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Spectrum Spanish Store

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We design worksheets for teaching Spanish GCSE 9-1, AS & A-Level exams. We offer great-value subscription plans for schools & institutions to access our library of Spanish language teaching materials. Madrid-based resource designers. UK Spanish teachers.




We design worksheets for teaching Spanish GCSE 9-1, AS & A-Level exams. We offer great-value subscription plans for schools & institutions to access our library of Spanish language teaching materials. Madrid-based resource designers. UK Spanish teachers.
Verbos Regulares en el Presente (AR, ER & IR verbs)

Verbos Regulares en el Presente (AR, ER & IR verbs)

Regular Present Tense Verbs: This worksheet provides students with a reference and review of the conjugations of -AR, -ER and -IR verbs in Spanish. The resource includes a range of activities to drill the conjugations, such as gap fill, error correction and translation exercises. Student Worksheet and Teacher Key included. Super-Duper Mega Bundle! Download ALL our GCSE, AS and A-Level Resources for just £17.50. Copy this link into your browser for unlimited access to our PREMIUM content: https://spectrumspanish.com/website/
Verbos Reflexivos (Reflexive Verbs)

Verbos Reflexivos (Reflexive Verbs)

Reflexive verbs: In this worksheet students study the use of reflexive verbs and practice selecting the correct pronouns. The activities gradually build confidence; ending with a translation exercise which includes commonly used reflexive verbs. Resource includes Student Worksheet and Teacher Key. Super-Duper Mega Bundle! Download ALL our GCSE, AS and A-Level Resources for just £17.50. Copy this link into your browser for unlimited access to our PREMIUM content: https://spectrumspanish.com/website/
Canción -  Feliz Navidad (Song Class - Happy Christmas)

Canción - Feliz Navidad (Song Class - Happy Christmas)

Song - Happy Christmas: This is a really fun sing-along Christmas class! The worksheet includes vocabulary exercises to teach the lyrics to students before they sing along to the Michael Bublé & Thalia version of this famous Spanish Christmas song on our YouTube channel. ¡Feliz Navidad, próspero año y felicidad! The worksheet includes a QR code which can be scanned to access the video that goes with this class. Alternatively, copy this link into your browser: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlz0ZOjMM3t94-WI8iLap9yJIfTjYjREn This AS/A-Level resource includes Student Worksheet and Teacher Key. Super-Duper Mega Bundle! Download ALL our GCSE, AS and A-Level Resources for just £17.50. Copy this link into your browser for unlimited access to our PREMIUM content: https://spectrumspanish.com/website/
El Verbo SER

El Verbo SER

The verb SER: In this lesson, students study the various uses of this commonly used irregular verb. The worksheet included an explanation of the uses of SER and activities to consolidate learning. This worksheet pairs with El Verbo ESTAR. Student Worksheet and Teacher Key Included Super-Duper Mega Bundle! Download ALL our GCSE, AS and A-Level Resources for just £17.50. Copy this link into your browser for unlimited access to our PREMIUM content: https://spectrumspanish.com/website/
La Fiesta de la Tomatina

La Fiesta de la Tomatina

The Tomato Festival: In this worksheet, students learn the history behind this unusual Spanish festival. They read the rules of the event and there is a QR code which they can scan to watch a 1.30 min ABC news interview with an American talking about why he goes back every year. The worksheet includes a grammar focus on expressing rules and obligations (‘se debe’ ‘no se puede’) and ends with students translating the rules for travelling on the Madrid Underground. This GCSE 9-1 resource includes Student Worksheet and Teacher Key. Super-Duper Mega Bundle! Download ALL our GCSE, AS and A-Level Resources for just £17.50. Copy this link into your browser for unlimited access to our PREMIUM content: https://spectrumspanish.com/website/
¿Qué Tal el Hotel? (Hotels & Accomodation)

¿Qué Tal el Hotel? (Hotels & Accomodation)

How was the Hotel? This worksheet introduces students to all the vocabulary they need to talk about holiday accommodation. Students read the experiences of two young travellers and complete activities based around the texts. The resources wraps up with a writing frame for students to use to write about the last holiday accommodation they stayed at. This GCSE 9-1 resource includes Student Worksheet and Teacher Key. Super-Duper Mega Bundle! Download ALL our GCSE, AS and A-Level Resources for just £17.50. Copy this link into your browser for unlimited access to our PREMIUM content: https://spectrumspanish.com/website/
Adicción a Las Redes Sociales (Social Media Addiction)

Adicción a Las Redes Sociales (Social Media Addiction)

Social Media Addiction: This worksheet focuses on vocabulary and translations relating to the theme of social media and the negative effects it may have on those who overuse it. The lesson ends with a supported writing task on the topic. This AS / A-Level Resource includes Student Worksheet and Teacher Key. Super-Duper Mega Bundle! Download ALL our GCSE, AS and A-Level Resources for just £17.50. Copy this link into your browser for unlimited access to our PREMIUM content: https://spectrumspanish.com/website/
Viajando por la Patagonia (Travelling through Patagonia - Audio mp3)

Viajando por la Patagonia (Travelling through Patagonia - Audio mp3)

Travelling through Patagonia (Argentina): In this audio lesson, students listen to a travel agency itinerary for a trip to the beautiful glaciers of southern Argentina and learn travel-related vocabulary. This AS/A-Level resource includes Student Worksheet and Teacher Key. Super-Duper Mega Bundle! Download ALL our GCSE, AS and A-Level Resources for just £17.50. Copy this link into your browser for unlimited access to our PREMIUM content: https://spectrumspanish.com/website/
#Para Navidades Quiero (AS and A-Level) - (I Want For Christmas)

#Para Navidades Quiero (AS and A-Level) - (I Want For Christmas)

#IWantForChristmas: In this Christmas worksheet students read the Christmas twitter ‘tweets’ of real Madrileños from the 2016 Madrid campaign #paradiciembrequiero. Students learn vocabulary and expressions and answer comprehension questions before writing their own Christmas ‘tweets’ and adding them to the live campaign via their twitter accounts (optional). This is genuine Spanish Christmas #campaign which is live now, so it gives students a unique opportunity to connect with contemporary Spanish Christmas culture. ¡Feliz Navidad, próspero año y felicidad! This AS and A-Level resource includes Student Worksheet and Teacher Key. Super-Duper Mega Bundle! Download ALL our GCSE, AS and A-Level Resources for just £17.50. Copy this link into your browser for unlimited access to our PREMIUM content: https://spectrumspanish.com/website/
ESTAR + Gerundio (The Progressive Tense)

ESTAR + Gerundio (The Progressive Tense)

The progressive tense: In this worksheet, students study the rules for forming the progressive tense in Spanish. The resource includes a full explanation of the grammar point with example sentences and a clear table showing the conjugation of the verb ESTAR in the past, present and future. Students then complete a number of activities including Spanish – English translations with a vocabulary list of useful words to help them. This worksheet pairs with our ESTAR + Gerundio ¡Habla! communicative activity. Resource includes Student Worksheet and Teacher Key. Super-Duper Mega Bundle! Download ALL our GCSE, AS and A-Level Resources for just £17.50. Copy this link into your browser for unlimited access to our PREMIUM content: https://spectrumspanish.com/website/
Mi Barrio de Madrid (My Neighbourhood)

Mi Barrio de Madrid (My Neighbourhood)

My neighbourhood in Madrid: In this cultural lesson, students read about the trendy ‘barrio’ of La Latina and learn vocabulary and natural expressions to talk about their own area. The class ends with a pair speaking activity. This GCSE 9-1 resource includes Student Worksheet and Teacher Key. Super-Duper Mega Bundle! Download ALL our GCSE, AS and A-Level Resources for just £17.50. Copy this link into your browser for unlimited access to our PREMIUM content: https://spectrumspanish.com/website/
Pretérito Perfecto (The Present Perfect Tense)

Pretérito Perfecto (The Present Perfect Tense)

The Present Perfect Tense: In this worksheet, students learn how to form this useful compound tense and complete gap-fill exercises to consolidate learning. The eight most common irregular participles are then presented in a table to help students complete a translation activity on the topic of technology and social media. Student Worksheet and Teacher Key Included. Super-Duper Mega Bundle! Download ALL our GCSE, AS and A-Level Resources for just £17.50. Copy this link into your browser for unlimited access to our PREMIUM content: https://spectrumspanish.com/website/
Entrevista: Los Efectos de la Moda (The Effects of Fashion Interview - Audio mp3)

Entrevista: Los Efectos de la Moda (The Effects of Fashion Interview - Audio mp3)

Interview: The Effects of Fashion: In this lesson, students listen to a radio interview about the negative effects of the societal obsession with looking good. The audio is in three parts with corresponding activities, and the worksheet ends with a speaking exercise on the topic. Complete audio transcript is included. This AS/A-Level resource includes Student Worksheet and Teacher Key. Super-Duper Mega Bundle! Download ALL our GCSE, AS and A-Level Resources for just £17.50. Copy this link into your browser for unlimited access to our PREMIUM content: https://spectrumspanish.com/website/
Las Tendencias de la Moda (Fashion Trends)

Las Tendencias de la Moda (Fashion Trends)

Fashion Trends: In this lesson, learners read about the latest trends and fashion styles and study fashion vocabulary. The lesson includes a review of the conditional mood with activities to practise its use for conjecture and supposition. This AS/A-Level resource includes Student Worksheet and Teacher Key. Super-Duper Mega Bundle! Download ALL our GCSE, AS and A-Level Resources for just £17.50. Copy this link into your browser for unlimited access to our PREMIUM content: https://spectrumspanish.com/website/
Adjetivos en Español (Adjectives)

Adjetivos en Español (Adjectives)

Adjectives in Spanish: In this worksheet, students study the rules of adjectival agreement and position and learn common quantifying adjectives ('indefinidos'). The worksheet acts as a grammar reference and includes a range of exercises to practise using adjectives correctly, including match-ups, gap-fills and translation activities. Resource includes Student Worksheet and Teacher Key. Super-Duper Mega Bundle! Download ALL our GCSE, AS and A-Level Resources for just £17.50. Copy this link into your browser for unlimited access to our PREMIUM content: https://spectrumspanish.com/website/
El Principito: Extracto 1 (The Little Prince in Spanish)

El Principito: Extracto 1 (The Little Prince in Spanish)

The Little Prince: Extract 1: This is the second worksheet in a collection of three Nivel Alto classes based on the famous children’s book. The worksheet covers reading, vocabulary and writing skills. This AS/A-Level resource includes Student Worksheet and Teacher Key. Super-Duper Mega Bundle! Download ALL our GCSE, AS and A-Level Resources for just £17.50. Copy this link into your browser for unlimited access to our PREMIUM content: https://spectrumspanish.com/website/
Ir + Infinitivo (The Immediate Future Tense)

Ir + Infinitivo (The Immediate Future Tense)

The Immediate future: In this worksheet, students study the rules for using the IR a + infinitive structure to talk about future plans. The activities in this worksheet include a gap fill exercise and translations for students to practise the conjugations of the verb IR which are presented in a table. The worksheet also introduces the IR a + noun structure (i.e. ir al cine, ir a la piscina). All activities are based around the topic of free time and leisure. This grammar reference worksheet pairs with our Ir + Infinitivo ¡Habla! communicative activity. Resource includes Student Worksheet and Teacher Key. Super-Duper Mega Bundle! Download ALL our GCSE, AS and A-Level Resources for just £17.50. Copy this link into your browser for unlimited access to our PREMIUM content: https://spectrumspanish.com/website/
El Experimento de Facebook

El Experimento de Facebook

The Facebook Experiment: In this lesson, students read about an experiment to quit using social media sites and the effect it had on the participants. The worksheet includes Spanish vocabulary and translation exercises and ends with a speaking activity on the theme of social media. The teacher copy contains the key. This GCSE 9-1 resource includes Student Worksheet and Teacher Key. Super-Duper Mega Bundle! Download ALL our GCSE, AS and A-Level Resources for just £17.50! Copy this link into your browser for unlimited access to our PREMIUM content: https://spectrumspanish.com/website/
Translations: Medios Sociales (Social Media)

Translations: Medios Sociales (Social Media)

Social Media: In this translation worksheet, students read a short text about social media and learn topical vocabulary and expressions to enable them to translate the text into English. Resource includes Student Worksheet and Teacher Key. Resource includes Student Worksheet and Teacher Key. Super-Duper Mega Bundle! Download ALL our GCSE, AS and A-Level Resources for just £17.50. Copy this link into your browser for unlimited access to our PREMIUM content: https://spectrumspanish.com/website/
Entrevista: Redes Sociales (Social Media Interview - Audio mp3)

Entrevista: Redes Sociales (Social Media Interview - Audio mp3)

Interview: Social Media Networks: In this audio lesson, students listen to an interview with an expert in online marketing. The audio is presented in three parts with corresponding vocabulary and comprehension activities. Complete audio transcript is included. This AS/A-Level resource includes Student Worksheet and Teacher Key + Transcript Super-Duper Mega Bundle! Download ALL our GCSE, AS and A-Level Resources for just £17.50. Copy this link into your browser for unlimited access to our PREMIUM content: https://spectrumspanish.com/website/