This Oceans - Escape Room allows the teacher to use a break out box as a bell ringer activity. You will also be able to see the power of an escape room in producing teachable moments within your classroom.
This is a brand new Escape Room is a totally immersive product from the STEM Center that promotes cooperative learning! We have developed a comprehensive 1 tier, Eating Disorders themed Escape Room, Break Out Box Activity. The Escape Room centers around the fundamental vocabulary found within a unit focused on the health class topic. We have found a way to make learning FUN!
Students are given a 20 word puzzle and instructions (click here to see instructions) that will lead to unlocking a lock box that contains their group’s set of color coded clues.
The escape room can be run several different ways. The cheapest and easiest method is to use a manila envelope for the puzzle.
For a more authentic escape room each group will need the following:
1 five digit Lock
One Lock Box
After seeing the popularity of our Body Systems Escape Room, we have decided to release an abbreviated version. There are times where the full version of the escape rooms are too involved for the amount of time allotted. This Body Systems Mini-Escape Room allows the teacher to use a break out box as a bell ringer activity. You will also be able to see the power of an escape room in producing teachable moments within your classroom.
This is a brand new Mini-Body Systems Escape Room totally immersive product from the STEM Center that promotes cooperative learning! We have developed a comprehensive 1 tier, Body Systems themed Escape Room Break Out Box Activity. The Escape Room centers around the fundamental vocabulary found within a unit focused on Body Systems. We have found a way to make learning FUN!
Students are given a 20 word puzzle that will lead to unlocking a lock box that contains their group’s set of color coded clues. THIS IS A VERSION OF THE 1st PUZZLE FOUND IN OUR FULL SYSTEM.
The escape room can be run several different ways. The cheapest and easiest method is to use a manila envelope for the puzzle.
For a more authentic escape room each group will need the following:
1 five digit Lock
One Lock Box
After seeing the popularity of our Ecology Escape Room, we have decided to release an abbreviated version. There are times where the full version of the escape rooms are too involved for the amount of time allotted. This Ecology Mini-Escape Room allows the teacher to use a break out box as a bell ringer activity. You will also be able to see the power of an escape room in producing teachable moments within your classroom.
This is a brand new Mini-Photosynthesis Escape Room totally immersive product from the STEM Center that promotes cooperative learning! We have developed a comprehensive 1 tier, Ecology themed Escape Room Break Out Box Activity. The Escape Room centers around the fundamental vocabulary found within a unit focused on Photosynthesis. We have found a way to make learning FUN!
Students are given a 20 word puzzle that will lead to unlocking a lock box that contains their group’s set of color coded clues. THIS IS A VERSION OF THE 1st PUZZLE FOUND IN OUR FULL SYSTEM.
The escape room can be run several different ways. The cheapest and easiest method is to use a manila envelope for the puzzle.
For a more authentic escape room each group will need the following:
1 five digit Lock
One Lock Box
Weather: These Exit Tickets are a must for any science teacher teaching about the Atmosphere & Weather. There are so many ways I use these cards. I keep them with me throughout the unit to keep me on point. They can be copied and placed in centers or used in many other ways. Enjoy!
35 Exit Tickets focused on Atmosphere & Weather!
Answer Key
Ideas for Use
Atmosphere, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Troposphere, Ionosphere, Ozone, CFC's, Hydrosphere, condensation, conduction, water cycle, coriolis effect, jet stream, sea breeze, land breeze, weather, wind, humidity, relative humidity, dew point, clouds, precipitation, air mass, occluded front, thunderstorm, tornado, hurricane, blizzard, meteorologist, isotherm, and isobar.
Energy Card Sort! - A great activity for students to learn vocabulary associated with the Energy Unit!
Energy Centers!: Each Vocabulary Term Card has a matching Definition Card!
Print, Cut, Enjoy!
Solar System Card Sort! - A great activity for students to learn vocabulary associated with the Solar System Unit!
Great for Centers!: Each Vocabulary Term Card has a matching Definition Card!
Print, Cut, Enjoy!
The Atmosphere card sort has 35 atmosphere unit words that are matched to their definitions. This product is great for centers, or for teachers to teach the entire class valuable vocabulary.
North Africa Geography Trivia Board Game - North Africa & South West Asia Geography Trivia Board Game is the BEST way for your students to learn the geography and history and vocabulary of North Africa and South West Asia.
The game requires at least two players. Each student takes turns reading the clue from a card. If the other player makes a correct response he/she moves his/her game piece (paper clip) the indicated number of spaces. The students forget that they are learning. They learn while having fun!
This game includes the following subject matter:
Abu Dhabi
Euphrates River
The Fertile Crescent
Epic of Gilgamesh
The Nile River
Pyramid of Khufu
The Quran
Simply print, cut, and Enjoy!
Digestion System SCAVENGER HUNT!
This is a great way for students to learn this vocabulary.
Students may start at any of the prepared scavenger stations. The definition of the word to be found will be found in the middle of the page. The student will write down the definition and find the corresponding word. The student will then search for the answer on another station’s sheet. The answer of each station will be recorded in sequence. The student will also record the number or letter found in the corresponding box.
This is very teacher friendly. - The scavenger hunt come with a quick check phrase for easy grading!
The vocabulary includes:
Digestive system
Salivary gland
Small intestine
Large intestine
Mental and Emotional Health: "Stress Management"
This is a great way for students to learn this health unit one vocabulary.
Students may start at any of the prepared scavenger stations. The definition of the word to be found will be found in the middle of the page. The student will write down the definition and find the corresponding word. The student will then search for the answer on another station’s sheet. The answer of each station will be recorded in sequence. The student will also record the number or letter found in the corresponding box. The vocabulary includes:
General adaptation syndrome
Resistance stage
Exhaustion stage
Stress management skills
Time management plan
Helper T cells
Life change
Solar System Scoot
This is a fun activity that allows students a chance to move around the room, while you maintain order and assess your student's vocabulary pertaining to our Solar System.
We have x35 cards with multiple choice questions pertaining to the Solar System.
* Planetesimals
* Mercury
* Venus
* Mars
* Jupiter
* Io
* Saturn
* Titan
* Uranus
* Neptune
* Charon Pluto
* Oort Cloud
* Meteoroids
* Meteorites
* Doppler Effect
* Radio Telescopes
* Hubble Telescope
* Chandra
* Photosphere
* Sunspots
* Apparent Magnitude
* Absolute Magnitude
* Milky Way
* Hubble's Law
* Red Shift
* Big Bang Theory
* Scientific Method
This product includes 12 math scavenger hunt problems/posters to be posted around the room. A record sheet for students to use as they answer the questions is also included. This review focuses on problems relating finding percentages.
The scavenger hunt format of this activity really motivated my students! I hope you also enjoy using this in your classroom!
Endocrine System SCAVENGER HUNT!
This is a great way for students to learn this vocabulary.
Students may start at any of the prepared scavenger stations. The definition of the word to be found will be found in the middle of the page. The student will write down the definition and find the corresponding word. The student will then search for the answer on another station’s sheet. The answer of each station will be recorded in sequence. The student will also record the number or letter found in the corresponding box.
This is very teacher friendly. - The scavenger hunt come with a quick check phrase for easy grading!
The vocabulary includes:
Endocrine system
Pituitary gland
Thyroid gland
Parathyroid gland
Adrenal glands
Nutrition Food Labels SCAVENGER HUNT!
This is a FUN way for students to learn this vocabulary.
Students may start at any of the prepared scavenger stations. The definition of the word to be found will be found in the middle of the page. The student will write down the definition and find the corresponding word. The student will then search for the answer on another station’s sheet. The answer of each station will be recorded in sequence. The student will also record the number or letter found in the corresponding box.
This is very teacher friendly. - The scavenger hunt come with a quick check phrase for easy grading!
The vocabulary includes:
Fortified Food
Food Label
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size
Servings Per Container
Calories Listed
Calories from Fat
Percent Daily Value
Ingredient Listing
Food Additive
Enriched Food
Long Division Scavenger Hunt!
Do you need a fun way for students to practice Long Division with very little prep? The Long Division Scavenger Hunt Game gets students up and moving around while practicing their mathematics. In this game, students use the answer to one problem to find another problem hanging around the classroom. Students will complete a total of 10 problems to create an easy to check phrase. The student worksheet, scavenger hunt problems, instructions, and teacher’s key are all included. This product is teacher tested and student approved. This scavenger hunt features science facts concerning the metric system.
Respiratory System SCAVENGER HUNT!
This is a great way for students to learn this vocabulary.
Students may start at any of the prepared scavenger stations. The definition of the word to be found will be found in the middle of the page. The student will write down the definition and find the corresponding word. The student will then search for the answer on another station’s sheet. The answer of each station will be recorded in sequence. The student will also record the number or letter found in the corresponding box.
This is very teacher friendly. - The scavenger hunt come with a quick check phrase for easy grading!
The vocabulary includes: Respiratory system
Mucous Membrane
Nervous System SCAVENGER HUNT!
This is a great way for students to learn this health vocabulary.
Students may start at any of the prepared scavenger stations. The definition of the word to be found will be found in the middle of the page. The student will write down the definition and find the corresponding word. The student will then search for the answer on another station’s sheet. The answer of each station will be recorded in sequence. The student will also record the number or letter found in the corresponding box.
This is very teacher friendly. - The scavenger hunt come with a quick check phrase for easy grading!
The vocabulary includes:
Nervous System
Central Nervous System
Peripheral Nervous System
Brain stem
Spinal cord
Cell body
Sensory neurons
Motor neurons