Business and finance

GCE A Level Business Studies Multiple Choice Questions for AQA (Legacy spec)
More than 100 A Level Business Studies multiple choice questions.
One copy has no answers, one copy has the correct answer highlighted in bold.
Possible uses include games, revision sessions and so on.

GCE AS Level Business Studies Multiple Choice Questions (Unit 1) for AQA
AS Level Business Studies multiple choice questions.
One copy has no answers, one copy has the correct answer highlighted in bold.
Possible uses include games, revision sessions and so on

Showing Enterprise GCSE Business Studies bundle
Showing Enterprise bundle.
Contains the Whole unit and the revision materials and extra lessons.
Created for Edexcel GCSE Business Studies, more than suitable for other similar qualifications.

Santa seeks Finance - Christmas lesson Putting a business idea into practice GCSE Business Studies
How is Santa going to ensure that he can pay his elves this holiday season? Students will learn through this lesson covering some topics from putting a business idea into practice (GCSE Business Studies - Edexcel)

Putting a Business Idea into practice GCSE Business Studies bundle
Putting a Business Idea into practice .
Contains the Whole unit and the revision materials and extra lessons.
Created for Edexcel GCSE Business Studies, more than suitable for other similar qualifications.

Santa's Angels Business Studies GCSE Christmas Game
Christmas themed Business Studies GCSE game. Links in with many GCSE topics including profit, negotiating, risk, teamwork and strategy.

GCSE Business Studies - without the planning
2009 Edexcel GCSE in Business Studes (2BS01)
These resources will save you hours of planning. Better still - they are aligned to the 2009 Edexcel GCSE in Business Studes (2BS01)
36 Business Studies lesson ideas
GCSE Business studies starters
GCSE Business Studies Revision and Challenge cards

GCSE Business Studies Starters
These starters are designed to take the effort out of planning your business studies course. Use over 50 different pictures; display the large image and ask the students their opinion about both the image and the topic in hand. The other slide is a cline around creating degrees of intensity - this is great for showing literacy in your lessons.
The idea is to provide you with a great start to your lesson with the least preparation time possible.
1.1 spotting a business opportunity
1.2 Showing enterprise
1.3 Putting a business idea into practice
1.4 Making the start-up effective
3.1 Marketing
3.2 Meeting Customer Needs
3.3 Effective financial management
3.4 Effective people management
3.5 The wider world
Business today

GCSE Business studies people management complete pack
GCSE Business studies people management complete pack

Homework strategies for GCSE Business Studies
A short selection of homework strategies for GCSE Business Studies
It is recommended to buy this resources as part of the bundle GCSE business studies - without the planning.

Impact of the Government and the EU on Business GCSE Business Studies
Presentation covering impact of the Government and the EU

Consumer Protection Poster: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Consumer protection poster
Designed for specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)

Consumer Protection: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Material on Consumer Protection.
Specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Part of section 1.5.3 Legislation and business

National Minimum wage: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Material on the national minimum wage.
Specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
1.5.3 Legislation and business
Contains activities and presentation for your students.

Stakeholders: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Material on the Stakeholders. Presentation with all the materials you need, ready to go.
Specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Part of section 1.5.5 External influences

Business Cycle and Economic Growth: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Material on the business cycle and economic growth.
Specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Part of section 1.5.4 The economy and business

Exchange rates: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Material on Exchange rates.
Specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Part of section 1.5.4 The economy and business

What is a business plan: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
What is a business plan worksheet
Specification: GCSE Business for Edexcel (9-1) (1BS0)
Part of section 1.5.4 Business plans