Ex Head Teacher in Special Education, now retired and doing things differently. My resources cover a wide range of school related topics that help to develop staff expertise and wider 'whole school development'. My resources also include numerous PSHE/Life Skill modules I have written and delivered in AP and SE.
Ex Head Teacher in Special Education, now retired and doing things differently. My resources cover a wide range of school related topics that help to develop staff expertise and wider 'whole school development'. My resources also include numerous PSHE/Life Skill modules I have written and delivered in AP and SE.
This resource identifies a number of questions that can be asked of students during a tutorial/review day or simply used to help prompt appropriate and supportive conversation between a tutor and their students.
I wrote this resource for my tutors in a PRU who had to lead student reviews at the end of each term and they found it very helpful in prompting appropriate responses from their students.
A Behaviour Risk Assessment that can be used for targeted students in any provision, but more especially in Special Education and Pupil Referral Units.
A clear and precise template to identify risk and associated interventions that support targeted students.
A useful tool/template that can be completed by students in year 9 - 11, to help them track future career plans and identify the steps they need to take in order for them to achieve their goal.
Help students answer three key questions:
Where are they now?
Where do they want to be in 5 years time?
What do they need to do to get there?
Two key templates that help students to track their progress whilst on work experience which will become more pertinent as schools work to achieve the Gatsby Benchmark.
The trackers were part of a booklet I wrote to accompany students on their work experience and they could form part of your booklet, if indeed the school has one - if not a WEP/WRL booklet is a good way forward. The additional sheet offers introductory guidance for students.
Both trackers could form part of any follow up careers lesson.
The resource contains:
Employability Skills Tracker
WEX reflection template
Your introductory sheet for WEX
How to make the most of your WEX
A 6 week module for KS3 or upper Primary that can be added to any PSHE/British Values Programme. It works students through the need for rules and law in society, expectations in school and in the home, how the law is made and then additional lessons on rights and responsibilities in a modern society.
Aims for the use of this Booklet:
This booklet will help schools support students in developing positive aspirations for the future; the statement produced will help teachers to address the needs of individual students (Gatesby BM 3) and then provide evidence for encounters with employers and employees (Gatesby BM 5) as in Practice Interviews, for example.
A positive Careers statement will serve any young person well and advertise their skills, achievements and experiences to future employers and for College and University applications. This extensive step by step booklet can be used for KS4 and Post 16 students alike, as both age groups would benefit from using such a statement alongside their CV.
The aim of this booklet is to guide students in to writing a Careers Statement, that helps to show off their strengths, personality and achievements during their school career and to bring together the positives of their educational journey to date.
A module of work that can be added to any PSHE/Life Skills Programme which focuses on the topic of Citizenship. It covers such topics as What is Citizenship? Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens and Active Citizenship and Moral Dilemas
Pastoral Leaders use Part time provision for exceptional circumstances often where there is a complete breakdown in school discipline or where the reduced provision will benefit the health and wellbeing of the student.
Such provision needs tracking and auditing; this resource provides you with a visual week by week tracker that identifies student targets and incentives during the reduced provision, that can be used as ongoing evidence for the review process at the end of the agreed time.
This exemplar tracker is set up for a 4 week Programme but it can be adapted to suit student needs - the document can be referred to when staff need to discuss behaviour and the targets with the student.
I also include a recording sheet with this resource.
Using this resource will prove an excellent way to reinforce Behaviour Management expectations for staff. It aligned to our 'Behaviour Slip System of blue and red slips for poor behaviour and reminded staff of when follow up was required, or indeed if they needed to deal with the named ‘behaviour incident’. It stopped staff writing lots of behaviour sips and always passing on issues to pastoral staff or sending students out; it helps to make staff more accountable for what goes on in their classrooms. It can be adapted to suit your own BM protocols.
There are two models added, with the coloured version an update on the first.
It really does work with teachers, as well as proving a useful resource for staff training.
Having introduced a Coaching Programme for my team of teachers and support staff, I was able to witness at first hand the benefits of such a system. This resource includes both the teacher reflection sheet and observers recording sheet that can be used by staff involved in the Coaching Programme.
The sheets can be adapted for use by teachers or indeed support staff.
This is a Year Planner for Assembly Themes (Highlighted in Red on a Monday) and Thought for the Day (For each day during the school year). Although this is one I wrote for the last school year (Dates on Calendar will be for 2019/2020)
it will still provide some creative ideas for assembly themes and thoughts for the day that can be further developed by your tutors or teachers of PSHE.
It is all perfectly laid out on a calendar style template.
I wrote this document/template when I was successful in securing my final Headship before retirement; In addition to key school documents like the SDP/SEF/Raise Online Data etc, It proved a very useful ally when I was exploring all aspects of my new school. Once I had discovered an item on the list I would check it off and identify where I saw it or where it could be found.
This is not an Ofsted related document but a personal template that I found very useful.
This resource consists of a presentation that I wrote and delivered on Differentiation for staff training. The slides explain clearly what differentiation is, how it links to effective learning for all students and the keys ways to differentiate in the classroom. The presentation can be paused at regular intervals so that staff can discuss the points raised.
It formed part of a whole morning training session and so what would be required after the delivery of the Power Point, is an opportunity for colleagues to explore the process of differentiation/ideas in their subject or departmental teams.
Clear advice and guidance to help all teachers re-establish an effective learning environment; this resource identifies key action points for developing effective behaviour management alongside other whole school issues that will support successful student transition back into the classroom.
This is a ‘Bullying Policy’ that I had previously written for my Special School, where it was proven into guiding staff into making decisions around bullying incidents. It aims to give a comprehensive definition in real terms as to the kind of bullying that may be experienced by students in any educational provision.
This is an extensive Curriculum Statement that I wrote for my KS3 Centre (PRU) in readiness for Ofsted; it also proved to be a great reflection tool that enabled us to look at all areas of the curriculum and to assess if it met the needs of our young people.
Any colleague joining a new school/Educational Provision, needs to have access to the best support from colleagues within the first few weeks and beyond. This will often take place via line management structures/coaching systems and other monitoring mechanisms.
This simple template which I designed for use in my Special Needs Provision(PRU) can be used alongside such systems and by Senior Managers and by colleagues themselves, to track early priorities during the induction process.
An Extensive Questionnaire (22 Questions) that can be used for self evaluation within the LSA/TA Support teams or as part of wider school/staff evaluation that informs the school development plan or gives feedback to Senior/Middle Leadership.
This bullying resource includes:
An initiative that can be used to tackle bullying in school - bullying levels.
A bullying contract that can be used with students who are frequent bullies
An exemplar letter that can be sent to parents to help with paper trail regarding any bullying incident
The bullying levels are used to help discourage bullying in school alongside appropriate consequences for those who do bully. For students who are frequent bullies, there is a bullying contract that can be used to further discourage this kind of behaviour and this could be used in conjunction with a parental meeting.
Alongside this is an exemplar of a bullying letter that can be sent to parents.
This is Part 1 of 3 Behaviour Support Programmes.
The BSP 1 is a module of work that can be used with students who are unable to demonstrate effective social skills and frequently allow their emotions to get the better of them, often demonstrating bouts of anger and increased emotion. The module is best suited to be delivered by a Mentor or Behaviour Coach in a 1-1 or small group environment.
It consists of between 4-6 lessons and contains all appropriate worksheets and lesson guidance.