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In this shop you will find resources to help you in your day to day teaching of literature and cinema in French, German and Spanish. You will also find practice papers for Paper 1 French for AQA with separate papers for each topic. These resources will save you countless hours of time and effort.




In this shop you will find resources to help you in your day to day teaching of literature and cinema in French, German and Spanish. You will also find practice papers for Paper 1 French for AQA with separate papers for each topic. These resources will save you countless hours of time and effort.
AQA-Practice Paper 1-A Level French-La marginalisation

AQA-Practice Paper 1-A Level French-La marginalisation

**Full AQA style testing/revision paper for paper 1 A level French ** La marginalisation This Paper1 practice paper is designed to practise all the skills within the context of the one topic. This is to facilitate revision and would make a perfect way of covering one topic per week from Easter until June 10th (2024). mp3 files embedded in MS Word files and in a separate file combining the 4 files for the 4 questions. full answers tapescript Topics included in the paper Listening comprehension Programme national pour aider les handicapés dans leur vie professionnelle Les sans-papiers et l’aide médicale Le traitement des séniors L’autisme-grève de la faim Reading comprehension La marginalisation des chômeurs La discrimination contre les handicapés Cosette-extrait de « Les misérables » de Hugo Lettre de plainte au sujet d’une lettre de plainte au sujet de l’accessibilité à Paris Le désert médical Translations Problems faced by immigrant in France Finding a place for autistic child in a specialised school You can also purchase all six of units 7-12 for £20
AQA-Practice Paper 1 French A level-Topic 7 Aspects positifs de l'immigration

AQA-Practice Paper 1 French A level-Topic 7 Aspects positifs de l'immigration

**Full AQA style testing/revision paper for paper 1 A level French ** This Paper1 practice paper is designed to practise all the skills within the context of the one topic. This is to facilitate revision and would make a perfect way of covering one topic per week from Easter until June 10th (2024). mp3 files embedded in MS Word files and in a separate file combining the 4 files for the 4 questions. full answers tapescript Topics included in the paper Topic 7 Aspects positifs de l’immigration Listening comprehension Le nouvel an Chinois dans le 13ième arrondissement Les sans-papiers et leur travail dans le BTP Omar Sy et sa popularité La médecine et sa dette à l’immigration Reading Compréhension Le taux de natalité L’immigration au Canada Extrait de Germinal Conversation au sujet de l’immigration La diversité dans l’industrie Translations Rôle of immigration Positive side of immigration You can also purchase all six of units 7-12 for £20
AQA-Practice Paper 1-A level French-A qui le pouvoir?

AQA-Practice Paper 1-A level French-A qui le pouvoir?

**Full AQA style testing/revision paper for paper 1 A level French ** A qui le pouvoir? This Paper1 practice paper is designed to practise all the skills within the context of the one topic. This is to facilitate revision and would make a perfect way of covering one topic per week from Easter until June 10th (2024). mp3 files embedded in MS Word files and in a separate file combining the 4 files for the 4 questions. full answers tapescript Topics included in the paper Topic 11 A qui le pouvoir? Listening comprehension Des manifestations à Mayotte Préparer la manif Des protestations contre les méga-bassines Calculer le nombre de manifestants Reading comprehension L’effet des grèves sur le public Les syndicats et les grèves La grève dans les mines de charbon. Extrait de Germinal dez Zola Une manifestation contre le gouvernement Les différents types de grève Translations Effects of a strike Une grève contre la privation de la SNCF You can also purchase all six of units 7-12 for £20
AQA-Practice Paper 1-A level French-La politique de l'immigration

AQA-Practice Paper 1-A level French-La politique de l'immigration

**Full AQA style testing/revision paper for paper 1 A level French ** La politique de l’immigration This Paper1 practice paper is designed to practise all the skills within the context of the one topic. This is to facilitate revision and would make a perfect way of covering one topic per week from Easter until June 10th (2024). mp3 files embedded in MS Word files and in a separate file combining the 4 files for the 4 questions. full answers tapescript Topics included in the paper Topic 12 Politique de l’immigration Listening comprehension L’immigration au Canada La discrimination à l’embauche La complexité de l’expulsion des étrangers non-désirés La politique qui va vers la droite Reading comprehension La droitisation de la politique Différences entre la droite et la gauche vis-à-vis l’immigration Extrait d’ « Un voyage au Congo » d’André Gide au sujet d’un procès Mouvement vers la droite dans la politique-conversation L’accueil des réfugiés ukrainiens Translations Illegal immigration in France L’intégration des immigrés You can also purchase all six of units 7-12 for £20
Le cinéma-Paper 1 AQA style  A level French practice paper

Le cinéma-Paper 1 AQA style A level French practice paper

Paper 1 practice paper with all questions based on Le cinéma- Aimed at testing/revision mp3 embedded in Word files and separate full answer sheets and transcript Topics contained in questions LC Retour au cinéma après le covid Les films doublés ou version originale Jean-Paul Belmondo Multiplexe, arts et essai ou streaming RC La nouvelle vague Le festival de film de Cannes Le parcours du film « Au revoir les enfants » Les films de superhéros-qu’est-ce qui explique leur succès ? Le cinéma français en difficulté Translations Intouchables Les cinémas d’art et essai
La cybersociété-Paper 1-AQA Style A level practice paper

La cybersociété-Paper 1-AQA Style A level practice paper

**Full AQA style testing/revision paper for paper 1 A level French ** mp3 files embedded in MS Word files and separate full answers tapescript Topics included in the paper Travailler chez soi L’Intelligence artificielle Chien contre l’intelligence artificielle Apprentissage du français RC l’IA en médecine Comment le smartphone a transformé le monde du travail pour les agriculteurs en Afrique Bel ami-le journalisme avant internet et l’intelligence artificielle- les effets du télétravail La robotisation de l’industrie automobile. Translations La dominance de l’informatique anglo-saxon L’effet de l’AI sur les classes moyennes en France
Le patrimoine-Paper 1 AQA style A level French practice paper

Le patrimoine-Paper 1 AQA style A level French practice paper

AQA Paper 1 practice paper entirely based on Le patrimoine** ** mp3 files embedded in MS Word file and separate full answers and tapescript Topics included in the paper LC Reconstruire Notre Dame Musée de la langue française Tombouctou-Mali-manuscrits La fête de Montcuq RC le patrimoine de la Guadeloupe La tradition bigoudène « Décoré »-un conte au sujet d’un homme fasciné par la Légion d’honneur- adapté de Maupassant la grotte Crosquer Préserver le patrimoine-un grand défi Translations L’importance du Réveillon La pétanque-une violence inhabituelle
Le bénévolat-Paper 1 AQA Style A level French practice paper

Le bénévolat-Paper 1 AQA Style A level French practice paper

AQA style practice paper 1-all based on Le bénévolat- mp3 files embedded in MS Word files and separately full answer sheets tapescript List of topics covered LC Emmaüs Médecins sans frontières à Haïti « Les Dames Roses » Bénévoles à l’Ile de la Réunion RC la Croix Rouge L’aide aux primo-arrivants Le rêve de Zola-une jeune fille orpheline cherche la sécurité Expériences positives du bénévolat Les interventions risquées de Médecins sans frontières Translation Des bénévoles pour protéger la campagne Le bénévolat plutôt que la politique pour les jeunes
El laberinto del fauno-comprehensive resources

El laberinto del fauno-comprehensive resources

Overview With a comprehensive gapped summary (with vocab), detailed questions for each scene and contextualised grammar this resource is a must for A level Spanish leaving you free to concentrate on analysing the film with your students Getting to know the film Detailed summary of film with verbs gapped (infinitives given) as well as key vocabulary Comprehensive questions on each scene Character study guide with wide range of adjectives Grammar in context Multi-tense practice tool A-factor builds in practice of more complex structures Direct-indirect speech exercise encourages reported speech Preparing for the essay Matching quotations to themes to prepare for paragraphing Essay planning guide including template Essay plan and sample essay ** Mark schemes Mark schemes are provided for: the gapped summary character guide multi-tense exercise A-factor direct-indirect speech exercise themes exercise Answers are NOT given for the questions which are intended to elicit an individual response.


Study Fundbüro in the target language in order to facilitate analysis of the text, practice of key grammatical structures and key vocabulary. These resources in use in most of the top achieving schools in the UK will save you vast amounts of preparation time and include the following items in MS Word and pdf format. Knowedge of the text Page by page vocabulary list hopefully avoiding the need for use of a translation. pdf can be used as an accessible dictionary on a smart phone. Detailed summary of the text with verbs gapped for completion (key vocab for summary given) -includes Mark scheme Detailed questions on each chapter for individual response-no correct version given Grammar in context exercises Character builder exercise encouraging critical thinking around a wide selections of adjectives relating to character traits specific to the novel Quality of language exercises in the context of the novel encouraging use of a wide range of constructions which will add analytical writing-subjunctive, passive etc. Quotations and reported speech exercise- requiring student to match quotations to context and then reproduce in reported speech Examples of key verbs used in the full range of tenses Preparation for essay Matching of key quotations to themes Detailed essay plan demonstrating need for careful planning before starting essay Essay based on the specific plan Useful links Links to websites regarding the life and times of the author and other free resources which may be helpful.
Le petit prince-Antoine de St Exupéry  IB and intensive advanced reading

Le petit prince-Antoine de St Exupéry IB and intensive advanced reading

These resources are designed to help teachers teach the French novel Le petit prince one of the most popular books in the French language and one rich in humour and philosophy. The book richly repays close study. The resources comprise:- a full vocabulary page by page with translation into English a summary with gapped verbs Questions on key aspects in some details Character guide concentrating on adjectives Contextualized grammar: direct indirect speech, multitense exercise, teaching key structures in context-passive, present participle, subjunctive Themes-match quotations to themes. Word files and pdfs provided. Use the pdf of the vocab file on a mobile phone to have an easy to use word bank you can flick through easily.
Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du coran-Eric Emmanuel Schmidt IB and advanced reading

Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du coran-Eric Emmanuel Schmidt IB and advanced reading

These resources are designed to help teachers teach the French novel Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du coran which endeavours to get under the skin of the muslim religion through the eyes of a young Jewish boy. Moving and challenging the novel helps us understand two of the most important world religions. The resources comprise:- a full vocabulary page by page with translation into English a summary with gapped verbs Questions on key aspects in some details Character guide concentrating on adjectives Contextualized grammar: direct indirect speech, multiitense exercise, teaching key structures in context-passive, present participle, subjunctive Themes-match quotations to themes. Word files and pdfs provided. Use the pdf of the vocab file on a mobile phone to have an easy to use word bank you can flick through easily.
Die Physiker -  Friedrich Dürrenmatt

Die Physiker - Friedrich Dürrenmatt

Study Die Physiker in the target language in order to facilitate analysis of the text, practice of key grammatical structures and key vocabulary. These resources in use in most of the top achieving schools in the UK will save you vast amounts of preparation time and include the following items in MS Word and pdf format. Knowledge of the text Page by page vocabulary list hopefully avoiding the need for use of a translation. pdf can be used as an accessible dictionary on a smart phone. Detailed summary of the text with verbs gapped for completion (key vocab for summary given) -includes Mark scheme Detailed questions on each chapter for individual response-no correct version given Grammar in context exercises Character builder exercise encouraging critical thinking around a wide selections of adjectives relating to character traits specific to the novel Quality of language exercises in the context of the novel encouraging use of a wide range of constructions which will add analytical writing-subjunctive, passive etc. Quotations and reported speech exercise- requiring student to match quotations to context and then reproduce in reported speech Examples of key verbs used in the full range of tenses Preparation for essay Matching of key quotations to themes Detailed essay plan demonstrating need for careful planning before starting essay Essay based on the specific plan Useful links Links to websites regarding the life and times of the author and other free resources which may be helpful.
Biedermann und die Brandstifter-Max Frisch

Biedermann und die Brandstifter-Max Frisch

Study Biedermann und die Brandstifter in the target language in order to facilitate analysis of the text, practice of key grammatical structures and key vocabulary. These resources in use in most of the top achieving schools in the UK will save you vast amounts of preparation time and include the following items in MS Word and pdf format. Knowedge of the text Page by page vocabulary list hopefully avoiding the need for use of a translation. pdf can be used as an accessible dictionary on a smart phone. Detailed summary of the text with verbs gapped for completion (key vocab for summary given) -includes Mark scheme Detailed questions on each chapter for individual response-no correct version given Grammar in context exercises Character builder exercise encouraging critical thinking around a wide selections of adjectives relating to character traits specific to the novel Quality of language exercises in the context of the novel encouraging use of a wide range of constructions which will add analytical writing-subjunctive, passive etc. Quotations and reported speech exercise- requiring student to match quotations to context and then reproduce in reported speech Examples of key verbs used in the full range of tenses Preparation for essay Matching of key quotations to themes Detailed essay plan demonstrating need for careful planning before starting essay Essay based on the specific plan Useful links Links to websites regarding the life and times of the author and other free resources which may be helpful.
La casa de Bernarda Alba - comprehensive resources

La casa de Bernarda Alba - comprehensive resources

Overview With a comprehensive gapped summary (with vocab), detailed questions for each chapter and contextualised grammar this resource is a must for A level Spanish leaving you free to concentrate on analysing the novel with your students ** Reading the book in Spanish-vocabulary list** page by page detailed Spanish-English vocabulary list Getting to know the novel Detailed summary of novel with verbs gapped (infinitives given) as well as key vocabulary Comprehensive questions on each scene Character study guide with wide range of adjectives Grammar in context Multi-tense practice tool A-factor builds in practice of more complex structures Direct-indirect speech exercise encourages reported speech Preparing for the essay Matching quotations to themes to prepare for paragraphing Essay planning guide including template Essay plan and sample essay ** Mark schemes Mark schemes are provided for: the gapped summary character guide multi-tense exercise A-factor direct-indirect speech exercise themes exercise Answers are NOT given for the questions which are intended to elicit an individual response.
Como agua para chocolate

Como agua para chocolate

Overview With a comprehensive gapped summary (with vocab), detailed questions for each chapter and contextualised grammar this resource is a must for A level Spanish leaving you free to concentrate on analysing the novel with your students ** Reading the book in Spanish-vocabulary list** page by page detailed Spanish-English vocabulary list Getting to know the novel Detailed summary of novel with verbs gapped (infinitives given) as well as key vocabulary Comprehensive questions on each scene Character study guide with wide range of adjectives Grammar in context Multi-tense practice tool A-factor builds in practice of more complex structures Direct-indirect speech exercise encourages reported speech Preparing for the essay Matching quotations to themes to prepare for paragraphing Essay planning guide including template Essay plan and sample essay ** Mark schemes Mark schemes are provided for: the gapped summary character guide multi-tense exercise A-factor direct-indirect speech exercise themes exercise Answers are NOT given for the questions which are intended to elicit an individual response.


Overview With a comprehensive gapped summary (with vocab), detailed questions for each scene and contextualised grammar this resource is a must for A level Spanish leaving you free to concentrate on analysing the film with your students Getting to know the film Detailed summary of film with verbs gapped (infinitives given) as well as key vocabulary Comprehensive questions on each scene Character study guide with wide range of adjectives Grammar in context Multi-tense practice tool A-factor builds in practice of more complex structures Direct-indirect speech exercise encourages reported speech Preparing for the essay Matching quotations to themes to prepare for paragraphing Essay planning guide including template Essay plan and sample essay ** Mark schemes Mark schemes are provided for: the gapped summary character guide multi-tense exercise A-factor direct-indirect speech exercise themes exercise Answers are NOT given for the questions which are intended to elicit an individual response.