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Photoshop flashcards
Flashcards in colour designed to be cut in half and treasury tagged.
Vector and Bitmap images
Selection tools
Add a new layer
Duplicate Layer
Spot healing tool
Image adjustment layer
Combining images

Computer Science success certificate
This is a certificate that you can use in classes to celebrate success.
Easy to personalise (you don’t need special software). Presented in both Black and white and colour.
Print as many as you need for your class: perhaps even laminate them and get them to stick into their homework diaries or planners.

CARL FRIEDRICH GAUSS maths and Science WebQuest
Students can discover more about Carl Friedrich Gauss in a fun and interactive way.
Zero preparation for the teacher!
Gauss is considered to be a master of mathematics, revolutionizing number theory. He also contributed to physical sciences.
Students respond to open-ended questions in this nicely presented resource.

Mindfulness Assembly / Lesson Presentation
A beautiful mindfulness presentation with 18 slides that is designed to be used for either an assembly or a session.
Mindfulness is incredibly important in a busy school; but how can we educate our young people in such a skill?
Perhaps stress levels have risen during tests and exams, and you have seen behaviour go downhill.
Use this fantastic resource to raise awareness of mindfulness, and encourage your students to use the enclosed techniques to manage their stress levels and improve both their behaviour and wellbeing.
New for 2019 - included a fun weekly log for students to practice mindfulness with.

Positive Thinking and Growth Mindset Assembly
Designed for KS3 but easily modified to deliver to KS2 or KS4.
Positive thinking is important for our students. This assembly does not come with a script, but is 15 slides that are fairly self-explanatory and you can change or add to as you see fit according to your own style.
This assembly helps you to help the students think about their attitudes and thinking.

General Election 2017 and Government Webquest
British Prime Minister Theresa May called a General Election for 8th June 2017.
This web quest, suitable for KS2 and KS3 is a great way to have a discussion, or for you to use up those few extra minutes in a computer room.

Python Christmas Xmas night
A worksheet for Python 3.x for Christmas - make a Xmas night picture.
No Presentation for this, I'd give them the files and the worksheet and let them do it!
Students will find this easier if they know something about variables, loops and preferably functions (although they can always look things up on the web to get this working)

Python Cheat sheets Basic + Advanced (2.6 and 3.4)
Basic Python poster cheat sheets.
Designed for version 2.6 and 3.4.
Also contains a Python data types poster.
Python basics (2.6 and 3.4.2)
Python advanced (2.6 and 3.4.2)
Python data types

GCSE Business Revision and Challenge cards for OCR GCSE (9-1) J204
More than 150 business challenge cards that can be used to extend students, used as revision activities or given to students to answer at home.
Mini tasks, questions, and statements to think about that can be used as starters, plenaries, flipped learning tasks or homework.
Multiple questions one each of the following topics and sub-topics:
Business activity
1.1 The role of business enterprise and entrepreneurship
1.2 Business planning
1.3 Business ownership
1.4 Business aims and objectives
1.5 Stakeholders in business
1.6 business growth
2.1 The role of marketing
2.2 Market research
2.3 Market segmentation
2.4 The marketing mix
3.1 The role of human resources
3.2 Organisational structures and different ways of working
3.3 Communication in business
3.4 Recruitment and selection
3.5 Motivation and retention
3.6 Training and development
3.7 Employment law
4.1 Production processes
4.2 Quality of goods and services
4.3 The sales process and customer service
4.4 Consumer law
4.5 Business location
4.6 Working with suppliers
5.1 The role of the finance function
5.2 Sources of finance
5.3 Revenue, costs, profit and loss
5.4 Break-even
5.5 Cash and cash flow
Influences on business
6.1 Ethical and environmental considerations
6.2 The economic climate
6.3 Globalisation

20 Computing and ICT Christmas lesson ideas (KS3)
20 ideas that encompass the Computing Programmes of study for KS3. Some of these ideas are really great, and a full lesson can be built from them, some are suitable as starters or fun mini-sessions within your lesson.
Decorate a Christmas Tree
Christmas Myths
Create a spreadsheet model
A Christmas story in 2016
12 days of Christmas Cost
Create a poster
Programming – 12 days of Christmas song
12 days of Christmas – presents programming
Celebrations around the world
Solving problems
Naughty or nice
Just for fun…

Pokémon GO Viruses, Malware Computing lesson for KS3 and KS4
Students learn about how installing Apps onto mobile phones needs some consideration.
Learning objectives:
o Be aware that Apps from alternative sources may not be safe
o Understand that you exchange some element of privacy in exchange for using Apps on a phone
The narrative flow of the lesson follows the following:
• How malware is installed on computers
• How malware is social engineering - making people install Pokémon go from other sources is dangerous
• Pokémon Go is actually known as malware for some people!
• Pokémon Go was just the type of App that people were excited to get they would take risks for: but was this worth it?

Straight line graphs (GCSE Maths revision)
Straight line graphs worksheet and answers for GCSE maths. The idea behind this is that there is no teacher preparation required!

HTML Poster and Tips / Cheat sheet collection
A collection of HTML and CSS posters. Suitable for both KS3 and GCSE levels of ICT / Computing / Computer Science. Useful not only to have on classroom walls but also can be reproduced and handed to your students.
Recommended to laminate and to reuse (to help save the environment).
Includes poster covering the following topics:
Basic html tags
HTML colours (infographic)
Anatomy of an HTML page