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Spanish Introductions, Greetings, & Goodbyes
This product includes everything you need to introduce and practice the concepts of introducing yourself and others in Spanish.
This product includes:
-Learning Goals for the Unit
-Essential Questions for the Unit
-Printable Vocabulary List (see preview)
-Greetings Practice Activity
-Leave Taking Practice Activity
-Introducing Yourself Writing Activity
-Introducing Others Writing Activity
-2 Exit Tickets
-Cultural Information on Greetings and Introductions
-Introducing Others Speaking Activity
-Introducing Musical Artists Activity

Spanish Logic Puzzles - Easy
This download includes 10 different logic puzzles in Spanish. In each puzzle, students must figure out a situation based on 7-10 clues in Spanish. A chart is provided to help students record the information that they read. When the puzzle is solved, students use the information gathered to answer 5 questions in Spanish.
These puzzles are rated "easy" and would be appropriate for beginning students or more advanced students that need to review some common vocabulary.
This is a print & go lesson that is easily used with a substitute or for regular classroom use. These can be done individually, in partners, or in small groups.

GIANT Board Game - Basic Spanish Questions
Turn your classroom into a GIANT Spanish board game while helping your students practice basic questions in Spanish.
This product includes 50 printable spaces and both teacher and student instructions for game play. Also included are EDITABLE spaces where you can add additional prompts or questions to target specific units or areas of weakness for your particular group of students.
Set up time is around 10-15 minutes to lay out the board and tape it down.
Spaces are designed in black and white with minimal ink use. Lamination is recommended for extended game play.
Your students will LOVE reviewing for midterms, finals, or just practicing speaking with this floor game.
Questions Include:
-¿Cómo te llamas?
-¿Cómo estás?
-¿Cuántos años tienes?
-¿De dónde eres?
-¿Dónde vives?
-¿Cuántos hermanos tienes?
-¿Qué hora es?
-¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy?
-¿Qué día es hoy?
-¿Qué tiempo hace?
-¿De qué color es ___?
-¿Cuántas personas hay en tu familia?
-¿Dónde estás?
-¿Cuál es tu clase favorita?
-¿Cómo eres tú?
-¿Cómo se llama tu mejor amigo?
-¿Cómo es tu madre?
-¿Qué te gusta hacer?
-¿Qué no te gusta?
-¿Qué comes para el desayuno? almuerzo?
-¿Cuál estación es?
-¿Cuál es tu deporte favorito?
As well as action prompts including
-Count from 1-10
-Name 5 Spanish-Speaking Countries
-Name 5 things in the classroom
-Say the alphabet in Spanish
-Name 3 school subjects
-Name a Latin singer
-and various others

Spanish Infographic Reading Activities - Intermediate Set 1
Do you always see awesome infographics and you just don't know what to do with them?
This product contains 10 different reading activities to accompany a variety of the infographics available for free on the Internet. Due to their visual nature, infographics are a great way to get students reading interesting, age appropriate content that is manageable. The activities included for each infographic also align with the ACTFL goals for interpretive reading at the Intermediate level.
Your students will be encouraged by how much they can actually understand AND they will be building their interpretive reading skills while they do it!
These activities can be used at any time, regardless of what unit you may be currently teaching. They also make great sub lesson plans.
This Product Includes:
1. Links to 10 different infographics available on the Internet*
2. 10 Reading Activities (1 per infographic)
3. 10 Writing Prompts (1 per infographic)
Infographic Topics Include:
1. Where would you like to work?
2. What personality do you have?
3. How to be successful on a job interview
4. What is fear?
5. Gamers invade the country
6. 10 tips to avoid a robbery at home
7. New Year's Eve Traditions
8. Harmful Effects of Anger
9. Jellyfish
10. Drugs and young people behind the wheel
*Note: Due to copyright, the actual infographics can not be included with the product, but their direct links can and are*

Spanish Sub Plans: Famous Works of Art
These Spanish sub plans can be carried out by any sub while you are out of the classroom. Even better, you won't have to feel guilty that your students aren't learning while you are gone!
This set includes 5 full classes of art/culture lessons that are ready to print & go, require no technology, do not require the sub to produce any Spanish, and can be differentiated for any level of Spanish class.
Each lesson walks students through the interpretation of a famous work of art by artists Pablo Picasso, Diego Rivera, Joan Miró, Frida Kahlo, and Fernando Botero.
Students will work step by step to interpret the art through a series of brainstorming, sorting and categorizing activities. Once they have recorded their own interpretation of the art, they will read a short excerpt that relates the piece of art to something cultural or historical from real life. They will then be asked to think about the art in that new context as they answer some thought provoking questions.
Works of Art included in this lesson:
-"Guernica" by Pablo Picasso
-"Dream of a Sunday Afternoon at Alameda Park" by Diego Rivera
-"Tree of Hope, Remain Strong" by Frida Kahlo
-"Carnival of Harlequin" by Joan Miró
-"Guerilla de Eliseo Velasquez" by Fernando Botero

Spanish Food (Comida) Vocabulary Activities
These activities were designed to allow students to become acquainted with food words in Spanish and to use them reflect on their eating habits in real life.
This product contains a reading activity in the form a typical dialogue that might take place in a restaurant. Students are asked to infer meaning and respond to comprehension questions on the reading.
The second activity is a vocabulary sort where students are asked to recognize the meanings of common food vocabulary well enough to place them into self-identified categories based on meaning.
This product also contains a food log where students can use their food vocabulary to record what they eat over a 5 day period. There is also a follow-up sorting activity where they sort the foods they have eaten into a food pyramid in order to answer some questions, in Spanish, about their diet.
These activities are great for paving the way for a classroom discussion about food and eating habits.
This Product Includes:
-Restaurant Conversation Reading Activity
-Food Word Sort
-Food Log
-Food Pyramid Activity

Spanish Letter Search Puzzles - Set 2
This set of 10 puzzles will help your students practice the spelling of body part, weather, house, food, clothing, animal, and verb vocabulary in Spanish.
While typical word search puzzles only target vocabulary recognition, your students will practice actually producing Spanish words as they play against a partner or group to earn the most points by correctly spelling Spanish words.
Each puzzle targets the most frequently used words from a variety of vocabulary themes (see detailed list below). This game is self-differentiating, so even if your students haven't learned every word, they will still be able to play and pick up a couple new words along the way!
Click on "PREVIEW" to see an example of how the game is played!
Included in This Product:
-Guide for Educators
-Student Example
-10 Puzzles
Vocabulary Themes Targeted by Puzzle:
-Parts of the Face
-Parts of the Body
-Weather Expressions
-The House
-Food (Fruits & Vegetables)
-Food (Meat & Other)
-Common AR Verbs
-Common ER/IR Verbs

Spanish Phonics & Pronunciation Activities
These activities help students learn the basics of Spanish phonics with scaffolded activities that focus on a variety of letter sounds in Spanish. Often taken for granted, instruction in phonics is a great way to jumpstart the listening and pronunciation skills of beginning learners.
Each activity targets a different set of letter sounds, beginning with sounds that are easy for native English speakers and progressing to sounds that are more difficult to identify or easy to confuse. Students will listen to the pronunciation of 12 words within each of the 7 activities and are asked to insert the correct letters that are representative of those sounds.
Included with each word is also a picture definition so that students can begin to acquire some basic vocabulary. When the activities are complete, they may be added to a notebook or binder as a picture dictionary for students to keep.
This Product Includes:
-Consonant Sounds Activity 1 (D, F, K, M P, T)
-Consonant Sounds Activity 2 (C, H, CH, L, LL)
-Consonant Sounds Activity 3 (R, RR, N, Ñ)
-Consonant Sounds Activity 4 (G, J, S, Z, B, V)
-Vowel Sounds Activity 1 (A, O, U)
-Vowel Sounds Activity 2 (E, I)
-Vowel Sounds Activity 3 (Diphthongs)
-Answer Keys For All Activities

Expressions with Tener Grammar & Drawing Activity
This worksheet features 16 sentences in which students must conjugate the verb TENER in the present tense. Next, they must draw the sentence to demonstrate understanding of the 16 different tener expressions used.

Spanish Making Plans Unit
This ACTFL-aligned unit is designed to teach Novice-High (Spanish 2/3) students to make plans, accept/reject invitations, and make excuses in Spanish.
The unit includes more than 10 different activities based on all modes of communication including interpretive reading/listening, presentational speaking/writing, and interpersonal speaking.
This Product Includes
- Guide for Educators
- Vocabulary List
- Invitation Reading Station Activity based on authentic Spanish language invitations
- Text Message Reading Station Activity
- Making Plans Conversation Puzzles
- Interpretive Reading Assessment
- Video Listening Activity
- Interpersonal Speaking Activity
- Making Plans Speaking Prompts (also available separately)
- Role Play Scenarios
- Answer Keys for all Objective Activities

Spanish Homework Workbook
This workbook contains 17 activities covering some of the most common themes from beginning Spanish. These activities are designed as extension activities for students to complete at home.
This is a great way to review topics while saving class time to learn new material.
Please preview this product for a detailed table of contents and list of activities.

Spanish Prepositional Phrase Activities
This download includes 4 activities (Reading, Listening, Writing, & Speaking) to practice and learn common prepositional phrases in Spanish.
Students will read sentences and place objects in the correct location on a bookshelf according to what they read and hear. Then, students will describe the locations of items, in Spanish, and orally to a partner.

Spanishgorries Vocabulary Game Kit
Have fun while recycling vocabulary! Spanishgorries is a game where teams compete to see who can come up with Spanish words that fit into a variety of categories and begin with a certain letter. My students always request this game!
This Product Includes:
-Complete Instructions for 2 Modes of Game Play
-7 Beginner Game Cards / Scoring Sheets
-7 Intermediate Game Cards / Scoring Sheets

50 Spanish Bell Ringers - Novice High
50 Activities to get your Novice-High student ready to work as soon as the bell rings! These are good for Spanish 2 or 3 (US) or Spanish A2/B1 (UK). Created in Power Point for display or easy printing. Teacher Index of all activities included.
These are great for daily review or for end of the semester/year review!

Spanish IPA - Talking About the Weather
This integrated performance assessment will help you gauge the proficiency level of your students in the areas of interpretive reading, interpretive listening, interpersonal speaking, presentational writing, and presentational speaking.
The assessment tasks that students will be asked to perform align with the following performance indicators:
-I can recognize some common weather expressions
-I can name the main cities on a map
-I can list the main cities of a specific country
-I can give weather information
-I can recognize when I hear a date
-I can understand the days of the week
The interpretive reading and listening tasks utilize authentic resources that were carefully selected and aligned to the above performance indicators.
links to scoring rubrics are provided.
This Product Includes:
-Guide for Educators
-Links to Resources and Rubrics
-Interpretive Reading task
-Interpretive Listening task
-Interpersonal Speaking task (Form A and Form B)
-Presentational Writing task
-Presentational Speaking task
-Student Self-Assessment task
-Teacher Feedback Form
-Answer Keys for Interpretive Reading and Listening tasks

Silly Spanish Sentence Writing Activities - Stem Changing Verbs
Silly Spanish Sentence Activities are a great way to motivate students and spice up your typical boring grammar drills while building vocabulary.
These activities promote both interpretive reading and presentational writing skills. They provide a structure that will help struggling students while at same time allowing more advanced students to add details according to their abilities. This type of self-differentiation is very helpful in classes where students are at a variety of stages in their fluency and language acquisition.
Students will choose 1 word each from a series of word boxes with the goal of creating funny sentences. They will need to apply grammatical concepts like conjugation and sentence structure while at the same time recognizing key vocabulary items. When they have created 10 sentences, they will choose a favorite and write it on the tear-off section of the activity.
This set of Silly Spanish Sentence activities focuses specifically on present tense stem-changing verbs.
This Product Includes:
-Guide for Educators with Tips and Extension Activity Ideas
-O-->UE Verb Silly Sentence Activity
-E-->IE Verb Silly Sentence Activity
-E-->I Verb Silly Sentence Activity

Spanish 2 Midterm Exam
This midterm exam is meant for second year proficiency based classrooms. It also easily adapted as an end of year exam for a level 1 course. The exam aligns directly with the ACTFL progress indicators for Novice-Mid to Novice-High language learners.
All modes of communication (listening, reading, speaking, writing) are addressed by the exam. You may choose to assess all modes of communication or use only particular sections of the exam depending on the turnaround time you have with grading them.
You will find both a regular and modified version included for students in need of modifications due to an IEP or other plan.
Also included are links to listening samples, rubrics, forms, and other information that will be helpful in administering the exam.
Please see the preview for specific themes covered in this exam as well as a list of ACTFL progress indicators addressed in the exam.
This product includes the following:
-Guide for Educators
-Student Study Guide
-List of ACTFL progress indicators addressed
-Links to listening samples, rubrics, etc
-Listening Section (20 MC questions)
-Reading Section (5 passages, 20 MC questions)
-Writing Section (2 prompts)
-Speaking Section (responding to 15 essential questions)
-Answer Key for all Objective sections

Spanish Letter Search Puzzles - Set 1
This set of 10 puzzles will help your students practice the spelling of color, number, family, feeling, sports, places, school supply, months, season, and adjective vocabulary in Spanish.
While typical word search puzzles only target vocabulary recognition, your students will practice actually producing Spanish words as they play against a partner or group to earn the most points by correctly spelling Spanish words.
Each puzzle targets the most frequently used words from a variety of vocabulary themes (see detailed list below). This game is self-differentiating, so even if your students haven't learned every word, they will still be able to play and pick up a couple new words along the way!
Click on "PREVIEW" to see an example of how the game is played!
Included in This Product:
-Guide for Educators
-Student Example
-Master Vocabulary List
-10 Puzzles
Vocabulary Themes Targeted by Puzzle:
-Numbers 0-10
-Numbers 10-100
-Places Around Town
-School Supplies
-Months & Seasons
-Adjectives to Describe People
-Sports & Recreation
-Feelings & Emotions

"Me Interesas" & Present Tense Review
These activities go along with the song "Me Interesas" by Noel Torres which is readily available on YouTube and iTunes.
In this lesson, students are introduced to Noel Torres, a rising star in the world of Mexican norteño music. They will learn some basic characteristics of that style of music as they discuss the impact that where you live has on the type of music that you listen to.
Students will then listen to the song "Me Interesas" and fill in blanks to complete the missing lyrics. Afterwards, students will find lines of the song and match them with their English equivalents. Finally, students will use their knowledge of the present tense and common vocabulary to manipulate the lines of the song to mean something slightly different.
These activities merge culture, grammar, and vocabulary concepts and are most suitable for second semester Spanish 1 or Spanish 2 students. These activities would also work for a quick review of the present tense beyond this level.
Included in this download:
-Discussion Questions
-Noel Torres Biography / Characteristics of Norteña Music
-Clozeline Activity
-Lyric Identification Activity
-Lyric Manipulation Activity
-Answer Keys

Spanish IPA - Describing Your Family
This integrated performance assessment will help you gauge the proficiency level of your students in the areas of interpretive reading, interpretive listening, interpersonal speaking, presentational writing, and presentational speaking.
The assessment tasks that students will be asked to perform align directly to the following performance indicators:
-I can identify family member words on a family tree
-I can list my family members, their ages, their relationships to me, and what they like to do
-I can say what someone looks like
-I can say what someone is like
-say or write something about the members of my family
The interpretive reading and listening tasks utilize authentic resources that were carefully selected and aligned to the above performance indicators.
links to scoring rubrics are provided.
This Product Includes:
-Guide for Educators
-Links to Resources and Rubrics
-2 Interpretive Reading tasks
-2 Interpretive Listening tasks
-Interpersonal Speaking task
-Presentational Writing task
-Presentational Speaking task
-Student Self-Assessment task
-Teacher Feedback Form
-Answer Keys for Interpretive Reading & Listening tasks