All resources

Revision Planner and Schedule
A great way to help students who need support with balancing their time and managing their workload (Schedule and planner included)

A great resource comparing relationships in 1800 to modern day. Consists of a video, self and peer assessment and exam practise.

Paper 2 Question Language Analysis David Beckham
A complete lesson focusing on Paper 2 Question 3 analysing language of a tabloid article on David Beckham and Victoria Beckham’s relationship.

Paper 2 Question 2 Summarising Differences
Using two different sources, students are expected to summarise the differences. The lesson focuses on a range of assessment objective related skills

Creative Writing Booklet
An excellent booklet that can be given for homework or revision. Includes ambitious vocabulary list, recommended reading, creative writing prompts, activities, good and bad examples, modelled answers and a whole lot more!

GCSE English Language Paper 1 Mock Exam Practise NEW EXTRACTS
3 fiction extracts with questions based on GCSE English language AQA exam board.

Paper 2 Question 3 Exploring Artificial Intelligence
A complete lesson exploring an article that looks at artificial intelligence and the potential consequences. Includes a video, exam practise, checklist and differentiated tasks.

Paper 2 Question 3 Astroworld Tragedy
A lesson focusing on the Astroworld tragedy and analysing an article about the incident. Includes a video and differentiated tasks.

Paper 1 Question 3 Analysing Structure
An excellent resource which supports structural analysis. Includes video, helpbox, tips, exam practise and peer assessment.

GCSE English Language Paper 1 Q5 Creative Writing
Brilliant resource for Paper 1 Question 5 Creative Writing

Paper 2 Question 4 Comparing The Education System
A lesson focusing on A04 comparing and contrasting using the topic of the education system.

Improve this paragraph worksheet
Great starter activity- encourages students to improve a piece of work by using language devices and ambitious vocabulary

Creative Writing FULL RESOURCE
A great resource for creative writing-powerpoint and worksheet activity included

2 Language Features Activity Worksheet
Match the feature to the correct definition
Identify the language feature in each sentence

5 analysing language worksheets
Good for cover work/starter activities, descriptive paragraphs for students to analyse.

Paper 2 Question 4 Women's Fashion
A great lesson to compare and contrast women’s fashion from 1800 to modern day.

Paper 2 Question 2 Summarising Differences
A complete lesson focusing on summarising similarities and differences in sources.