A simple and easy to read guidance of making a SEND referral. Helpful to boost teacher’s confidence if they have a pupil in their class with concerns. Available in PDF and Word.
A short document for the class teacher to complete to record and share information about a SEND pupil, or a pupil who may need to join the SEND register as they join their next year group. Great for a robust transition and communication between year groups.
Great activity when learning about fractions. Children use their names to make into a fraction, this can be compared with others and displayed on Maths working wall.
Black and white place value chart to display in classroom. I printed these off onto coloured paper to jazz it up!
These could be shrunk down and given to children individually on their tables too!
I have created new table names for my class using the idea of inspirational people.
I will show the children the image of their group’s person and ask them who it is and they will then research facts about their person. These name/fact cards will be displayed on their table.
I have created 12 name cards so I can change the group name’s very term. A simple yet effective way to introduce children to some of the inspirational people of our world. I hope you find them useful!
I have added the PDF version if you want to keep the font.
For all you organised teachers!
Google Keep is a FREE app you can download on your phone to keep yourself organised with ‘to-do’ lists. Use my templates to brighten up your lists!
1. Save my Google Keep Templates in a place where you will know where to find them on your computer.
2. Make a google account on the computer (if you don’t already have one).
3. In google drive, go to the top right corner dots. Click “More” and then click “Keep”
4. Click “Take a Note” and at the bottom of making a new note, click the “Add Image” picture.
5. Find the downloaded folder of my pictures for Google Keep or use your own. Select which image you want for the type of List you are creating. Click Choose.
6. Click the three dots and select “Show checkboxes”
7. Write your to do lists.
8. Repeat process for your other types of lists.
9. If you would like to have your to-do lists on your phone, download the Google Keep application from the app store.