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Languages Made Fun

Useful worksheets and activities in French and Spanish that will make learning a foreign language more enjoyable and simpler for learners. These fun and meaningful worksheets are designed to help students grasp vocabulary and grammatical concepts easily so that they will ultimately develop a more positive attitude towards learning French or Spanish.




Useful worksheets and activities in French and Spanish that will make learning a foreign language more enjoyable and simpler for learners. These fun and meaningful worksheets are designed to help students grasp vocabulary and grammatical concepts easily so that they will ultimately develop a more positive attitude towards learning French or Spanish.
Les Saisons - Seasons in French

Les Saisons - Seasons in French

Teach your students about the seasons of the year in French with these fun activities. In this document, you will find the following: Introduction to the four seasons Insert the correct months when each season occurs Write about what you like to do in each season True or False statements Reading Comprehension: Read the paragraphs in French and either respond to the questions in English or French. Both sets of questions are included. Conjugation of verbs in the present tense. Some verbs are irregular. Colour each of the seasons and write a brief paragraph for each of the seasons. Some questions are provided to help guide the students.
Les Métiers - Jobs in French

Les Métiers - Jobs in French

Teach your students about different professions in French by using the activities provided in this document. There are various worksheets to help them become familiar with the vocabulary. In this document, you will find the following: Match the French to the English Unscramble the letters Read the sentences and figure out the profession. Reading Comprehension: There are two options. You can use the text with English questions or French questions. Translate the sentences into French Conjugate the verbs in the present tense. There are er, ir and re verbs as well as être and aller.
La Maison - French House Vocabulary & Activities

La Maison - French House Vocabulary & Activities

Teach your students about the different rooms in a house by using these French activities. These worksheets are simple and easy to follow. In this document, you will find the following: Introduction to vocabulary Match up: Students have to match the French and English words Unscramble the letters Complete the sentences with the correct word. Insert the correct form of être or avoir in the sentences. Translate sentences into French. Vocabulary is provided to assist students with prepositions. Word Search: Find the words in French. Read the paragraph and answer the questions in either French or English. Draw your house and write a brief paragraph to describe it. Some guiding questions are provided for teacher use.
Los Números - Spanish Numbers 1 - 20

Los Números - Spanish Numbers 1 - 20

Help your students to master Spanish numbers 1-20 with these fun activities. In this document, you will find the following: Numbers Chart Fill in the blanks Complete the sequence Put the numbers in order Math Colour the matching numbers Listening activity Make simple sentences using “Hay” Word search
El Cuerpo Humano - Spanish Body Parts

El Cuerpo Humano - Spanish Body Parts

Easy Spanish activities on body parts to help your students learn the vocabulary quickly. These worksheets are simple and very engaging. In this document, you will find the following. Reference Sheet: Visual Vocabulary Sheet that can be printed and given to students to put in their folders so that they can refer to it when necessary. Match up True or False Select the correct response Word Search Make sentences Form the plural Unscramble Replace the object with the missing letter
El Invierno - Spanish Winter Vocabulary and Activities

El Invierno - Spanish Winter Vocabulary and Activities

No prep Spanish winter activities. In this document, you will find a variety of worksheets to make learning more simple and fun. Posters to introduce vocabulary: You can print them and stick them around class or project them for the entire class. Match up True or False Unscramble Make sentences using “Llevo…” Translate sentences Read the sentences and colour the picture accordingly. Word Search
¿Qué tiempo hace? - Spanish Weather Activities

¿Qué tiempo hace? - Spanish Weather Activities

Teach your students about the weather in Spanish using this set of activities. There are nine basic expressions to get them started so that they can know how to describe the weather. In this document, you will find the following: Introduction to vocabulary using the visuals provided Write the Spanish expression that corresponds with the English expression Write sentences about what you like to do when the it is sunny, it is raining, it is hot etc… Look at the weather forecast and answer the questions in Spanish Multiple Choice: Look at the image and circle the corresponding expression in Spanish Listen to the expression being read and circle the correct image
Quel temps fait-il? - French Weather Activities

Quel temps fait-il? - French Weather Activities

Teach your students about the weather in French using this set of activities. There are nine basic expressions to get them started so that they can know how to describe the weather. In this document, you will find the following: Introduction to vocabulary using the visuals provided Write the French expression that corresponds with the English Write sentences about what you like to do when it is sunny, it is raining, it is hot etc… Look at the weather forecast and answer the questions in French Multiple Choice: Look at the image and circle the corresponding expression in French Listen to the expression being read and circle the correct image
El Día de San Valentín - Spanish Valentine's Day Activities

El Día de San Valentín - Spanish Valentine's Day Activities

Useful worksheets for Valentine’s Day to help students build their vocabulary. In this document, you will find the following: Label the pictures Fill in the missing vowels and match the words Colour the words related to Valentine’s Day Word Search Decode the message Rearrange words to make sentences Read the instructions and colour the picture Form the plural Read the paragraph and fill in the missing words
Les Verbes Irréguliers - Pouvoir, Vouloir, Savoir, Devoir

Les Verbes Irréguliers - Pouvoir, Vouloir, Savoir, Devoir

Here are some simple worksheets to help your students understand how to conjugate and correctly use “pouvoir, vouloir, savoir, devoir.” In this document, you will find the following: Conjugation of each verb followed by practice activities. Match Up Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb Make sentences using the words provided Colour the correct conjugations
Los Animales - Animals in Spanish

Los Animales - Animals in Spanish

Teach students about animals in Spanish with these simple worksheets. They will learn about a variety of animals and will complete activities helping them to build their vocabulary and understand the language. In this document, you will find the following: Vocabulary to introduce students to animals in Spanish Put animals in their correct habitat Colour the corresponding Spanish and English words Fill in the missing letters using the symbol provided Read the sentences and colour the animal Make sentences using “hay” Read the paragraphs and fill in the information Insert the correct preposition in the sentences Create sentences using “me gusta, no me gusta, me encanta, prefiero” Use the letters provided to see how many animals you can spell Find the animals in Spanish in the word search Solutions are included
Noël - Christmas Vocabulary and Activities

Noël - Christmas Vocabulary and Activities

These French Christmas activities will certainly keep your students engaged while simultaneously helping them to learn new vocabulary. In this document you will find the following. Christmas Vocabulary Unscramble the letters Crack the code Match Up Maze Letter to Santa My Christmas List True or False
Les Endroits dans la Communauté - Places in the Community

Les Endroits dans la Communauté - Places in the Community

Teach your students about places in the community in French with these no prep worksheets. There are a variety of activities to help them practice vocabulary and grammar while reinforcing listening and reading comprehension skills. In this document, you will find the following: Match up French and English vocabulary Word Search to find the find the French words Fill in the missing letters Complete the sentences by filling in the correct place. Reading Comprehension: Read the text and fill in the missing words from the bank provided. Then answer the questions in either French or English. You can decide which you prefer to use with your class. Listening Comprehension: Read a sentence and students must circle the correct image. Make grammatically correct sentences using the words provided in each group. Translate sentences into French. The following vocabulary is provided to help students : devant – in front of derrière – behind à côté de – next to loin de – far from à gauche de – to the left of à droite de – to the right of
Joyeuses Pâques - French Easter Activities

Joyeuses Pâques - French Easter Activities

Looking to add some fun to your French class for Easter? Then this resource is perfect for you. These worksheets will help your students to learn a wide range of vocabulary as well as practice their grammar. In this document, you will find the following: Match up Make sentences using prepositions Word Search Present Tense Conjugation Colour the Easter words Decorate your egg Read and colour accordingly Body Parts Maze
La Pizza - Various Activities

La Pizza - Various Activities

These activities will surely be a great addition to your pizza unit. In this document, you will find the following worksheets: Match Up Put the sentences in order Read and colour the pizza slices Dialogue Word Search: Find the French words Conjugation of verbs Create your own pizza and write about it Form the plural Oral Communication
Spanish Easter Bundle

Spanish Easter Bundle

2 Resources
A variety of Easter activities for your Spanish classes. These worksheets will help students to increase their vocabulary by learning words that pertain to Easter. They will then be able to use these new words when speaking and writing as well as be able to comprehend simple sentences. Great worksheets to keep them engaged in learning!!
Le Passé Composé avec Avoir

Le Passé Composé avec Avoir

In this document you will find several acrtivities to help your students practice the Passé Composé with the verb “avoir.” There are notes to guide students so they know how to form the passé composé and can refer to them if they get confused. Conjugation of the verb “avoir” and how to form the past participle. Practice worksheets List of irregular past participles Practice worksheet Change the sentences from the present tense to the past tense. Translate sentences into French Colour the correct conjugations Form the negative : notes and examples Practice worksheet
La Famille - French Family Members

La Famille - French Family Members

No prep activities on French family members. These worksheets will help your students to learn new vocabulary and even reinforce what they have already learned. In this document you will find the following: Match Up: French and English words Unscramble Reading Comprehension: There are 2 versions. Read the text and answer the questions in French or English. Word Search: Find the French Reorganize the words to make sentences Create sentences using the words provided in each of the columns
Le Jour de la Terre - French Earth Day Activities

Le Jour de la Terre - French Earth Day Activities

Here are some fun French Earth Day activities to do with your entire class. In this document, you will find the following: Match up: French word and picture Match up: French and English words Unscramble Make sentences Use adjectives Sort the words Form the negative “ne…pas” Word Search: Find the French Read and select answer Write a message. Brief guide is provided for teacher’s use 3 Colouring posters
El Día de la Tierra - Spanish Earth Day Activities

El Día de la Tierra - Spanish Earth Day Activities

Here are some fun Spanish Earth Day activities to do with your entire class. In this document, you will find the following: Match up: Spanish word and picture Match up: Spanish and English words Unscramble Make sentences Use adjectives Sort the words Word Search: Find the Spanish Read and select answer Write a message. Brief guide is provided for teacher’s use 3 Colouring posters