Science Game: Elementary Space Science
This board game focuses on the science surrounding SPACE:
This game is designed for groups of three 2-3 students at each station. Simply print the game cards and the game board. The students read off the cards (45 cards included) and after a correct response, the player moves their paper clip (game piece) through the maze on the game board until reaching the finish line. This is a great way to reinforce science vocabulary(see list below) and review before exams.
Have fun and enjoy!
* Axis
* Mercury
* Venus
* Mars
* Jupiter
* Orbit
* Saturn
* Moon
* Phases
* Uranus
* Solar System
* Planet
* Pluto
* Comet
* Meteoroids
* Meteorite
* Star
* Constellation
* Hubble Space Telescope
* Galaxy
* Universe
* Full Moon
* Sun
* Uranus
* Milky Way
* Saturn
* Jupiter
* Earth
* Venus
* Mars
* Axis
* Summer Solstice
* Winter Solstice
* Hypothesis
* Analyze Data
* Question
* Peer Review
* Research
* Procedure
* Materials
* Experiment
Life Science - Elementary Trivia Board Game
This board game focuses on the science surrounding the LIFE:
This game is designed for groups of three 2-3 students at each station. Simply print the game cards and the game board. The students read a phrase from a card (54 cards included) and after a correct response, the player moves their paper clip (game piece) through the maze on the game board until reaching the finish line. This is a great way to reinforce science vocabulary(see list below) and review before exams.
Have fun and enjoy!
* Environment
* Organism
* Behavior
* Population
* Tsunami
* Pollution
* Investigation
* Cells
* Multicellular
* Energy
* Food
* Matter
* Bacteria
* Protista
* Amoeba
* Vascular
* Nonvascular
* Fungi
* Fern
* Metamorphosis
* Direct Development
* Vertebrates
* Invertebrates
* Exoskeleton
* Antennae
* Compound
* Amphibians
* Birds
* Mollusk
* Arachnid
* Crustaceans
* Insects
* Trait
* Heredity
* Gene
* Life Cycle
* Microscope
* Ruler
* Graduated Cylinder
* Stop Watch
* Millimeter
* Square Centimeter
* Grams
* Seconds
* Millimeter
* Hypothesis
* Data
* Research
* Procedure
* Materials
* Experiment
* Results
Measuring Skills: Tic Tac Trivia
This is a familiar game with a trivia twist. Playing this game is a great way for students to learn or review science vocabulary dealing with scientific measurements:
* meters
* kilometers
* centimeters
* liter
* milliliters
* Triple beam balances
* Pascals
* Nanometers
* grams
* deka
* hecto
* deci
* micro
* milli
* beaker
* kelvin
* conversions
* scientific method
Family and Social Health: "Abstinence" - SCAVENGER HUNT!
This is a great way for students to learn this health vocabulary.
Students may start at any of the prepared scavenger stations. The definition of the word to be found will be found in the middle of the page. The student will write down the definition and find the corresponding word. The student will then search for the answer on another station’s sheet. The answer of each station will be recorded in sequence. The student will also record the number or letter found in the corresponding box.
This is very teacher friendly. - The scavenger hunt come with a quick check phrase for easy grading!
The vocabulary includes:
Abstinence from sex
Traditional Marriage
Sexual fidelity
Responsible decision
Legal age of consent
Sexual feelings
Resistance skills
Moon: Beat Clock the Clock
Science Game is designed to reinforce the science vocabulary focusing on the Earth's Moon while the students have fun.
Simply print, cut, and enjoy!
This game has been designed to fit into several situations:
- The game may be an entire classroom activity.
- The game may be a stand alone enrichment.
- The game may be a group activity.
- The game may be a review of a unit’s vocabulary
- The game may be an introduction to a unit’s vocabulary.
- The game may be timed or untimed.
The way the game is played:
- Each student playing the game is given a game board.
(The game board has the definition or explanation printed in each square.)
- Each student is given a copy of the game cards.
- The students will be given a designated amount of time (assigned by you the teacher) to place the correct terms on top of the game board. - The cards are to be matched with the correct definition.
- At the end of the designated time, the cards are to be checked for accuracy.
Physical Health: Fitness related injuries and illness SCAVENGER HUNT!
This is a FUN way for students to learn this vocabulary.
Students may start at any of the prepared scavenger stations. The definition of the word to be found will be found in the middle of the page. The student will write down the definition and find the corresponding word. The student will then search for the answer on another station’s sheet. The answer of each station will be recorded in sequence. The student will also record the number or letter found in the corresponding box.
This is very teacher friendly. - The scavenger hunt come with a quick check phrase for easy grading!
Vocabulary includes:
Principle of Warm-up
Principle of Cool Down
Principle of Specificity
Principle of Overload
Principle of Progression
Principle of fitness reversibility
Training Threshold
Training Zone
Training Ceiling
Overuse Energy
Muscle Strain
Shin Splint
Side Stitch
Weather: Beat the Clock Game
Science Game: Weather Beat the Clock! Game is designed to reinforce the science vocabulary focusing on Weather while the students have fun. Simply print, cut, and enjoy!
Topics featured on the game cards:
- Dew Point
- Humidity
- Wind
- Relative Humidity
- Front
- Occluded Front
- Precipitation
- Clouds
- Temperate Zones
- Climate
- Greenhouse Effect
- Air Mass
- Sea Breeze
- Weather
- Seasons
- El Nino
- Water Cycle
- Hydrosphere
- Jet Stream
- Coriolis Effect
This game has been designed to fit into several situations:
- The game may be an entire classroom activity.
- The game may be a stand alone enrichment.
- The game may be a group activity.
- The game may be a review of a unit’s vocabulary
- The game may be an introduction to a unit’s vocabulary.
- The game may be timed or untimed.
The way the game is played:
- Each student playing the game is given a game board.
(The game board has the definition or explanation printed in each square.)
- Each student is given a copy of the game cards.
- (The students will be given a designated amount of time (assigned by you the teacher) to place the correct terms on top of the game board. - The cards are to be matched with the correct definition.
- At the end of the designated time, the cards are to be checked for accuracy.
Minerals: Beat the Clock
Science Game: Minerals Beat the Clock Game is designed to reinforce the science vocabulary focusing on minerals while the students have fun. Simply print, cut, and enjoy!
Topics featured on the game cards:
- Minerals
- Crystals
- Cleavage
- Elements
- Compound
- Silicates
- Luster
- Streak
- Fracture
- Hardness
- Density
- Surface Mining
- Rock
- Gemstone
- Metamorphic
- Sedimentary
- Igneous
- Rock Cycle
- Texture
This game has been designed to fit into several situations:
The game may be a stand alone enrichment.
The game may be a group activity.
The game may be an entire classroom activity.
The game may be a review of a unit’s vocabulary
The game may be an introduction to a unit’s vocabulary.
The game may be timed or untimed.
- Each student playing the game is given a game board.
(The game board has the definition or explanation printed in each square.)
- Each student is given a copy of the game cards.
- The students will be given a designated amount of time (assigned by you the teacher) to place the correct terms on top of the game board. - The cards are to be matched with the correct definition.
- At the end of the designated time, the cards are to be checked for accuracy.
Earth Changes: Trivia Board Game
This board game focuses on the science surrounding Earth Surface Change.
* Plains
* Plateaus
* Folded Mountains
* Upwarped Mountains
* Fault Blocked Mountains
* Volcanic Mountains
* Equator
* Latitude
* Prime Meridian
* Longitude
* Mercator Projection
* Robison Projection
* Conic Projection
* Topographic Map
* Contour Line
* Map Scale
* Map Legend
* Geologic Map
* Remote Sensing
* Weathering
* Mechanical Weathering
* Ice Wedging
* Chemical Weathering
* Caves
* Carbonic Acid
* Oxidation
* Climate
* Soil
* Humus
* Horizons
* Leaching
* No-Till Farming
* Contour Farming
* Terracing
* Deposition
* Mass Movement
* Creep
* Glacier
* Moraine
* Deflation
* Abrasion
* Deposits
* Drainage Basin
* Aquifer
* Spring
* The Scientific Method
The game is designed for groups of three students at each station. Simply print the game cards and game board. The students read off the cards and after a correct response, the player moves their paper clip until reaching the finish line. This is a great way to reinforce vocabulary and review before exams. Have fun and enjoy!
Plate Tectonics: Tic-Tac-Trivia Board Game
allows students to have fun while learning about plate tectonics. This is a familiar game with the twist of trivia!
Tic-Tac-Trivia board game focuses on the science surrounding Plate Tectonics which include:
* convergent
* divergent
* transform boundaries
* compression
* tension
* folding
* faults
* uplift
* Continental Drift
* lithosphere
* asthenosphere
* mesosphere
* crust mantle
* core
* Wegener
* Hess
* Pangaea
* mountains
* seismic waves
* the scientific method)
Matter: Tic-Tac-Trivia Board Game:
A familiar game with a twist of trivia!
This board game focuses on the science surrounding Matter. There are 54 trivia cards which the students ask each other. As a student answers correctly, the student writes down X or O until there is a winner.
The topics include:
* elements
* electrons
* protons
* neutrons
* nucleus
* electron cloud
* atomic number
* isotope
* mass number
* atomic mass
* metals
* nonmetals
* metalloids
* substance
* compound
* mixture
* matter
* solid
* viscosity
* surface tension
* gas
* thermal energy
* temperature
* heat
* melting
* freezing
* vaporization
* pressure
* density
* force
* hydrogen
* helium
* physical properties
* sublimation
* the scientific method
Science Game: Elementary Physics and Machines
This board game focuses on the science surrounding the Physics and Machines:
This game is designed for groups of three 2-3 students at each station. Simply print the game cards and the game board. The students read off the cards (45 cards included) and after a correct response, the player moves their paper clip (game piece) through the maze on the game board until reaching the finish line. This is a great way to reinforce science vocabulary(see list below) and review before exams.
Have fun and enjoy!
* Microscope
* Ruler
* Graduated Cylinder
* Stop Watch
* Millimeter
* Square Centimeter
* Grams
* Seconds
* Milliliter
* Speed
* Motion
* Mass
* Position
* Speed
* Velocity
* Acceleration
* Force
* Inertia
* Gravity
* Gravitation
* Weight
* Friction
* Work
* Simple Machine
* Lever
* Fulcrum
* Pulley
* Axle
* Incline Plane
* Wedge
* Complex Machine
* Velocity
* Speed
* Potential Energy
* Kinetic Energy
* Mechanical Energy
* Hypothesis
* Analyze Data
* Question
* Peer Review
* Research
* Procedure
* Materials
* Experiment
Metric System: Trivia Board Game
This board game focuses on the science surrounding Scientific Measurements:
* meters
* kilometers
* centimeters
* liter
* milliliters
* Triple beam balances
* Pascals
* Nanometers
* grams
* deka
* hecto
* deci
* micro
* milli
* beaker
* kelvin
* conversions
* scientific method
The game is designed for groups of three students at each station. Simply print the game cards and game board. The students read off the cards and after a correct response, the player moves their paper clip until reaching the finish line. This is a great way to reinforce vocabulary and review before exams.
Avoid hours of design and creation. Print, cut and play!