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Mr B's Resource Store

Average Rating3.36
(based on 22 reviews)

I have been teaching across the foundation phase and Key Stage 2 since 2004, and I have created a wide range of effective resources for all sorts of topics and subjects, all of which have been tried and tested with my own pupils. Most of my resources are already differentiated, as I know how much time this saves. I hope other teachers find these resources useful and that other pupils enjoy and benefit from them as much as my classes have. All reviews/ratings gratefully received!




I have been teaching across the foundation phase and Key Stage 2 since 2004, and I have created a wide range of effective resources for all sorts of topics and subjects, all of which have been tried and tested with my own pupils. Most of my resources are already differentiated, as I know how much time this saves. I hope other teachers find these resources useful and that other pupils enjoy and benefit from them as much as my classes have. All reviews/ratings gratefully received!
United Kingdom map labelling - differentiated

United Kingdom map labelling - differentiated

Two different versions of a UK map labelling task, where pupils have to find (using an atlas or Google maps) each country of the United Kingdom and label them, and (more able) find and label each of the four capital cities. I have also included an A4 sheet with the four flags, which could be enlarged or used for display.
Food groups task and follow-up homework & fruit and veg research task

Food groups task and follow-up homework & fruit and veg research task

Worksheet where pupils have to divide popular meals into their food groups (e.g. spaghetti bolognese -> spaghetti (carbohydrates) beef (meat/protein) tomato (fruit&veg). I used this with my Year 3 class as part of a healthy eating topic, after studying the well-known "healthy plate" diagram showing the proportion of food groups we should eat. There is also a follow-up homework task, where pupils use the meals they eat over the weekend to complete the food groups task. Also included is a simple research task, finding out which fruit and vegetables are usually grown in the UK, and which countries are the main producers of others, with a couple of additional data handling-type questions at the end. My class completed it using the internet, although this could also be done as a homework task, with pupils researching fruit and vegetables at the supermarket.
Sunflower diary booklet - Year 1/2

Sunflower diary booklet - Year 1/2

This is a sunflower growing diary I created for a Year 1 class, but it would also suit Year 2 pupils. My class planted sunflowers in pots in school, which they then took home, along with the diary booklets. They completed one page each week, drawing, measuring and describing the changes in their sunflower each weekend for their homework over a half term, before returning the booklets and sunflowers to school during the last week of term.
Year 1 Animal bundle - Describing animal movement, thinking skills and differentiated sorting task

Year 1 Animal bundle - Describing animal movement, thinking skills and differentiated sorting task

I made these for my Year 1 class during a zoo topic. There are three things included in this bundle... Animal movement - A5 sheet with animal photos where pupils have to describe how each one moves (good to use whilst watching YouTube animal clips!) Thinking skills - Used to record ideas about animals in a thinking skills animal habitat activity, where we created a small world consisting of different types of habitat, and pupils were given toy animals, which they had to place in a habitat and justify their choice. Animal sorting task (differentiated) - This sorting task comes with templates for sorting animals using your choice of criteria using a table, Venn diagram or Carroll diagram, and also selections of animal photos in small squares ready to cut up and use.
Fairy tales literacy and science resources bundle - Year 1/2

Fairy tales literacy and science resources bundle - Year 1/2

A variety of worksheets based on different fairy tales, such as 'The 3 little pigs', 'Cinderella' and 'Frozen'. Several literacy tasks including analysing characters from the stories, and writing a spell for the Fairy Godmother. Also included are a couple of worksheets for simple science experiments - one is a materials investigation based on 'The 3 little pigs' and the other is the 'Frozen Ice Bunnies' experiment, where we used rabbit-shaped sand moulds to create 'ice bunnies', which were assigned to 'Frozen' characters and placed in different places around the classroom on paper towels, then we measured how much they melted over time by measuring the patches of water on the paper towels.
Superheroes bundle - 14 resources! Cross-curricular, differentiated....Year 1/2

Superheroes bundle - 14 resources! Cross-curricular, differentiated....Year 1/2

A whole bundle of superhero-based resources, including differentiated poem and cartoon strip templates, fact files to create you own superhero or super villain, differentiated digital times worksheets, and a variety of other tasks including designing a cape and utility belt gadgets, and links to health eating by creating healthy superhero meals. Also links to PSE with a poem called 'Superhero in my house' where pupils write about one of their parents/relatives and everything they do for them. Some of these resources are also available separately...browse my 'shop' for details.