishing character Extracts to analyse Conventional and unconventional heroic characters List of things to include to create an engaging and believable character Peer assessment with questions to answer
Exploring Genres

Exploring Genres

KS3 lesson exploring conventions of genre. Pair work detailing different conventions of genre. Trailer for films to help understanding of conventions of genre. Creative writing task writing the opening paragraph to a story from this genre. Describe the location and introduce one character. Differentiated tasks. Peer assessment
Poetry - Analysis and writing of Ballads

Poetry - Analysis and writing of Ballads

Great fun for KS3. What is a ballad? Analysing two ballads and discussing differences between two teacher models. Sheet to annotate and question to answer with prompt questions. How to plan a ballad Scaffolding on how to write a ballad. Rhyming bank. Peer and self assessment.
Analysing Poetry

Analysing Poetry

Perfect for KS3 Interrogating poems - how is atmosphere created in the poem The Listeners? Developing understanding of what to focus on when reading a poem and analysing language. Writing a response. Writing a creative piece based on Listeners - differentiated tasks. Peer assessment.
Mini SOW - 10 lessons - Analysing Poems

Mini SOW - 10 lessons - Analysing Poems

A mini SOW focusing on analysis but with creative writing and S&L too. Roughly 10 lessons. War poetry - emotive and compelling poems from 911, Cambodian Civil War and Vietnam. Looking at the repercussions of war for soldiers. Teacher model of answers. Analysis of structure. Targets for grades C, B and A. Group work. Creative writing. Speaking and listening. Previously on TES with 5 star rating and over 1k downloads. "These sheets and activities will be a wonderful help when teaching my Year 9 students anti-war poetry. Many thanks for sharing such valuable resources. Best wishes :)"
Heroes and Villains SOW KS3 - Drama, Reading and Writing

Heroes and Villains SOW KS3 - Drama, Reading and Writing

SOW for KS3 A SOW looking at contemporary heroes and villains - focus on drama but with reading and writing also. Teacher models Persuasive writing Monologue writing Speaking and listening Creative writing Analysis Research tasks Clips Previously on TES with 12 reviews at 5 star rating - TES recommended. A well-planned, drama-based scheme of that is also effectively mapped in terms of reading, writing and speaking and listening. Engaging content and a great range of activities and resources. Thank very much for sharing this collection of resources; it'll be featured in the next secondary English newsletter - w/c 1st October 2012 Quotes from teachers Everything here is of a really high standard and very detailed - many thanks for this :) Brilliant- modern and useful! Just what I need for my year 7 class. Thank you for sharing A very detailed and comprehensive resource. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Creative Writing - Mini SOW - Writing Short a Story Step by Step

Creative Writing - Mini SOW - Writing Short a Story Step by Step

Step by step creative writing leading to a descriptive short story. 6 PPTs that cover at least 6 lessons - more if done in detail. Teacher models Analysis of creative writing Development of ideas Narrative hooks Sensory writing Previously on TES with 26 reviews all at 5 stars. Some quotes: "This is fantastic, really clear and engaging. Look forward to adapting with my class" "Excellent resource. Really useful" "Excellent variety of key elements of writing. Fantastic resource." "This is incredibly useful, thank you so much, exactly the step by step walkthrough my class needs!"
Macbeth Bundle

Macbeth Bundle

7 Resources
Seven lessons on Macbeth. Analysis Creative Writing - write your own spell. Speaking and Listening on theme of deceit. A murder mystery acting as a revsion tool and looking at themes and plot. Creative enquiry - staging the witches scene. Shakespeare introduction lessons. Two of the lessons have been used with OFSTED and rated 'Outstanding'.
Macbeth - Theme - Speaking and Listening

Macbeth - Theme - Speaking and Listening

Exploring the theme of responsibility in Macbeth. Can be used for speaking and listening or as an engaging way to consolidate plot. Students need to work in groups to stage a trial of either the witches, Lord or Lady Macbeth. Rules of group work included. Roles for each person. Questions to consider. Essay question to consolidate at end of task.
Macbeth - Themes and Plot - Creative Approach

Macbeth - Themes and Plot - Creative Approach

Engaging lesson to consolidate understanding of plot and develop understandings of themes - focus on deceit. Students move around classroom after every thunder flash on PPT - they collect evidence of the theme of deceit and consolidate knowledge of plot. Previously on TES and rated 23 times at 4.9 stars.