Ex Head Teacher in Special Education, now retired and doing things differently. My resources cover a wide range of school related topics that help to develop staff expertise and wider 'whole school development'. My resources also include numerous PSHE/Life Skill modules I have written and delivered in AP and SE.
Ex Head Teacher in Special Education, now retired and doing things differently. My resources cover a wide range of school related topics that help to develop staff expertise and wider 'whole school development'. My resources also include numerous PSHE/Life Skill modules I have written and delivered in AP and SE.
Middle Leaders are the real drivers of school improvement; they are the heartbeat and engine room of a school and we need to ensure they are fully supported.
This 2 hour training session was delivered to the Middle Leadership Team across the Service, as a starting point for a real focus on their development and it was received very well by the team.
The session initially focuses on the meaning of leadership and the characteristics of good middle leaders, alongside the difference between management and leadership. It then moves to focus on the role of the middle leader and expectations for their role in schools as well as potential training needs for further development.
Feedback on the interactive session was very positive.
An extensive resource that will support you in making wholesale improvements to levels of absence across your school.
More than ever and especially from September when it is hoped that all students can return to school safely, the monitoring and tracking of attendance and student absence, becomes a key priority for Senior Leaders and Pastoral Staff.
Having been a Deputy Head in a school which fell into SM because of poor attendance, I have hands on experience of what it takes to change the culture of school attendance which must include students and all stakeholders across the school.
This pack is focused on sharing…
A whole school Improvement Plan for Attendance - one I actually devised as part of our HMI monitoring.
A whole school 12 page document on actions required to change the culture of attendance across your school, which I had written as part of my work when we were in SM. The document identifies the individual responsibilities of all staff, from form tutors through to senior leaders and Administrative support, to help raise the profile of improving levels of student absence.
A Review document to work alongside your Action Plan to identify the evidence of improvement - real life examples added for you to use.
This pack will compliment my other resource called Monitoring and Tracking School Attendance-Post Lockdown.
The Student Review Book, primarily aimed at year 9 students, provides an extensive document that supports student reflection and action; the plan can be used at the end of a term or at the end of a year, to help the student reflect upon the previous term/year and put thoughts and actions into place for the following term/year.
The plan also provides a focus on Citizenship and how this has been developed by the student over time.
The document can be incorporated into any PSHE or Life Skills Programme or indeed form an integral part in any Tutoring Programme.
Data analysis forms an integral role for almost every teacher. In particular, Senior Leaders will use student data of all kinds across the school to inform actions for whole school development planning.
This resource consists of an in-depth whole school data collection sheet which identifies succinctly the kind of evidence school leaders should be collating. Alongside this is a very helpful template that outlines how your data could be presented; this can be used by HOY who needs to present an end of term/year analysis, an Assistant Head accountable for attendance and behaviour across the school or indeed a Head of Centre or Headteacher who needs to present a well structured analysis of whole school data for governors, for example.
A 6-7 week Year 10/11 Sex Education Module that has been written with a focus on Christian ethos that links to positive relationships, love and marriage.
The module meets the expectations of new RSE guidance and would be an ideal fit into any PSHE or Life Skill Programme. The main focus of the module is as follows:
1.Relationships, family and friends
2. Teenage expectations
3. What is Love?
4. Getting Married
5. Sexual Responsibility
6. The right to say no
Are you a new headteacher or longstanding one, who needs to review practice in their school/provision?
The following 7 page audit designed in diagrammatic format, asks questions of the practice undertaken in your provision so that you and your Leadership Team can reflect and review the current position of the areas identified…those areas for the purpose of this document are:
Curriculum and curriculum development
Teaching, learning and assessment
Behaviour management
Site and resources
Other considerations - like staff and student voice/extra curricular etc.
This is an authentic document that I wrote to help identify my initial priorities as I moved into a new position as head of a special school.
Getting the Thoughts of Your Students is important for ‘Whole School Development’.
This is a 20 question survey encompassing all aspects of school life.
I wrote and distributed this survey at the end of a term, where a new Behaviour and Teaching and Learning policy was introduced. The feedback was invaluable to help us assess how well these policies had started to be embedded; a similar survey was also distributed to the staff.
This comprehensive 10-12 week module can be delivered as part of any Life Skills or PSHE Programme in upper primary or lower KS3 age groups.
The module focuses on supporting students to become more independent in their learning; topics include:
Personal organisation
Time management
Memory work
What a good learner looks like
What good learning looks like
How to manage distractions in learning
What to do when they get stuck
Developing ‘Noticing’ Skills
Identifying strengths
Going for ‘Goal’
A mini-module that I wrote for Life Skills lessons in my role as Head of a PRU. It challenges the students to reflect upon using more appropriate language in and around the school site and to look at alternatives to the inappropriate words students would often use.
This resource can be slotted in at any stage to a PSHE, Life Skills or Citizenship Programme.
This is Part 3 of 3 Behaviour Support Programmes for Students.
The BSP Part 3 is a module of work that can be used with students who are at risk of FTE or indeed have received multiple FTE previously. The work would be ideally suited to students in Alternative Provision/PRU who have made mistakes, but are willing to reflect to try and improve things for themselves. It fits alongside BSP 1 which is also available.
The module consists of 6-8 lessons that cover the following topics:
What do I know about FTE?
Escape to an ideal world
My preferred future
Who is in control?
Making appropriate decisions
Stop, Think, Go
Preferred Outcomes
Looking at stress and me
Are you an NQT or new teacher applying for a new Job?
Following on from my popular Head Teacher draft letter, this one is suited to those at University applying for new jobs or indeed those teachers new to the profession.
This one is aimed at a Primary School application because it is one I wrote for my Daughter in law: good luck with the job hunting!
Are you training your new staff in the basics of Behaviour Management or are you reinforcing appropriate expectations for Managing Behaviour in a whole staff training session? Are you reflecting upon your own Behaviour Management and feel your responses to students could be improved upon or are you a new teacher looking for tips and advice regarding using appropriate language in the classroom?
If so, this resource is perfect for you.
This excellent training/reflective document identifies an extensive list of possible ways students could disrupt learning in the classroom, alongside some less than helpful responses by the teacher…the document then identifies a more appropriate response that helps the teacher to manage the situation more successfully.
The resource identifies more than 20 different scenario’s alongside an opportunity to have ago at some answers for yourself.
A Mini module for students to help them reflect upon their behaviour; it is ideally suited for 1-1 intervention work, although it has been delivered in class, as part of a life skills programme.
The module is based on training in basic behaviour management for staff that I delivered, which I turned on its head to help students reflect upon their actions, by putting them in the shoes of the teacher.
The resource is part of the behaviour management series I have added here that includes, ‘Positive Teacher Language for Behaviour Incidents’, 'Using Appropriate Questions to Re-focus Students and Behaviour Support Packs 1 and 2.
Part 1 of 3 Behaviour Support Packs that have been proven to support improvements in Behaviour.
A five week module of work that can be used as part of a Life Skills Programme or for intensive 1-1 targeted work. The module uses real life examples as identified by the student through reflection, to help modify and improve their future responses and relationships with staff.
The programme aims to support improvements in student behaviour by helping them reflect upon their previous actions and behaviours.
Are you looking to interview for your new Senior Leaders or Assistant Heads and Deputies?
If so, this resource will provide a range of tasks that can be administered for these interviews and give you a range of feedback to help you choose the best candidate for the role.
I have used each of these tasks for SLT interviews in Special Education and they had proved invaluable.
As a bonus I have also added a wide ranging number of interview questions that I feel sure you will find useful.
Are you looking to review job descriptions or to re-define the role of your Tutor Teams? This resource identifies in full what are considered the key roles for the Form Tutor on a day-to day basis. This resource can be used by member of SLT to reinforce, or indeed re-invent the expectations for form tutors in your establishment.
I originally wrote this for my school as the Tutor Period was re-introduced and it identified the guidance as to the expectations for the new role.
An 8 week module for KS3/KS4 or for students in Alternative Provision.
There is a focus on how students develop their own self respect, alongside how respect should be shown for others. The module focuses on…
Respecting others
Students respecting themselves, including a number of self reflection exercises
How to develop self-respect
How others see me (the student)
writing a positive personal statement
Are you involved in organising interviews and need a range of appropriate questions for the candidates - then look no further. This extensive resource provides a range of questions and desired responses for a number of different roles in schools…
Senior Leaders/AHT
Pastoral Roles including Learning Coach/Behaviour Coach
Vocational teachers
LSA/HLTA/Lead TA role
School Council questions
I have also added an additional 'General Questions and Desired Responses resource that will provide appropriate questions for a diverse number of job roles in a school environment.
A module of work that can be easily slotted in to any PSHE or Careers Programme for KS3 or KS4. The module focuses on student aspirations and their hopes for the future; it’s lesson by lesson format helps students to identify their own skills and those which employers may look for. It links in to job adverts and helps students obtain a better understanding of adverts when looking for potential jobs/careers. It concludes with students reflecting upon what it takes to become successful and what they need to do to achieve their life ambitions.
The 5-6 week Problem Solving Module can be added to any Life Skills or PSHE programme and is ready to go, with a lesson by lesson format that identifies all of the teaching activities to be undertaken and the resources required.
The aims for the Module are as follows:
Students will be able to identify a problem within different situations and consider different ways of being able to solve the problem.
Students may be able to Coach others into encouraging different ways of solving problems some students may have.
Students will be asked to discuss some problems that may arise in the workplace or during a part time job and then come up with possible solution
Students will have a knowledge of Benefits and Burdens Analysis
The format is the same as all other modules I have added to my dashboard, that allows non-specialists to be able to pick up the work and deliver it without planning.
The modules I have added, including this one, are ideal as cover work and for use by cover supervisors.