Part of a series of flipped learning resources that I have created to be used in conjunction with youtube clips.
They are formatted in a cornell notetaking style and encourage students to come to lesson already having knowledge of the content to be examined. There is also space for reflection after the lesson.
By setting as homework, prior to the lesson, students arrive to the lesson already familiar with the content, allowing time in class to focus on skills building and knowledge retention. With courses containing larger content these are invaluable for making the best use of time as well as training students to become more independent.
Part of a series of flipped learning resources that I have created.
They are formatted in a cornell notetaking style and encourage students to come to lesson already having knowledge of the content to be examined. There is also space for reflection after the lesson.
I have created this resource to accompany a six week unit on the Tudor Monarchs, focusing on religion. It includes a knowledge organiser, lesson refelctions, a flipped learning task and a self-quizzing review activity based on the knowledge organiser.
The rationale behind this is that we need to develop student ability to review and revise their learning to succeed at Key Stage 4 and these skills need to be embedded as early as possible. It also builds on research that shows regular low-stages testing aids long term knowledge retention.
Please download and try it out, and let me know how you get on - I am carrying out action research on this topic so all feedback is helpful. There is a free pdf version of this document, but this will allow you to easily edit and personalise - I would love to see what you do with it.
I have created this resource to accompany a six week unit on Votes for Women. It includes a knowledge organiser, lesson refelctions, a flipped learning task and a self-quizzing review activity based on the knowledge organiser.
The rationale behind this is that we need to develop student ability to review and revise their learning to succeed at Key Stage 4 and these skills need to be embedded as early as possible. It also builds on research that shows regular low-stages testing aids long term knowledge retention.
Please download and try it out, and let me know how you get on - I am carrying out action research on this topic so all feedback is helpful. There is a free pdf version of this document, but this will allow you to easily edit and personalise - I would love to see what you do with it.
Part of a series of flipped learning resources that I have created to be used in conjunction with youtube clips.
They are formatted in a cornell notetaking style and encourage students to come to lesson already having knowledge of the content to be examined. There is also space for reflection after the lesson.
For this flipped learning, students are given different conflicts to examine, and in the next lesson they will share their learning in a market-place style activity.
These flipped learning sheets create ready made homeworks for all elements of Key Topic Two, Hitler’s rise to power, 1919–33. I create a booklet for each student with the tracker sheet as the front page, which is used to monitor student completion.
By setting each sheet as homework, prior to the lesson, students arrive to the lesson already familiar with the content, allowing time in class to focus on skills building and knowledge retention. With courses containing larger content these are invaluable for making the best use of time as well as training students to become more independent.
By being set out in a Cornell note taking format it also embeds study skills.
A series of flipped learning resources that I have created to be used in conjunction with youtube clips.
They are formatted in a cornell notetaking style and encourage students to come to lesson already having knowledge of the content to be examined. There is also space for reflection after the lesson.
By setting as homework, prior to the lesson, students arrive to the lesson already familiar with the content, allowing time in class to focus on skills building and knowledge retention. With courses containing larger content these are invaluable for making the best use of time as well as training students to become more independent.
This is a series of flipped learning resources that I have created to be used in conjunction with primarily youtube clips, although some sheets require the course textbook/ revision guide.
They are formatted in a cornell notetaking style and encourage students to come to lesson already having knowledge of the content to be examined. There is also space for reflection after the lesson.
The second half of a series of flipped learning resources that I have created to be used in conjunction with youtube clips and on a few occasions course textbooks.
They are formatted in a cornell notetaking style and encourage students to come to lesson already having knowledge of the content to be examined. There is also space for reflection after the lesson.