Law and legal studies

Alevel Law - Tort Scenarios: Rylands v Fletcher
A template sample example for a Rylands v Fletcher 25 marker scenario in paper 2 Tort Law

Alevel law: Component One - Section A: The English Legal System
Possible 5 mark questions which could come up in component one (paper one) - 15 markers not included.

Alevel Law: Component One - The English Legal System: Section B
Possible 10 and 15 mark questions which could come up in component one (paper one).

Alevel Law - Tort Scenarios
Templates for all the Alevel law 25 mark tort scenarios from component 2 of Eduqas law. This is a template not a complete answer and will bee need be filled in with the appropriate information from the scenario in the exam.

Alevel Law - Tort Scenarios: occupier’s liability
A template sample example for a occupier’s liability 25 marker scenario in paper 2 Tort Law

Alevel Law - Tort Scenarios: Negligence
A template sample example for a negligence 25 marker scenario in paper 2 Tort Law.

Alevel Law - Tort Scenarios: nuisance
A template sample example for a nuisance 25 marker scenario in paper 2 Tort Law.

Alevel Law - Tort Scenarios: Vicarious liability
A template sample example for a vicarious liability 25 marker scenario in paper 2 Tort Law

Alevel Law - Tort Scenarios: Trespass to land
A template sample example for a trespass to land 25 marker scenario in paper 2 Tort Law

Alevel Law - Tort Scenarios: Remedies
A template sample example for a remedies 25 marker scenario in paper 2 Tort Law