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Mr A-W's Shop

Primary school teacher. Mathematics leader. Geography leader. Resources to make teaching, learning, leadership and management easier.




Primary school teacher. Mathematics leader. Geography leader. Resources to make teaching, learning, leadership and management easier.
Year 5 Earth and Space Planning

Year 5 Earth and Space Planning

Year 5 Earth and Space Medium Term Planning. Ideal for an enquiry project based around the idea of exploration. Planning includes Science - Earth and Space, English - narratives and Design and Technology - a moving vehicle. Includes key vocabulary. Includes previous learning objectives from the National Curriculum.
Year 6 Science Units - Planning & Smarts

Year 6 Science Units - Planning & Smarts

Year 6 Science Units: Animals, including Humans Electricity Light Living Things and their Habitats Evolution and Inheritance Planning ideas. Smarts with learning objectives, questions and activity ideas.
Science Assessment

Science Assessment

Science objectives for year 1 to year 6. All science objectives for each year on a document. All pupils names can fit on the document for each year. Perfect for identifying gaps in a class. Ideal for a class snap-shot of attainment. One document makes assessment quick and easy for teachers.