Business and finance

GCSE Business Revision and Challenge cards for OCR GCSE (9-1) J204
More than 150 business challenge cards that can be used to extend students, used as revision activities or given to students to answer at home.
Mini tasks, questions, and statements to think about that can be used as starters, plenaries, flipped learning tasks or homework.
Multiple questions one each of the following topics and sub-topics:
Business activity
1.1 The role of business enterprise and entrepreneurship
1.2 Business planning
1.3 Business ownership
1.4 Business aims and objectives
1.5 Stakeholders in business
1.6 business growth
2.1 The role of marketing
2.2 Market research
2.3 Market segmentation
2.4 The marketing mix
3.1 The role of human resources
3.2 Organisational structures and different ways of working
3.3 Communication in business
3.4 Recruitment and selection
3.5 Motivation and retention
3.6 Training and development
3.7 Employment law
4.1 Production processes
4.2 Quality of goods and services
4.3 The sales process and customer service
4.4 Consumer law
4.5 Business location
4.6 Working with suppliers
5.1 The role of the finance function
5.2 Sources of finance
5.3 Revenue, costs, profit and loss
5.4 Break-even
5.5 Cash and cash flow
Influences on business
6.1 Ethical and environmental considerations
6.2 The economic climate
6.3 Globalisation

Business Studies GCSE (EDEXCEL) Multiple choice questions and definitions
Over 100 multiple choice questions for EDEXCEL GCSE Business Studies (unit 1)
Suitable for tests, games and lessons etc. Hours of preparation goes into these, and they are presented to save you that time.
Also definitions for both unit 1 and unit 3 for EDEXCEL GCSE Business Studies.

Respect Bundle and Assembly resource
A full bundle for a lesson +
** Includes:**
Assembly resource
A huge number of worksheets

GCSE Business Studies Starters for Edexcel (1BS0)
These starters are designed to take the effort out of planning for the 2017 Edexcel GCSE in Business Studies (1BS0). Designed for theme one, this represents over 50 different pictures. You can display the large image and ask the students their opinion about both the image and the topic in hand. The other slide is a cline around creating degrees of intensity - this is great for showing literacy in your lessons and enhancing the value of the time you have with your students.
The idea is to provide you with a great start to your lesson with the least preparation time possible.
1.1 Enterprise and entrepreneurship
1.2 Spotting a business opportunity
1.3 Putting a business idea into practice
1.4 Making the business effective
1.5 Understanding external influences on business

Showing enterprise innovation invention lesson GCSE Business Studies (Edexcel)
A full lesson covering showing enterprise, and how that would work for a tyre repair supplier.
Covers invention, taking a calculated risk and other important enterprise skills.

GCSE Business Studies Revision and Challenge cards
150 business challenge cards that can be used to extend students, used as revision activities or given to students to answer at home.
Designed for the 2009 Edexcel GCSE in Business Studies (2BS01) and covers the following topics:
1.1 spotting a business opportunity
1.2 Showing enterprise
1.3 Putting a business idea into practice
1.4 Making the start-up effective
3.1 Marketing
3.2 Meeting Customer Needs
3.3 Effective financial management
3.4 Effective people management
3.5 The wider world
Business in 2017
These cards are based on the topics that are examined in GCSE Business Studies as end of class plenaries, extension tasks or flipped homework tasks.

Christmas Game - GCSE Business Studies (Putting an idea into practice)
A Christmas-themed game for GCSE Business Studies.
Contains everything you need to run this game session.
It is helpful if students know something about cash flow and the unit putting an idea into practice.
Full instructions are provided.

20 Christmas Business Studies lesson ideas
20 ideas; full lesson can be built from them, some are suitable as starters or fun mini-sessions within your lesson.
John Lewis
Black Friday
Retail deathwatch
This year
A costs presentation
Break even
Campaign video
Break even point
Mutiny in Wonderland
Business missing words
Top 10 Christmas songs
Santa's PPP
10 minute in groups (motivation)
Suggest motivation
Organisation structures
Largest company
Minimum wage
Meeting customer needs
Just for fun..

Intellectual Property (Copyright, Patents and Trademarks) for Business Studies
A stand alone lesson designed for GCSE business studies covering the different intellectual property available to business, but
would also be suitable for As and A2.
Full worksheet and presentation is in this lesson.

Business Studies (Edexcel 1BS0) Topical Events - Xmas, Easter and Christmas events
125 slides that give ideas for starters and ideas for events throughout the year.
They are organised into the following topics:
1.1 Enterprise and entrepreneurship
1.2 Spotting a business opportunity
1.3 Putting a business idea into practice
1.4 Making the business effective
1.5 Understanding external influences on business
Each subtopic has the reference to the syllabus.

Customer Needs exercise: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Customer needs exercise
Specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Part of 1.2.1 Customer Needs

Business definitions Revision Game for OCR GCSE (9-1) J204
Test definitions with this great game in a “blockbusters” style.
Full interactive resource (it uses PowerPoint) and questions. Fantastic, well received by students and minimum planning for you!

GCE A Level Business Studies Revision Multiple Choice Questions for AQA
More than 100 A Level Business Studies multiple choice questions.
One copy has no answers, one copy has the correct answer highlighted in bold.

Meeting Customer Needs Revision for GCSE Business Studies (Edexcel)
Full session for GCSE Business Studies for Edexcel. Includes full worked exam question, activities and videos.
Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c40E-laX25k

McDonald's Case study - Introduction to the marketing mix (GCSE Business Studies)
A subtle introduction to the marketing mix.
Uses a case study about McDonald’s, franchising and touches on qualities of being an entrepreneur.
This resource is not affiliated, recommended or approved by McDonald’s. The McDonald’s trade mark is used under the permitted use in the UK for criticism, review and reporting current events. https://www.gov.uk/using-somebody-elses-intellectual-property/copyright

Business Studies GCSE Effective people management Unit
Designed for Edexcel Busines Studies
Contains materials for:
- Organisation structures
- Communication
- Motivation
- Renumeration

Business Studies GCSE meeting customer needs unit
Designed for Edexcel.
A unit with resources for all of the following;
a) Introduction to Customer Needs
b) Stock Control
c) Design and R and D
d) Quality
e) Competitiveness
f) Customer Service
g) Consumer Protection Laws

Diamond Ranking Grid
This is a classic diamond ranking grid. The students can rank some concepts into order.
Better still, the students can be given a case study, develop their own list of concepts and then order them .
You can use this in different ways:
• Print out the sheets
• Print out concepts for students to arrange on the printed sheets
• Print out the concepts and get students to arrange without the template
• Project a completed sheet onto an interactive whiteboard and get the students to drag the boxes around
• Enlarge the sheet onto A3 and get them laminated. Students can then use the sheets with a pack of Whiteboard pens to enable a wipe clean board.

Voting cards for multiple choice questions
Used to vote for multiple choice questions (for example Edexcel Unit 1 Business Studies questions).
Print in colour. Cut in half between the letters. Fold so notes page is on the other side to the letter. Laminate.
Give to students with a whiteboard marker so they can explain their answers on the back.

The most risky businesses presentation and homework
A short presentation and homework about the most risky businesses.
Class-tested resource to pick up a homework about the risks that Tesla face. Presentation covers the most risky businesses....