I have included a set of resources to support the SATs Tests both at Key Stage 1 and 2. The advantage with my resources is that they make new papers every time they are loaded up.
I have included a set of resources to support the SATs Tests both at Key Stage 1 and 2. The advantage with my resources is that they make new papers every time they are loaded up.
This pack contains four different resources, which you can buy as a set of all the tables. However, this bundle only contains the tables mentioned in the title.
Within the resource pack it contains the following resources for the times tables mentioned:
Dominoes - 3 set for each times table.
Cards - Answers and questions for each times table.
Tests - 50 questions on the times table, 5 tests per a times table.
Bookmarks - 3 different designs for each times table.
All the PDF files will print out to an A4 size.
Print out the 12 cards, which are all unique, and give out to the learners. With larger classes you will need to print out more than one copy of each card.
Call out the fractions from one of the lists, one at a time.
Learners cross off any fraction called out, however there may be more than one version on the card, so they may need to cross of one, two, three or four squares.
Once all numbers are crossed off, then call out Bingo.
Print out the 12 cards, which are all unique, and give out to the learners. With larger classes you will need to print out more than one copy of each card.
Call out the fractions above, one at a time, remind the learners that they may need to think about equivalence.
Learners cross off any fraction called out, however there may be more than one version on the card, so they may need to cross of one or more squares.
Once all fractions are crossed off, then call out Bingo.
After working hard with the spreadsheet I have managed to design a product which has been created by the software. It will create a different copy of the SATs paper based on the 2022 paper. For this purchase there is only one paper, though there is a pack of the five papers at a much better price.
Within the paper there are the 50 questions and a sheet at the end with the most appropriate answer for each question. I thoroughly checked the paper when creating, though I apologise if there are any minor errors.
Within the 5 pack, each paper is based on the 2022 paper, though it is different in what is being asked and the sentences used within the questions.
After working hard with the spreadsheet I have managed to design a product which has been created by the software. It will create a different copy of the SATs paper based on the 2022 paper. For this purchase there is only one paper, though there is a pack of the five papers at a much better price.
Within the paper there are the 50 questions and a sheet at the end with the most appropriate answer for each question. I thoroughly checked the paper when creating, though I apologise if there are any minor errors.
Within the 5 pack, each paper is based on the 2022 paper, though it is different in what is being asked and the sentences used within the questions.
After working hard with the spreadsheet I have managed to design a product which has been created by the software. It will create a different copy of the SATs paper based on the 2022 paper. For this purchase there is only one paper, though there is a pack of the five papers at a much better price.
Within the paper there are the 50 questions and a sheet at the end with the most appropriate answer for each question. I thoroughly checked the paper when creating, though I apologise if there are any minor errors.
Within the 5 pack, each paper is based on the 2022 paper, though it is different in what is being asked and the sentences used within the questions.
After working hard with the spreadsheet I have managed to design a product which has been created by the software. It will create a different copy of the SATs paper based on the 2022 paper. For this purchase there is only one paper, though there is a pack of the five papers at a much better price.
Within the paper there are the 50 questions and a sheet at the end with the most appropriate answer for each question. I thoroughly checked the paper when creating, though I apologise if there are any minor errors.
Within the 5 pack, each paper is based on the 2022 paper, though it is different in what is being asked and the sentences used within the questions.
After working hard with the spreadsheet I have managed to design a product which has been created by the software. It will create a different copy of the SATs paper based on the 2022 paper. For this purchase there is only one paper, though there is a pack of the five papers at a much better price.
Within the paper there are the 50 questions and a sheet at the end with the most appropriate answer for each question. I thoroughly checked the paper when creating, though I apologise if there are any minor errors.
Within the 5 pack, each paper is based on the 2022 paper, though it is different in what is being asked and the sentences used within the questions.
This set of posters contains all the times tables from 1 to 12, or 2 to 12 with square numbers. Also contained within this set is the same pages but in purple and blue.
There are also some solid fill sheets with the same times tables, though would cost a lot more to print out as in a solid rainbow fill for each times table.
Using this pack there will be sheets to help every ability child.
Set 1 - counting the perimeter and area.
Set 2 - show the length and width and they have to work out the area.
Set 3 - show the length and width, but with trickier numbers to work with.
Set 4 - questions involving right angled triangles.
Set 5 - questions involving triangles without right angles.
Set 6 - compound L shapes.
Final set is a 6 pages of SATs questions from Key Stage 2 SATs paper for year 6.
All appropriate answers are shown at the bottom of the sheet so can be folded or cut off. Within each set there are multiple sheets with random numbers changing the calculation of the question.
This example is from the Morning Work for Year 6, it is only printable, though you can buy the Excel version to generate your own, (This full version will generate a totally random sheet for each day of the week. Each day has a different set of questions, though will random different versions for every time the file is loaded and printed.)
All questions have been based on number side of the last few years of the SATs papers. Questions are totally mixed up, though have questions from both of the papers.
You can also buy the 15 weeks worth of 5 days for Key Stage 1 or Key Stage 2.
Within the pack there are 15 sets of 5 days of work. Thus there are 75 sheets of A4 work altogether. Each day’s work is the same in structure, though the numbers of the request is slightly different making sure the learner starts to gain a full understanding of how to complete this kind of work in the future. For Key Stage 2 morning work there are a full set of answers for each day.
This example has only this one sheet from Set 2.
The main pack contains the following:
Set 1 - counting the perimeter and area.
Set 2 - show the length and width and they have to work out the area.
Set 3 - show the length and width, but with trickier numbers to work with.
Set 4 - questions involving right angled triangles.
Set 5 - questions involving triangles without right angles.
Set 6 - compound L shapes.
Final set is a 6 pages of SATs questions from Key Stage 2 SATs paper for year 6.
All appropriate answers are shown at the bottom of the sheet so can be folded or cut off. Within each set there are multiple sheets with random numbers changing the calculation of the question.
This is just an example of the sheets that are produced by using the full version, however with the full version it allows for an endless amount of sheets to printed, all of which are totally different, even the examples, as this can really help the child to see the pattern.
The main file can be displayed as a file on the screen or printed.
These papers have all been created using the Excel version which is also on here to purchase. However, these 9 files are as PDFs which are therefore not changeable.
Within each set are 3 papers, 1 arithmetic and 2 reasoning. The answers for all the papers are included on the last page, including the number of points given for that question.
Each paper has been created to print out to A4 and with fewest number of sheets possible, also the vast majority of sheets do not need to be printed in full colour, thus saving money.
Each set of papers are based on the 2018, 2019 and 2022 SATs papers, though all numbers and questions are changed from the ones given in the official SATs. Using this technique should give the learner a good example of what will be expected, without completing the real one. Also the files are much shorter in pages than the official SATs paper, thus again saving money when printing.
There will be a second of 9 papers coming soon, which will have a change of numbers and wording.
This booklet is made for anyone who is new to Numicon. It explains the background behind how some of the basic maths can be completed. Also comes with some posters.
This spreadsheet will allow you to enter the marks from the child completing the Key Stage 1 Maths SATs papers 1 and 2 to seeing a visual printout of how well the child has completed within the different areas of the maths curriculum.
If two areas are assessed for a question then only the main one is used.
Once you have entered the zeros and ones for every question, the second sheet will allow you to print out a graduated sheet showing the child’s strengths and weaknesses.
Using the word bank of over 400 of the most likely used patterns in spellings it gives 20 copies of the tests based on Year 6 SATS Spelling tests.
Each test comes as three pages. Two for the children and one for the teacher, including the answers.
This full version can be used via Excel to generate an endless supply of tests. The version will also allow you to add any extra words that you choose, just making sure the pattern is followed.
It does not claim to predict the spellings for future years of spelling tests, but will give a good idea of what might be used.
This is the print only version created from the Maths Monthly Calendar Creator. It contains the twelve files for next year, plus the two months still here from this year.
The files can be printed to an A4 printer. Then children between the ages of 7 to 10 can work out the question for each month. The numbers and question parts change for each day and each month.
If you buy the spreadsheet you can print out endless months for years to come. Every month changes every time you print.
Each PDF file is set up to print out to A4, though you can print out larger if you have an available printer. The example shows you April 2024.
You can also buy 12 months for 2024 with daily maths questions, as per this example.
However buying and using the spreadsheet the computer will generate a monthly calendar with different maths questions for each month. The calendar maths questions are pitched at an age of around 7 to 10, though could be used with help lower, and will just be quick mental arithmetic for an older child.