Genetics Trivia Board Game
This board game focuses on the science surrounding Genetics and changes which occur to living organisms.
The game is designed for groups of three students at each station. Simply print the game cards and game board. The students read off the cards and after a correct response, the player moves their paper clip until reaching the finish line. This is a great way to reinforce vocabulary and review before exams.
* Gregor Mendel
* Dominant Trait
* Recessive Trait
* Heredity
* Alleles
* Genetics
* Hybrids
* Punnett Square
* Genotype
* Phenotype
* Homozygous
* Heterozygous
* Incomplete Dominance
* Polygenic Inheritance
* Sex-Linked Gene
* Genetic Engineering
* Gene Therapy
* Species
* Evolution
* Variation
* Natural Selection
* Gradualism
* Punctuated Equilibrium
* Pedigree
* Recombinant DNA
* Traits
* Disease Resistance
* scientific method
Plate Tectonics SCAVENGER HUNT!
Students learn key vocabulary while having fun!
This is a Great way to get your students out of their chairs and on their feet. Students read definitions of vocabulary terms associated with Plate Tectonics from the scavenger hunt posters that are hanging on the classroom walls. The students then find the corresponding vocabulary term on another scavenger hunt poster. As the students find the answers, they record the answers on the pre made record sheet.
The teacher is provided:
- 16 Words Vocabulary Scavenger Hunt
- Pre-made Answer Sheets
- Quick Check Answer Key.
Students learn key vocabulary while having fun!
This is a Great way to get your students out of their chairs and on their feet. Students read definitions of vocabulary terms associated with Physics from the scavenger hunt posters that are hanging on the classroom walls. THE KEY TO SCIENCE COMPREHENSION IS VOCABULARY. The students then find the corresponding vocabulary term on another scavenger hunt poster. SCAVENGER HUNTS ARE FUN! As the students find the answers, they record the answers on the pre made record sheet.
The teacher is provided:
- 30 Words Vocabulary Scavenger Hunt
- Pre-made Answer Sheets
- Quick & Easy Check Answer Key.
Cells Trivia Board Game
The game is designed for groups of three students at each station. Simply print the game cards and game board. The students read off the cards and after a correct response, the player moves their paper clip until reaching the finish line. This is a great way to reinforce vocabulary and review before exams.
Have fun and enjoy!
This board game focuses on the science surrounding:
* cells
* tissue
* Hooke
* cell membrane
* Organelles
* cytoplasm
* nucleus
* prokaryotic
* eukaryotic
* cell wall
* ribosomes
* endoplasmic reticulum
* mitochondria
* chloroplast
* golgi complex
* vacuoles
* lysosomes
* Osmosis
* Diffusion
* Passive Transport
* Active Transport
* endocytosis
* photosynthesis
* fermentation
* chromosomes
* binary fission
* red blood cells
* white blood cell
* cellular respiration
* chromatids
* mitosis
* prophase
* cytokinesis
* the scientific method
Solar System Power Point
This power point is a key component to my explanation portion on the 5E lesson plan. The power point presentation covers our solar system's planets.
Photosynthesis: Passage and Questions
This activity is designed to explain and review photosynthesis. There are three multiple choice questions and a constructed response. I pass out this homework assignment as a review before the student's assessment.
Global Warming: Passages and Questions
This activity is designed to explain and review global warming. The review includes deforestation, fossil fuels, glacial melt, and ocean salinity. After a reading passage, there are three multiple choice questions and a compare and contrast constructed response. I pass out this homework assignment as a review before the student's assessment.
Waves: Passages and Questions
This activity is designed to explain and review types of waves. The reading passage will include transverse, compressional, and seismic waves. After a reading passage, there are four multiple choice questions and a constructed response. I pass out this homework assignment as a review before the student's assessment.
Electricity Laboratory Experiment
The Shocking Lemon Experiment provides a written laboratory detailing the question, materials list, and procedure for a student to make a battery out of a lemon. In addition to the written lab, you are provided the step by step guide to the scientific method, a fill in the blank lab report (question, research, hypothesis, planning or procedure, record sheet, and conclusion), fact sheet, data sheet, and reflection sheet.
Mental and Emotional Health: "Developing a Healthy Mind"
This is a great way for students to learn this health unit one vocabulary.
Students may start at any of the prepared scavenger stations. The definition of the word to be found will be found in the middle of the page. The student will write down the definition and find the corresponding word. The student will then search for the answer on another station’s sheet. The answer of each station will be recorded in sequence. The student will also record the number or letter found in the corresponding box. The vocabulary includes:
Drug addiction
Eating disorder
Exercise addiction
Gambling addiction
Nicotine addiction
Relationship addiction
Shopping addiction
Television addiction
Thrill seeking addiction
Formal intervention
Honest talk
Support group
Mental disorder
Affective disorder
Anxiety disorder
Dissociative disorder
Personality disorder
Somatoform disorder
Plate Tectonics Trivia Board Game
This board game focuses on the science surrounding Plate Tectonics
The game is designed for groups of three students at each station. Simply print the game cards and game board. The students read off the cards and after a correct response, the player moves their paper clip until reaching the finish line. This is a great way to reinforce vocabulary and review before exams. Have fun and enjoy!
* convergent
* divergent
* transform boundaries
* compression
* tension
* folding
* faults
* uplift
* Continental Drift
* lithosphere
* asthenosphere
* mesosphere
* crust mantle
* core
* Wegener
* Hess
* Pangaea
* mountains
* seismic waves
* the scientific method).
Integumentary System SCAVENGER HUNT!
This is a great way for students to learn this vocabulary.
Students may start at any of the prepared scavenger stations. The definition of the word to be found will be found in the middle of the page. The student will write down the definition and find the corresponding word. The student will then search for the answer on another station’s sheet. The answer of each station will be recorded in sequence. The student will also record the number or letter found in the corresponding box.
This is very teacher friendly. - The scavenger hunt come with a quick check phrase for easy grading!
The vocabulary includes:
Integumentary system
Sweat gland
Sebaceous Gland
Nutrition: Eating Disorders SCAVENGER HUNT!
This is a FUN way for students to learn this vocabulary.
Students may start at any of the prepared scavenger stations. The definition of the word to be found will be found in the middle of the page. The student will write down the definition and find the corresponding word. The student will then search for the answer on another station’s sheet. The answer of each station will be recorded in sequence. The student will also record the number or letter found in the corresponding box.
This is very teacher friendly. - The scavenger hunt come with a quick check phrase for easy grading!
The vocabulary includes:
Eating Disorder
Body image
Anorexia nervosa
Binge eating disorder
Anorectic drug
Physical Health: Fitness Health Plan SCAVENGER HUNT!
This is a FUN way for students to learn this vocabulary.
Students may start at any of the prepared scavenger stations. The definition of the word to be found will be found in the middle of the page. The student will write down the definition and find the corresponding word. The student will then search for the answer on another station’s sheet. The answer of each station will be recorded in sequence. The student will also record the number or letter found in the corresponding box.
This is very teacher friendly. - The scavenger hunt come with a quick check phrase for easy grading!
Resistance Exercise
Physical Fitness
Health related fitness
Cardiorespiratory endurance
Muscular strength
Aerobic exercise
Isometric exercise
Isotonic exercise
Cardiorespiratory endurance
Muscular endurance
Healthful body composition
Target heart rate
Maximum heart rate
Maximum heart rate
Genetics: Trivia Board Game
This board game focuses on the science surrounding Genetics and changes which occur to living organisms:
* Gregor Mendel
* Dominant Trait
* Recessive Trait
* Heredity
* Alleles
* Genetics
* Hybrids
* Punnett Square
* Genotype
* Phenotype
* Homozygous
* Heterozygous
* Incomplete Dominance
* Polygenic Inheritance
* Sex-Linked Gene
* Genetic Engineering
* Gene Therapy
* Species
* Evolution
* Variation
* Natural Selection
* Gradualism
* Punctuated Equilibrium
* Pedigree
* Recombinant DNA
* Traits
* Disease Resistance
* scientific method
The game is designed for groups of three students at each station. Simply print the game cards and game board. The students read off the cards and after a correct response, the player moves their paper clip until reaching the finish line. This is a great way to reinforce vocabulary and review before exams.
Avoid hours of design and creation. Print, cut and play!
Electricity: These Exit Tickets are a must for any science teacher teaching about Electricity. There are so many ways I use these cards. I keep them with me throughout the unit to keep me on point. They can be copied and placed in centers as Task cards or used in many other ways. Enjoy!
35 Exit Tickets focused on Atmosphere & Weather!
Answer Key
Ideas for Use
* Static Charge
* Ion
* Conductors
* Insulators
* Electric discharge
* Current
* Circuit
* Voltage
* Ohm's Law
* Series Circuit
* Parallel Circuit
* electrical power
* P=IV
* Voltage
* Magnetic Field
* Magnetic Domain
* North Pole
* Magnetosphere
* electromagnet
* motor
* Aurora
* Generator
* Alternating current
* Direct Current
* Transformer
* Magnetic Field
* Electronic signal
* Analog
* Digital
* Semiconductor
* Diode
Solar System: These Exit Tickets are a must for any science teacher teaching about the Solar System. There are so many ways I use these cards. I keep them with me throughout the unit to keep me on point. They can be copied and placed in centers or used in many other ways. Enjoy!
35 Exit Tickets focused on the Solar System!
Answer Key
Ideas for Use* Planetesimals
* Mercury
* Venus
* Mars
* Jupiter
* Io
* Saturn
* Titan
* Uranus
* Neptune
* Charon Pluto
* Oort Cloud
* Meteoroids
* Meteorites
* Doppler Effect
* Radio Telescopes
* Hubble Telescope
* Chandra
* Photosphere
* Sunspots
* Apparent Magnitude
* Absolute Magnitude
* Milky Way
* Hubble's Law
* Red Shift
* Big Bang Theory
These Exit Tickets are a must for any science teacher teaching Physics. There are so many ways I use these cards. I keep them with me throughout the unit to keep me on point. They can be copied and placed in centers or used in many other ways. Enjoy!
35 Exit Tickets focused on Physics
Answer Key
Ideas for Use
* Speed
* Instantaneous Speed
* Velocity
* Acceleration
* Mass
* Inertia
* Conservation of Momentum
* Force
* Net Force
* Balanced Forces
* Unbalanced forces
* Newton's Laws
* Rollong Friction
* Sliding Friction
* Static Friction
* Gravity
* Weight
* Center of Mass
* Pressure
* Pascal
* Fluid
* Barometer
* Buoyant Force
* Archimedes" Principle
* Density
* D=m/V
* W = F X D
* Power
Climate: These Exit Tickets are a must for any science teacher teaching about the Climate & Weather. There are so many ways I use these cards. I keep them with me throughout the unit to keep me on point. They can be copied and placed in centers or used in many other ways. Enjoy!
35 Exit Tickets focused on Atmosphere & Weather!
Answer Key
Ideas for Use
* Climate
* Tropics
* polar zones
* temperate zones
* seasons
* El Nino
* Ozone
* CFC's
* Hydrosphere
* condensation
* conduction
* water cycle
* coriolis effect
* jet stream
* sea breeze
* land breeze
* weather
* wind
* humidity
* relative humidity
* dew point
* cloud
* precipitation
* air mass
* occluded front
* Global Warming
* Primary and secondary pollutants
* Toxic Pollutants
* thunderstorm
* tornado
* hurricane
* blizzard
* meteorologist
* isotherm
* isobar
* station model